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USS Arcadia, 01/08/25, 10:00 PM ET



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Holodeck / arcadia
USS Arcadia - Wednesdays 10 ET - Command Staff: (CO) Captain Lo'Ami
Between 1/8/2025 9:02 PM and 1/8/2025 10:02 PM
Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/8/2025 9:02 PM
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:02 PM
Many weeks ago...
9:02 PM
Arcadia was accused of destroying starbase 291.
9:03 PM
Cpt Windsor of the starship Novato is on the way to relieve the whole senior staff.
Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/8/2025 9:03 PM
No, we did it.
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:04 PM
9:04 PM
did what?
Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/8/2025 9:05 PM
The destroying and stuff.
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:05 PM
There's also some Arcadia-derived residue in the debris.
9:06 PM
And now we're gathering evidence while we still can...
9:06 PM
Any q's before we start?
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:07 PM
did we acually destroy the station as far as we know? I was pretty sure we did not.
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:07 PM
We think we didn't
Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/8/2025 9:07 PM
Are Ensigns senior staff?
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:08 PM
now you're not... which means you will be the only one not confined to quarters
9:10 PM
We will TBS until the orders verification arrives from Starfleet
9:10 PM
if there's nothing else...
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 9:11 PM
Nothing here
COMPUTER BOT 1/8/2025 9:11 PM
=starfleet======= BEGIN SIM =======starfleet=
9:11 PM
=starfleet======= BEGIN SIM =======starfleet=
9:11 PM
=starfleet======= BEGIN SIM =======starfleet=
9:12 PM
9:12 PM
# A long range comm comes in from Starfleet verifying that the orders are authentic
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 9:12 PM
::in engineering, still running diagnostic::
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:12 PM
::still on the bridge:: I just received the verification from starfleet, sir
9:13 PM
the orders are in fact legitimate
Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/8/2025 9:14 PM
:: At her science station ::
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:14 PM
Then our time is up. Hail the Novato.
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:14 PM
yes, sir. ::hails the Novato::
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:15 PM
:: to Natell:: Under the letter of these orders, you are exempt. Continue your investigation as long as you can
9:15 PM
+com+ Captain Windsor, we verified the orders. Prepare to beam aboard and I will relinquish command to you and your team.
Cptn Windsor BOT 1/8/2025 9:17 PM
+com+ Enough delaying... It's about time... Drop your shields and I and a security team will beam over.
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:17 PM
Drop the shields.
Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/8/2025 9:17 PM
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:17 PM
yes sir ::drops the shields:: (edited)
9:18 PM
should i head to quarters now? (edited)
COMPUTER BOT 1/8/2025 9:18 PM
9:18 PM
# Windsor and some of Starfleet's finest beam directly to the bridge
Cptn Windsor BOT 1/8/2025 9:20 PM
Captain, you are under arrest by order of Starfleet command. You and your senior officers are to be confined to quarters until we arrive at Deep Space 22 for your trials
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:21 PM
:: to Arizhel :: +Dana+ As of now, we are all confined to quarters
9:22 PM
Computer, transfer command functions to Captain Windsor, authorization Lo'Ami alpha 1-42
9:22 PM
computer> command functions transferred
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 9:22 PM
+LoAmi+ Aye aye, sir.
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:22 PM
understood. ::heads to the TL::
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 9:22 PM
::heads to quarters::
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:23 PM
windsor's toughies> :: follow Lo'Ami and Arizhel to the TL::
Cptn Windsor BOT 1/8/2025 9:23 PM
:: quietly :: So this is what a Sovereign's center chair is like...
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:24 PM
::enters the TL after LoAmi::
Cptn Windsor BOT 1/8/2025 9:24 PM
:: making himself comfortable ::
9:24 PM
:: directs some of his people to take brridge positions, more or less ignores Natell ::
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 9:25 PM
::takes his usual shortcut through the Jeffries tubes::
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:25 PM
TL> :: heads to quarters deck ::
Cptn Windsor BOT 1/8/2025 9:26 PM
hail the Novato, have the rest of the temporary crew beamed aboard through the transporter room
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:26 PM
::gets out at the quarters deck and heads into her room::
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:26 PM
:: exits TL and heads to quarters ::
9:26 PM
toughies> :: follow both ::
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 9:27 PM
::crawls out of Jeffries entrance right next to his room::
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:28 PM
::makes sure the door is programmed to stay locked so none of Windsor's men can snoop::
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:28 PM
ens extra yellowshirt number 3> :: stares at Dana coming out of the tube, but stands at the doors of his quarters ::
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 9:29 PM
Oh, hi there. That's my room, just headed in.
9:29 PM
::heads into quarters::
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:30 PM
ens ey3> :: glares at Dana :: just stay in there...sir
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 9:31 PM
::locks door from the inside so nobody can barge in::
Cptn Windsor BOT 1/8/2025 9:32 PM
+com+ Novato, plot a parallel course to Deep Space 22.
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:32 PM
::puts on some klingon opera, and waits for additional orders::
Cptn Windsor BOT 1/8/2025 9:32 PM
:: to the ens who took over helm :: Ens Luma, set course for DS 22, warp factor 5
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:33 PM
Luma> course laid in, warp factor 5.
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 9:33 PM
::loads data chip he brought from Engineering into unnetworked PADD, reviews security footage he downloaded to make sure it's all there::
Cptn Windsor BOT 1/8/2025 9:33 PM
and go...
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:34 PM
:: in quarters, checking in on what computer functions he still has access to ::
9:34 PM
Luma> :: hits the button ::
COMPUTER BOT 1/8/2025 9:34 PM
9:34 PM
# Arcadia moves off at warp, with Novato parallelling closely
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:35 PM
::wonders if there's a way to get a secure message to the rest of the senior staff without the Novato's crew finding out::
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:37 PM
:: finds that the higher functions of the computer are locked out. If nothing else, Windsor's crew is pretty thorough ::
9:38 PM
:: orders a tea from the replicator ::
9:39 PM
well, at least that works...
9:39 PM
:: sits down with the hot tea and contemplates additional computer commands ::
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:40 PM
::orders some food from the replicator::
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 9:41 PM
::gets bored, loads up Bajoran action movie on his PADD and flops on bed::
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:41 PM
weapons records, sensors, those will all be restricted -- the library computer isn't restricted; anything I can do with that?
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:42 PM
::wonders if they'll track messages sent from padd to padd::
9:42 PM
::tries sending a message to Dana.::
Cptn Windsor BOT 1/8/2025 9:42 PM
:: enjoying his time on the bridge of a sovvy. It's quite different from the refit Excelsior that had been his command the last few years. Too bad he can't keep it ::
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:44 PM
:: slowly sips the hot tea, realizing that the only hope they really have is the truth in their sensor logs and other records and whatever Natell finds about what really destroyed starbase 291 ::
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:45 PM
::wonders if Dana will see it::
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:46 PM
((did we lose Natell?))
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 9:47 PM
::notices Arizhel's message, sends back something along the lines of "don't worry, it'll be OK", goes back to movie::
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:49 PM
::sends a message to LoAmi on her padd::
9:50 PM
::wonders how long it will take for the Novato's people to notice:: (edited)
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:52 PM
:: a PADD in his room pings ::
9:53 PM
:: acknowledges the ping ::
9:53 PM
:: pings back :: You reading anything interesting to pass the time?
9:54 PM
:: sips more hot tea ::
Cptn Windsor BOT 1/8/2025 9:54 PM
:: finally turns around to Natell:: You at science... what's your name?
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 9:55 PM
::pings back:: i've been listening to klingon opera, what about you?
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:55 PM
::ping:: drinking tea and contemplating the universe
Cptn Windsor BOT 1/8/2025 9:58 PM
::lying dead in front of the center chair with a phaser wound along with the rest of the transferred over Novato crew who are all phasered up with nowhere to go ::
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 9:59 PM
:: sips his suddenly room temperature tea ::
COMPUTER BOT 1/8/2025 9:59 PM
=starfleet======= PAUSE SIM =======starfleet=
9:59 PM
=starfleet======= PAUSE SIM =======starfleet=
9:59 PM
=starfleet======= PAUSE SIM =======starfleet=
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 9:59 PM
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 10:00 PM
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 10:00 PM
and we'll continue there for next week
Ensign Natell Jasad BOT 1/8/2025 10:00 PM
(I am sorry, something here I had to fix)
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 10:00 PM
Sounds good
Lt. Cmdr. Arizhel 1/8/2025 10:00 PM
that is a place to end it!
10:01 PM
have a good night!
Captain Lo'Ami 1/8/2025 10:01 PM
well, just in time to see the action, or lack thereof on the bridge
10:01 PM
Lt. Cmdr. Dana Los 1/8/2025 10:01 PM
Exported 112 message(s)
Timezone: UTC-6


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