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Cmdr Ayers

Promises Made

Co-written with the Captain.


Nick glances up as the Cardassians beam aboard. For a split second his mind goes back to when during the war a group of Cardassians had beamed aboard his ship. Just as quickly he reminds himself that this time the Cardassians did not have murderous intent. He pushes himself to his feet and steps towards the lead Cardassian. He says "I'm the First Officer here. A lot of my crew, including the Captain, needs medical attention. We also need to secure the station and will need assistance with repairs so we'll need everyone you can spare." Nick pauses momentairly and then says in a cold matter of fact tone "And I want one of your Galor class ships to accompany my ship. We have some hunting to do, I would like your assistance in tracking down who did this to us..before they attack someone else."


Without waiting for the expected objection, Nick switches his attention to Demore. "Lieutenant, contact Mr. Gabrel, Mr. Andrews and either Doctor Images or Doctor Sheepy and have them and yourself beam over to the Pandora's Box with me. Round up a skeleton crew for her as well."


       The Cardassian stood, not moving and simply folded his arms. "My orders are to protect this station until your Starfleet arrives. My ships aren't going anywhere and none of my people are helping fix your station. It's a good thing you and your superior, wherever he is, weren't in charge during the war. We'd had been the victors...", he mumbled.


Nick looks back at the Cardassian, managing to keep from decking the arrogant son of a..... Nick draws himself up to his full height which is still at least an inch shorter then the Cardassian. "The war is over, Gul," Nick refrains from saying "and you lost it." but he does say "...and now we have a new enemy to deal with. An enemy that managed to do a lot of damage to this station. Imagine what that enemy could do to your ships or to your planets. I would think that you would have as much interest in finding out who did this and stopping them as we do. As for helping repair this station that is also in your interest. There are more then a few Cardassians aboard and this station is central to the rebuilding of your world. Not to mention the fact that if this station blows up your ships will be destroyed by the shockwave and quite possibly a large chunk of the station might head in the direction of Cardassia Prime. Helping to repair the station is helping to protect it." Nick turns to walk away but then turns back "Oh and did I forget to mention that we were the ones that stuck around and evacuated your entire planet when we all thought it was going to blow up? Using your reasoning my people and I should have walked away. How fortunate for your people, Gul, that we chose otherwise."


Nick watches the reaction in the Gul's eyes to what he had said. Just when the Gul is about to say something Nick smiles and says "Have your ships stay here if you want, Gul, I can certainly understand the choice. I will make sure to thank your government for your assistance. It'll reflect well on your record I'm sure."


Nick turns his attention to Lieutenant Quark and says "Until the Captain or Commander Hawke are on their feet, I'm leaving you in charge here. Send an update to Starfleet and request that they send reinforcments. Also request that they send at least one ship to rendevous with the Pandora."


Nick glances at Mr. Demore "Energize when you're ready, Lieutenant."


While waiting for the transporter beam to activate, Nick glances at the Cardassian's. As he does so he remembers something Terra, his sister, had said about the Dominion and the Cardassian's during the war, "They are a dying people's, we should let them pass."


Nick had pointed out to her at the time that the same exact thing could be said of them. The debate that had followed had been his sister's true intent. A means of providing the outlet for the anger and rage she had sensed from her elder brother as he saw people he knew and cared about go to their eternal rest because of the Cardassians and the Dominion.


       The Gul stood there motionless, his arms still folded. The tall figure of a man groaned slightly and glanced to the figure to his left. In response, this subordinate nodded slightly and walked away..pulling out some form of a communicator. "You shall have an escort, Commander Ayers of station that's still an occupational force. Should it get destroyed, I will have this station on a...what do you say...platter?"


As the transporter beam takes a hold of Nick, he spears the Cardassian with a glare. He thinks "Only over my dead body will you harm them." as he disappears.

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