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USS Excalibur, 01/26/25, 10:30 PM ET



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Holodeck / excalibur
USS Excalibur - Sundays 10:30 ET - Command Staff: (CO) Cptn Swain, (XO) CdrMirandaHawthorne
Between 1/26/2025 9:30 PM and 1/26/2025 10:39 PM
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 9:30 PM
MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur is en route to Erebus-76, inside the Beardmore Cluster -- a collection of stars straddling the Alpha and Beta Quadrants that has only been lightly explored over the preceding two hundred years. Our first assignment, before we can embark on a series of surveys of the region, is to stop at Erebus-76 and resupply a small science station in orbit of the system's secondary star. (edited)
9:30 PM
The science station is studying the star as it is exhibiting several unusual traits for a star of its size, namely that it is losing mass at an accelerated rate.
9:32 PM
As we pick up, we are still a few hours out from the station, and preparations to move the large amount of equipment and supplies we've brought with us to the station are now underway.
9:32 PM
William Chocox 1/26/2025 9:33 PM
COMPUTER BOT 1/26/2025 9:33 PM
=starfleet======= BEGIN SIM =======starfleet=
9:33 PM
=starfleet======= BEGIN SIM =======starfleet=
9:33 PM
=starfleet======= BEGIN SIM =======starfleet=
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 9:35 PM
Making his way down to the Cargo Bay to 'inspect' (hover) the progress in prep for the transfer
9:35 PM
Rex> On the bridge, in the big chair, watching the stars go by lazily. It had been a quiet, by Excalibur standards, trip to so far and that worried him.
Indaura Ryssan, Dr. R 1/26/2025 9:36 PM
Getting supplies ready.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 9:37 PM
William was in the Cargo Bay, overseeing everyone who was moving things about the cargo bay to make them easier to Transfer. “Reynolds! Lift with your legs, not your back! Dr. Ryssan’s right there to tell you not to as well!”
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 9:38 PM
Ens Reynolds> But my back is so strong! ::grunts::
William Chocox 1/26/2025 9:38 PM
((Please correct me if I’m wrong @Indaura Ryssan, Dr. R))
9:38 PM
William rolled his eyes. “You’ll pull a muscle and I’ll be down a capable pair of hands. Please lift with the legs.”
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 9:39 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::leaning on the mezzanine railing, watching the supply transfer:: (edited)
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 9:43 PM
Enters on the mezzanine area and spots Stanton.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 9:44 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::straightens as Swain enters and waves:: Captain. Things are progressing smoothly so far.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 9:45 PM
William looked up and saw Captain Swain on the Mezzanine. “Captain on deck.”
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 9:46 PM
Ens Reynolds> ::immediately drops the overly large crate he was trying to load onto the hover dolly:: Wha...?
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 9:46 PM
Makes his way over, nods to Jalen, then looks down to the engineers As you were.
9:46 PM
Clark> Fumbling with a PADD, makes his way over to Will and Reynolds mostly ignoring everythin else. He had a look of something nearing panic on his face.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 9:47 PM
“Aye sir.” turning back to Reynolds, he shook his head and walked over to help him put the crate onto the hover dolly “Lift with the legs, and ask for help.” Noticing Clark “I swear, if the ship is about to blow up…” (edited)
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 9:47 PM
Ens Reynolds> ::nervous and cursing under his breath:: Yes, sir.
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 9:48 PM
Clark> Flustered, he regained his composure, but only so much. No the ship's not going to blow up. Well I hope note anyway. I leave that to you to make sure isnt going to happen. BUT
Indaura Ryssan, Dr. R 1/26/2025 9:49 PM
9:49 PM
You should lift with a gravity assister.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 9:49 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::makes a note on his padd about a certain engineering ensign::
Indaura Ryssan, Dr. R 1/26/2025 9:50 PM
Getting the final medical materials prepared.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 9:50 PM
Noticing Commander Stanton making a note, he cringed internally. He really was trying to get Reynolds a promotion, but the lad couldn’t help himself. Turning back to Clark. “I only like butts if they’re on someone attractive. What’s going on?”
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 9:51 PM
Glances over to Jalen . Commander Johanssan will probably want us to stay for some kind of thing. I'd rather get on with our assignment, but he frowned as one of the few other Starfleet presences in the area I suppose we should oblige, yes?
9:51 PM
Clark> Blinks. Did Chocox just tell, a joke? He shook it off. Here, look at this manifest.
9:52 PM
Clark> Shoves the PADD in his face This is what we are supposed to have onboard. And I know we did because I checked all of the cargo, twice, as it was loaded.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 9:52 PM
((What’s Clark’s rank? And Department?))
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 9:53 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::he nodded with a sigh:: I think we're obligated, sir. They don't get many visitors.
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 9:53 PM
(Lt. and he's the OPS chief)
9:53 PM
Clark> Now, scroll down. Item 36-B. Those can't be transported and, again, visually inspected.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 9:53 PM
((Ah, so we’re equals.))
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 9:54 PM
Shakes his head and smiles. Hopefully it will be casual and we don't ahve to break out the dress whites.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 9:55 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> I'd rather not. I always end up spilling food on them.
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 9:56 PM
Smirks You never did say what you thought of that Bolian place.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 9:56 PM
Leaning back from Clark’s PADD and hand dangerously close to his face. “Clark, you’re well within my eyes’ focal range. I need either you to back up with your arm outstretched like that, pull back your arm, or tell me exactly what the offending items are and why you’re shoving a PADD in my face like I’m one of your Ops Ensigns.”
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 9:57 PM
Clark> Takes a deep breath and steps a bit back. Sorry, but serious look at that item. It's not exactly, you know, harmless right? In fact, I think those are probably generally restricted. And well. there are supposed to be 6 containers of the stuff.
9:58 PM
Clark> And there were. I know there were. When we left.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 9:58 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::laughs:: Ah... it was interesting. Different, but interesting.
Indaura Ryssan, Dr. R 1/26/2025 9:58 PM
+Captain+ "How long until we are ready to go?"
William Chocox 1/26/2025 9:58 PM
Looking at the manifest now that he can actually see the words “Are you telling me there currently aren’t six containers of this?”
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 9:59 PM
Ens Reynolds> ::wanders over to Clark:: Where could it have gone, though?
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 9:59 PM
Hides a smirk Arden thought it was "the strangest attempt at Bolian cuisine since he tried a 'Bolian Supplement' ration during the war"
10:00 PM
Personally, I liked the flan.
10:00 PM
Clark> That is, what I am telling you. I've looked through both cargo bays this morning for these crates. Nothing.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:00 PM
Mildly jumping as Reynolds comes up. “Ensign, has anyone told you that you walk too quietly? Anyway, it’s a starship. No one has come in or out in days.”
10:01 PM
“Have you looked in other places on the ship?”
10:01 PM
Pondering for a second, he turned back to Reynolds. “Did you hide them anywhere?”
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:02 PM
Clark> I have my people looking, but why would someone have moved it from either cargo bay.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:02 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> It was less about the food for me and more about the company. I did get the room number of that waitress, by the way. She said next time we're at Tango to look her up...
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:02 PM
Arden will be very proud.
10:03 PM
And a strip of latnium richer.
10:03 PM
He smirked again.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:03 PM
Ens Reynolds> ::blinks at Clark:: Ah, no? You can check my quarters, if you like.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:03 PM
“The ways of Ensigns are mysterious and beyond our comprehension sometimes. Looking at Reynolds again before turning back to Clark. “How far have your people gotten in the search?”
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:04 PM
Clark> Two decks so far. Bites his lip I haven't flagged it for _thumbs towards the mezzanine level
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:05 PM
“Ah…I see. Did you start from the top or the bottom?”
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:05 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::raises a brow:: You bet against me? I should be insulted.
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:05 PM
Raine> The newest member of the medical staff, a tall, slender human with a tangled mess of dark brown hair tied back for regulation sake, approached Indura Doctor?
10:06 PM
Innocently I mean.
Indaura Ryssan, Dr. R 1/26/2025 10:07 PM
turns Hello Raine. Are you adjustting well to the ship?
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:07 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> You should know the ladies can't resist the dimples.
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:08 PM
Raine> Oh , yes so far so good. It's my first deep space assignment. Points to several crates of medical kits Can you help me with this? It looks like some of our supplies were mixed in with the ones for the station.
10:08 PM
Clark> We started from the cargo bays and moves one deck above with one group, and one deck below with another.
10:08 PM
Arden said the same thing.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:09 PM
“That makes sense…could we use the ship’s internal sensors to scan for them in conjunction with the physical search?”
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:10 PM
Ens Reynolds> ::snaps fingers at Will:: I was going to suggest the same thing. (edited)
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:10 PM
Clark> Grimmaces The containers they have to store that stuff in makes it, effectively, impossible to scan. It's one of the reasons, other than its general volatility, you can't use transporters on it.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:10 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> Because he also can't resist dimples. ::smirks::
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:11 PM
It's true. He's a sucker for a pretty face.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:11 PM
Turning to Reynolds with a raised eyebrow. “Are you ok Ensign?”
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:11 PM
Ens Reynolds> What about the security logs to see who came in and out of the cargo bay?
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:11 PM
Whereas my personal weakness is scruffy rogues.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:12 PM
(( hahaha... I meant Reynolds finger snapped, not angry snapped ))
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:12 PM
Clark> I already checked those. No unauthorized accesses and no one was in or out with the containers.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:12 PM
((Oops, apologies.)) (edited)
10:13 PM
Raising his hand to his chin and rubbing it in thought. “Wait…if we can’t scan them with the sensors, wouldn’t an empty spot in the sensors’ ‘eyesight’ lead us to where they might be? Or are there more blind spots than I’m thinking there are?”
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:14 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> And I thought you were the scruffy one in the relationship.
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:14 PM
Clark> Huh... never thought of that. We'd have to mess around abit with the internal sensors.
10:14 PM
Indaura Ryssan, Dr. R 1/26/2025 10:15 PM
The scan of the crate should show who they belong to and the contents.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:15 PM
“Just a random idea. No clue if it would work.”
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:15 PM
Raine> I thought so too, but its all marked for both of us. We'll have to go through and sort it by hand.
10:16 PM
Clark> It's better than going room by room on this ship with like, the handful of people in my department. Glups Or telling the captain we lost uh, that
10:16 PM
Clark> Six crates of that
Indaura Ryssan, Dr. R 1/26/2025 10:16 PM
Great. Might as well start.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:16 PM
“Well, if we find them he won’t know. Also, I can loan out some of my people as well to search.”
10:16 PM
((What the hell is this stuff? Cocaine?))
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:17 PM
(( probably some sort of volatile compound the science nerds are using to study the star lol ))
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:18 PM
(( experimental tribbles ))
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:18 PM
Clark> Looks as if Will had just offered him a spot on the door at the end of Titanic Oh would you? That would be great. I can help you with the sensors.
10:19 PM
(( Head Asher just said if we let six crates of tribbles lose on his ship that he will fly it into the star with everyone onboard. ))
10:19 PM
Raine> Excellent. It will go a lot faster than if I were trying to do it all myself.
Indaura Ryssan, Dr. R 1/26/2025 10:19 PM
Opens a crate "Let's see what we have here."
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:20 PM
“Yeah, and thanks.” Turning back to Reynolds. “Can I trust you to practice safe lifting while I go with Clark to find these things?”
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:20 PM
Looks back to the floor below It's good to see Clark and Chocox getting along. I know sometimes operations and engineering can be at odds.
10:21 PM
ACTION> The medical crate is filled with a lot of supplies, mostly medkits, but also hyposprays and other technogadgets for 24th century medicine. As Raine noted, the whole crate is marked for both EXCALIBUR and the science station.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:21 PM
Ens Reynolds> Yeah, Yeah. I'll be fine, sir. I'll make sure the rest gets transferred okay.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:21 PM
“Thank you Reynolds.” back to Clark “Whose office is closer, mine or yours?”
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:22 PM
Clark> Yours.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:22 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> Mhhm. Thankfully, Chocox isn't terribly territorial.
Indaura Ryssan, Dr. R 1/26/2025 10:22 PM
"This should be fun."
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:22 PM
“Sounds good. Let’s go.” Leading the way towards his office.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:24 PM
Ens Reynolds> ::back to the crates, loading them safely::
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:25 PM
10:26 PM
Mincine took my suggestions about which systems I want to make sure we get without much grumbling, either. I
10:26 PM
Those supply depots actually came in handy the last time I was out here, as it turns out. So I want to make sure we get them restocked, especially if more civilian traffic is going to start heading out this way.
10:27 PM
Clark> Follows Chocox
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:29 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> It's a wise idea. You never know what sort of emergency you might run into way out here.
10:30 PM
Cdr Jalen Stanton> It would also save time for those studying this area.
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:31 PM
10:31 PM
(( and ))
Indaura Ryssan, Dr. R 1/26/2025 10:32 PM
This will take a while...
COMPUTER BOT 1/26/2025 10:34 PM
=starfleet======= PAUSE SIM =======starfleet=
10:34 PM
=starfleet======= PAUSE SIM =======starfleet=
10:34 PM
=starfleet======= PAUSE SIM =======starfleet=
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:34 PM
10:34 PM
I have made jokes with William before!
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:34 PM
Alrighty, we'll pick up more or less there next week since we're only a few hours out from the science station.
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:34 PM
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:34 PM
Clark doesn't know that!
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:35 PM
Cptn Swain 1/26/2025 10:35 PM
He assumes all engineers lack personality unless they're talking to their warp cores. (edited)
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:36 PM
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:36 PM
Or holographic women
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:37 PM
CdrMirandaHawthorne 1/26/2025 10:37 PM
10:38 PM
Night, guys. See you next week.
William Chocox 1/26/2025 10:38 PM
Exported 135 message(s)
Timezone: UTC-6


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