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Au travail!

Donning his EVA suit, Seiben and the others embark out the airlock and onto the Republic's outer hull. They split up, and Seiben goes over to the naccelles to insepect the damage caused by their "accident". The Republic and another unidentified ship, coliided and sent the Republic off course. 2147 lightyears and over 200 years in the future. According to Seiben and Kwai's scans. That's just wonderful! Thinks Seiben. Trapped in the Gamma Quadrant and shunted into teh future, Seiben feels like he's in Jules Verne's 1889 novel, The Time Machine. Seiben activates his magnetic boots and walks along the Republic's massive hull. Checking over the nacceles, Seiben detects no damage. The engines seemed to run fine in Seiben's opinion. Looking over the nacceles, Seiben doesn't think there's any problems. The shields must have cushioned the damage. He thinks. "Seiben to Engineering, I don't detect any problems with the naccelles." Seiben says. "Okay, sir. How's everything else?" Ensign Mc Duff said. "So far so good, Angus. Proveeding to check the rest of the bottom hull, then I will rendevous with the others. Seiben out." Seiben walks upside down on the bottom hull, and inspects the damage. Seiben sees some scratches on the paint, but not major enough to cause structal failures. Seiben surmises. Since he used to be an engineer here on the Republic, Seiben can tell these sort of things. Walking across the hll, Seiben climbs a ladder to rendesvous with the others, and report the scratches. Some people have no consideration, he thinks cursing the ship that jumped ahead of them. Probably a Ferengi or Cardassian. Seiben shakes his head and climbs up the ladder. He walks over to the other people scanning on the top. Seiben hopes, but doesn't think anyone will think it's Seiben's fault, hitting the other ship. Seiben shakes it off, and walks to the others.

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