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USS Excalibur, 02/02/25, 10:30 PM ET



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Holodeck / excalibur
USS Excalibur - Sundays 10:30 ET - Command Staff: (CO) Cptn Swain, (XO) CdrMirandaHawthorne
Between 2/2/2025 9:35 PM and 2/2/2025 10:40 PM
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 9:35 PM
MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur has entered the Beardmore Cluster, a grouping of stars that stradles the Alpha and Beta Quadrants on the edge of "explored" space. Their eventual mission will be to map several systems in the region, but first have been tasked with dropping off supplies at a science station in orbit of one of three stars in the Erebus-76 system.
9:36 PM
When we last left off -- several crates of a highly volatile substance had gone missing. Will and Clark had an idea for how to find it, since the material that the substance is stored in block sensor scans.
9:36 PM
Meanwhile, Medical was sorting out several supply crates that had mixed Excalibur's supplies with those being brought to the station.
9:37 PM
William Chocox 2/2/2025 9:37 PM
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 9:38 PM
A few hours, we'll assume you've made some progress in setting up the internal sensors.
William Chocox 2/2/2025 9:39 PM
COMPUTER BOT 2/2/2025 9:39 PM
=starfleet======= BEGIN SIM =======starfleet=
9:39 PM
=starfleet======= BEGIN SIM =======starfleet=
9:39 PM
=starfleet======= BEGIN SIM =======starfleet=
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 9:40 PM
Clark> In engineering, having calmed down from decfon1 to defcon 1.5, he was nervously pacing behind Will
William Chocox 2/2/2025 9:41 PM
“You’re wearing a hole in my deck plating.” fingers were typing away at his console (edited)
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 9:41 PM
Rex> Waits in the lift. His bridge shift had just ended and he was eager to get something to eat and then sprawl out on his couch. He'd got a new book while they were on station and he'd been enjoying that as well.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 2/2/2025 9:42 PM
Ens Reynolds> ::still transferring crates and supplies, ticking them off as they went::
William Chocox 2/2/2025 9:44 PM
“And it’s not going to help us find the materials.”
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 9:46 PM
Clark> Pauses. Then continues. The carpet on the Excalibur is made from high-quality sythentics. You could phaser this stuff and it won't burn.
William Chocox 2/2/2025 9:47 PM
sighs “I’m almost done writing the program for the sensors. That also wasn’t the point.” (edited)
Indaura Ryssan 2/2/2025 9:48 PM
These supplies...
9:49 PM
I will have to write a strongly worded letter.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 2/2/2025 9:50 PM
Ens Reynolds> ::glances at the doctor and wanders over:: How much you have left?
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 9:51 PM
Raine> Smirks, looks up to Reynolds, who they'd not met yet.
9:51 PM
Clark> Stops. Why would anyone take them out of the cargo bay anyway? I've been running that thought around in my head.
9:52 PM
Clark> Looks around. You don't have any uh... special projects going on do you?
9:52 PM
Clark> I heard one fo the former Excalibur Chiefs built a cloaking device.
William Chocox 2/2/2025 9:52 PM
pauses his typing for a second before continuing. “Not that involve containers of material that I’m not allowed to know what is in them. And don’t believe everything you hear.”
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 9:55 PM
Clark> Looks unconvinced about the last part.
Indaura Ryssan 2/2/2025 9:55 PM
About forty pieces.
William Chocox 2/2/2025 9:55 PM
“Besides, only about half of what you’ve heard is true.”
CdrMirandaHawthorne 2/2/2025 9:56 PM
Ens Reynolds> ::smiles at Raine and then nods to Indaura:: Oh, need help? I'm almost done with these crates.
Indaura Ryssan 2/2/2025 9:56 PM
In the end I can't be sure if this is 100% right.
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 9:58 PM
Clark> Still unconvinced but lets it go. Anyway. How are you coming with the changes?
William Chocox 2/2/2025 9:59 PM
finishing with a couple flourishes. “I do believe I have it finished. Assuming you’re done trying to make a ditch in Engineering.”
Indaura Ryssan 2/2/2025 10:00 PM
:: Scanning and placing pieces in the right places ::
CdrMirandaHawthorne 2/2/2025 10:03 PM
Ens Reynolds> Well, when you're done, I can take the crate for you. ::sees another load ready to go and slides over to check the manifest.::
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:04 PM
Clark> Sighs Alright, let's find these stupid crates.
Indaura Ryssan 2/2/2025 10:04 PM
There I am done and that would be appreciated.
William Chocox 2/2/2025 10:05 PM
“Yes, let’s do this.” William presses the “run program” button and starts looking over the sensor readings. “Well, that’s interesting.”
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:08 PM
( give me a number wil ))
William Chocox 2/2/2025 10:08 PM
(( 8 ))
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:08 PM
(( 18 for Clark )
10:10 PM
ACTION> The sensors sweep across the Excalibur and using some of that cool budget we totally weren't going to use for away mission sets anyway, we get a detailed scan of the ship. It reveals two seperate "dark spots" that could be our missing containers. One is the Captain's Yacht, the other in storage room on Deck 8.
William Chocox 2/2/2025 10:11 PM
“The Captain’s Yacht?”
CdrMirandaHawthorne 2/2/2025 10:12 PM
Ens Reynolds> ::with another load off, wanders back over to the doctors:: All set?
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:12 PM
Clark> Lifts a brow
10:13 PM
One is in*
William Chocox 2/2/2025 10:13 PM
“I think we need to search that one first, since it can actually leave.”
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:14 PM
Clark> Nods
William Chocox 2/2/2025 10:14 PM
“Though we should send a team to the Deck 8 section…maybe they should be armed.”
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:18 PM
Clark> Frowns I have a team on Deck 9 now, so I'll have them check the storage room next.
10:18 PM
Clark> To the yacht?
Indaura Ryssan 2/2/2025 10:18 PM
All set and ready
William Chocox 2/2/2025 10:19 PM
“To the yacht.” He grabbed some necessities before leading the way.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 2/2/2025 10:21 PM
Ens Reynolds> ::scans the crates of med supplies going to the station and then loads it up.::
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:21 PM
Clark> Grabs his tricorder and a phaser and follows along
CdrMirandaHawthorne 2/2/2025 10:26 PM
Ens Reynolds> ::pats the crate:: That ain't going no where. Alright! All done. ::circles his finger for them to haul it off::
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:26 PM
Clark> Following along Why does Starfleet have a "Captain's Yacht" anyway. We have, like, what a dozen other short range craft. Plust transporters.
William Chocox 2/2/2025 10:27 PM
“You know, I’ve always wondered that. It does seem weird.”
10:28 PM
Continuing towards the Captain’s Yacht. “What do you think we’re going to find? Stowaways, pirates, lower deckers?”
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:28 PM
Clark> Wouldn't naval tradition be for it to be called a gig anyway.
William Chocox 2/2/2025 10:28 PM
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:29 PM
Clark> Deadpan With our luck? Extratemporal terrorists intent on altering the timeline somehow.
William Chocox 2/2/2025 10:29 PM
“Well now that you’ve put it into the universe.”
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:30 PM
Clark> You were thinking it.
10:30 PM
((and ))
William Chocox 2/2/2025 10:30 PM
“But I didn’t say it. You never hear me say the Q word either.”
COMPUTER BOT 2/2/2025 10:31 PM
=starfleet======= PAUSE SIM =======starfleet=
10:31 PM
=starfleet======= PAUSE SIM =======starfleet=
10:31 PM
=starfleet======= PAUSE SIM =======starfleet=
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:32 PM
you have no idea how tempted i was just now
10:32 PM
William Chocox 2/2/2025 10:32 PM
Backstory development, Clark says “quiet” and William reveals that he does Judo and throws him.
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:32 PM
William Chocox 2/2/2025 10:33 PM
Oh, that a-hole. (edited)
CdrMirandaHawthorne 2/2/2025 10:33 PM
To reveal how the Captain's Yacht is just a love shack?
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:33 PM
"Mon Capitaine!"
10:34 PM
If I remember correctly, you guys took it for a spin not that long ago!
10:34 PM
Alright we'll pick up there next week.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 2/2/2025 10:35 PM
If the yacht's a rockin'...
Cptn Swain 2/2/2025 10:35 PM
You know, I don't think in what 20 years of simming
10:35 PM
I don't think I've ever seen someone do Q in a main game.
10:35 PM
Maybe in an academy.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 2/2/2025 10:38 PM
10:39 PM
Alright, night guys. See you next week.
Exported 84 message(s)
Timezone: UTC-6


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