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= /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1300 STARDATE 52412.16 = /\ =
During a mission to retrieve the prototype ship Prometheus from enemy
hands Manticore suffered severe damage along with casualties from their engineering department. One such casualty was Ensign Ortega, who was supposed to meet with Lt Banks in Cetacean Ops. It was discovered that her passing had not been the result of the previous encounter but rather a murder that had been covered up. During the investigation all evidence pointed towards Doctor Orrak who, when confronted, revealed herself to be a changeling. Using stolen command codes, she locked out the crew from the computer and tried to push the ship at max warp to Starbase ||REDACTED|| where she would have tried to disappear amongst all the people. Her plan failed when the Science team was able to bypass the locks and regain the ship. In her rage, she attempted to kill Commander Faliver but ended up falling into his trap where she was sucked out of an airlock and promptly destroyed with a torpedo. After an exciting detour, Manticore is finally arriving at Starbase ||REDACTED||.
= /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1300 STARDATE 52412.16 = /\ =

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