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Lord of the Rings Q & A

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Well since there is now less than a week until the epic conclusion of one the greatest cinamatic trilogies of all time. I decided to post up a little question and answer thread on the boards. Sure it's not releated to trek but I've found that many of us are quite interested in Lord of the Rings (LOTR, it gets quite tiresome to type it out all the time B)). I thought this was a good idea, since last weekend, when I sat through both the Extended Editions of Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers with my sister. She had about a billion questions about some of the specifics things in the movie.


I have read all three of books simulatenously, including the appendices at the end of Return of the King. I've also read The Silmarillion (more on that later) and the Unfinished Tales (Not really relevant to the books but just provides some specifics on them). And of course the book responsible for them all, The Hobbit.


Now don't be shy to ask a question even if you think it's a silly one (I keep getting one about who is Saruman and Sauron, sure it's annoying to answer, but people just get the two confused). If anyone else wants to answer any questions, as long as they are 100% sure they are right, go ahead. But just don't jump to conlusions. As a forwarning my elvish is just horrible and I've read the Silmarillion but it was a while ago that I did so my knowledge of the First Age of Middle Earth is a little rusty ( I don't remember much of the specifics) but I still remember a lot of it.


If you don't have a question feel free to post a comment about what you've thought of the last two movies, since I just love hearing other's insight. Sure as a Ringer (as we are called) I am annoyed a little by some of Peter Jackson's decisions about the movies. I understand though that it is all for the sake of cinema and I applaud him for doing the books justice and for created three(I've seen two but I keep hearing rave reviews from critics on the third) amazing movies.


I'll be posting up a review as soon as I've seen ROTK (which will most like be either on the 16th or the 17th depends on my finals) it will be half non-spoilerish and half spoilerish. But you'll get fair warning on when to stop reading when I post it.


Now any question you have about the LOTR movies is fair game.


Well everyone ask away! B)

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The series is very good. I have only read the second book but have seen all the movies. My favorite movie would be the Two Towers. A lot of good battle scenes and a lot of action.

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A lot of good battle scenes and a lot of action.

Very true. But wait until you witness the Battle of Pelennor Fields. One of the greatest battles ever fought in Middle Earth. It is going to truly dwarf Helm's Deep. Just wait and see B). I'm not allowed to say anything else about the battle( I took an oath not to give away too many spoilers). But like I said most of us will soon see. B)

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Ill here all about it. My brother is obbesed with the series and so is my mom. So we'll probaly be going to see it the first day it comes out.

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Didn't see it.

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Didn't see it.

I'm sorry to hear that. I would have to recommend that you see all the movies. But I wouldn't recommend going and seeing Return of the King since you'd be pretty lost. But don't pass up on these great movies. Just watch them at home when you get the chance B) B)

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Very true. But wait until you witness the Battle of Pelennor Fields. One of the greatest battles ever fought in Middle Earth. It is going to truly dwarf Helm's Deep. Just wait and see B). I'm not allowed to say anything else about the battle( I took an oath not to give away too many spoilers). But like I said most of us will soon see. B)

Yeah considering the fact that this time it's close to 200,000 orks and Uruk-Hai.

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I'm sorry to hear that. I would have to recommend that you see all the movies. But I wouldn't recommend going and seeing Return of the King since you'd be pretty lost. But don't pass up on these great movies. Just watch them at home when you get the chance B) B)



DON'T watch Lord of the Rings UNTIL you first experience Tolkien first hand. He is an amazing writer and part of the dying breed of quality writing that doesn't mesh all that well with today's readers. I've read the series a few times now and each time I am blown away by the superior writing quality. Is it in the leagues of Homer, Vergil and Milton? Probably not. Does it have many of the literary qualities of those epic authors? Sure does.


And to think that Tolkien was good friends with C.S. Lewis blows my mind. The Chronicles of Narnia series, although not as dense as LOTR, also comes with my recommendation.

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Ive read the Hobbit. After my moms friend borrowed it and finally returned it after a month.

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DON'T watch Lord of the Rings UNTIL you first experience Tolkien first hand.  He is an amazing writer and part of the dying breed of quality writing that doesn't mesh all that well with today's readers.  I've read the series a few times now and each time I am blown away by the superior writing quality.  Is it in the leagues of Homer, Vergil and Milton? Probably not.  Does it have many of the literary qualities of those epic authors? Sure does. 


Praise it Grom! Praise it! B) Tolkien is truly an amazing author. It's a shame not many of his sort of breed are still around. You can only wish B). But I would go with what Grom said. Sure the books are all long and you'll more than likely will get lost reading them. But they are just so amazing the second or third time you read them. But I know that a lot of us won't read either because we don't have the time or it's just not our cup of tea. :)


But if you ever get the opportunity just read the books (either after or before the movies, even though I don't know if someone could read them all in less than a week) I would say go for it. You'd be amazed at what you can imagine and equally amazed at how much work Tolkien but into these books. :)

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A very good author indeed. Im trying to find more of his books.

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A very good author indeed. Im trying to find more of his books.

Good luck with that one Tino B). The only non-LOTR book that I know Tolkien wrote was "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight". I thought someone told once he wrote another non-LOTR book but I didn't think it was true and if it was I don't remember what it was called. Those are pretty much your options that are beyond LOTR. I can't comment on Sir Gawain since I never read the book so on that one your up the creek without a paddle B).

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No wonder why I wasnt having to much luck finding any others. Ill probaly have to special order one on the internet from som book place.

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631 minutes?! :) Though I am sure, there will be potty breaks, that's still alot of time in those uncomfortable movie theatre seats! I hope you get in early and find a good seat Blu. (and also that the theatre you're going to has good seats) I remember seeing The Two Towers in the theatre in the fourth row. Ohh.. my back and neck were aching after that. Anyways, can't wait for the ROTK. I have the LOTR trilogy books at home, and I am halfway through the ROTK. Sorry, no questions of Lord of the Rings from me. :)

Edit: 631 minutes in a movie theatre.. that's just inhumane! I honestly don't think I, or my bladder can stand that. lol. B) Have fun Blu, and you say life is good now, but can you say that the day after? B)

PS. Tino, you can probably find those Tokien books on eBay.

Edited by Seiben

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OOOOOO!!!!!! Blu I am insanely jealous of you!! I wanted Trilogy Tuesday tickets so bad!!! I have to settle on just seeing ROTK Tuesday Night at 12:01(technically Wednesday) or waiting till Wednesday morning.......::Falls over and dies:: That's too long of a wait for me!!!


::Glares at Blu, still insanly jealous. Thinking she just made 'the list':: B) B)


BTW Happy Birthday Blu! :)

Edited by John_Anderson

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Good luck with that one Tino B). The only non-LOTR book that I know Tolkien wrote was "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight". I thought someone told once he wrote another non-LOTR book but I didn't think it was true and if it was I don't remember what it was called. Those are pretty much your options that are beyond LOTR. I can't comment on Sir Gawain since I never read the book so on that one your up the creek without a paddle B).

Well, I know he and Lewis and other notable authors shared short stories with each other. He also has some religious material out there.

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Those movies are extremely long. I ended up falling asleep during the TT and had to finish the rest of it in the morning.

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Those movies are extremely long. I ended up falling asleep during the TT and had to finish the rest of it in the morning.

LOL!! What did you expect Tino? The books are long so the movies would logically be long as well B). It's a pity to think that there are 4 chapters in total that weren't even put in TTT. But they are going to wind up in the ROTK. Scary eh?? Not really, but like Blu said 631 minutes all together for the two Extended Editions and ROTK. You better make sure you watch them early enough not to fall asleep B)

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They probably will though. Maybe not next year, but some day.. kinda seems logical to me.

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Very. Since its how the whole thing started in the first place. They should have made it first though.

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Im suprised they didnt make a movie on the Hobbit.

You can thank Christopher Tolkien, J.R.R.'s son, for that one. He doesn't want to Hobbit to made into a movie or anything. He is trying to stop them from doing it to, as he was quoted, perseve the image of The Hobbit.


I don't know why he has taken this stance but I'm sure he has his reason. PJ and Ian McKellen said that they would be onaboard for The Hobbit. But we'll have to wait and see.


I for one and one of those people that believes the Hobbit would best be fit as a T.V. miniseries. I'm sure P.J. and McKellen would still be up to doing it. It was just work perfectly. IMO. B)

Edited by John_Anderson

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I rather see it as a movie. But buisness is buisness. Its the sons books now and he has the right to keep them from making a movie on it.

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I rather see it as a movie.

Well the reason I say it would be better suited as a miniseries is that the Hobbit has a lot of stories all put into one. So if they sliced them all up and turned them into a miniseries it would be easier for people to follow. That and there are a good amount of parts that they could end some of the episodes that would be thought of as Cliffhangers. And they are really good cliffhangers. B). If it was just turned into one big movie then I wouldn't doubt that a lot of people would wind up a little confused and overpowered by all of different stories that are put into the Hobbit. (I don't know why. But I have a gut feeling they would be B))

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