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= /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1287, STARDATE 52409.16 = /\ =
Manticore has been sent in to investigate the disappearance of a
new prototype ship, the USS Prometheus, last seen near the edge of
the Alpha Quadrant. Upon arrival, they found debris from three
ships, two Federation and one Romulan. They also discovered how
the Romulans were able to get so close, with a new type of cloaking
device able to disguise themselves to sensors. Annika was able to
decipher the Prometheus' warp signature and they chased her down.
After ignoring Manticore's warnings, Prometheus unveiled her secret
weapon and promptly disabled Manticore's entire power system. While
repair teams scrambled to fix the ship, back up finally arrived in
the form of the USS Kieran and two more Defiant class ships. They
dropped off some support crews then continued the pursuit of the
stolen ship.
= /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1287, STARDATE 52409.16 = /\ =

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