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Travis Kroells

So close, yet so far away

“So close, only so far away” Kroells’s logs (log 56)




A nameless star, a five planet system, and one disgruntled chief of science. It was all that it took. Why did he tell him that it could have been a way out…They were two months from home, but with a simple movement of the ship, their ten years away again.


Travis slowly shook his head and looked down at the scans of this hidden star system, knowing that he couldn’t let his own incompetence get in the way now. Let’s see where to start, The star of course, where else. Travis let the information flow through him, realizing that he had just discovered a star system of sorts…well the ship…but he saw it first…


A nice large orange star, larger, but at the same time cooler then the star of the sol system. It also naturally exerts more gravity, which is presents the odd situation that there’s only five planets in this system…maybe not enough raw materials and gases to make more planets the billions of years ago when every thing was built, but that was unlikely.


The first planet in the system is what appears to be a class J. The diameter roughly appears to be 8,700 Km in length. No moisture detected as of yet, the close proximity to the star most likely burned most of it up, along with its atmosphere, all that appears to be on that hunk of rock is a couple of crater scars, and patches of methane gas.


The next planet would be classified as a class I. The surface conditions much resemble that of Earths moon, no atmosphere, or water is present. Travis sighed as he looked on to the next planet, hoping something more interesting then the first two.


Hmm…the third planet is a class F…Odd…Class F, and its prerequisite class E is cooling planets still forming after a planets creation. Class F planets surface is highly crystalline, and very thin, like a thin coat covering a molten inside…highly odd considering the first two planets, which would be considered “finished” This planet has to be at least a billion years younger then the other two…something’s odd here, and Travis felt he’d find more as he went.


The next planet only added to this odd system, a class S, otherwise known as a star planet. This planets diameter is about 100 million Km in length, which is why it gets its name. Due to high surface and core temperature, this huge gas giant is only missing a couple of components to becoming an actual star. This thing had dozens of moons, but one of them out shined the others. This thing was about 900 Km in diameter, the size of a small planet, it had a huge crater in it, the impact crater highly deformed, most likely from molten mantle spilling out…Jesus, there was a small moon orbiting that thing! How was that possible…it just didn’t add up…


And finally the toping on the cake…A class N planet. It’s roughly 11,000 Km in diameter, with only 2% land surface, the rest was a vast ocean…in fact the only land mass, was a 220 Km continent in the northern hemisphere. There was also some sort of a metallic ring orbiting over the equator of the planet…a docking ring maybe…it looked man made, or rather alien made. There was some sort of large metallic object there…a building…no…pointing up too high…a weapon? Cannon!? A thought struck Travis’s head…but there was no way it was possible…Could that cannon had done to that huge moon orbiting the Super giant next to it?


Or was that moon…a planet to start with…That cannon could have done that…and that Super giants gravity could have pulled it into it’s orbit…it’s large enough…all it would of needed was a push in the right direction…


Nothing here made sense…the Class F, at least a billion years younger then all the other planets, the huge Class S in the middle of the system, the moon orbiting it…and that Class N at the end…He needed to talk to the captain and the commander as soon as possible…things didn’t add up at all.

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