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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 06.13.21

MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur continues to investigate Optera IV. The away team, on a frosty, windswept peak has located what appears to be a smaller nymph version of the creatures they encountered in the desert. It appears to be injured and is flashing what appears to be distress signals. The crew must now decide what to do with it.


MEE6 BOT 13-Jun-21 07:08 PM

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Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:09 PM

Rex> Wiping some of the snow off his face, looks up to the top of ledge where the Commander, Will and the others are still standing


Maryse Dubois 13-Jun-21 07:11 PM

::Scanning to determine if it would even be safe to help the creature.::


Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:12 PM

+Stanton+ "If we're gonna help this thing, it has to be now."


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:12 PM

We would be in so much trouble if we bring it back to the ship.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:13 PM

Corenic> Under his breath at Will How would that be new.


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:13 PM

Back at him Not my fault this time.


Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:13 PM

Who are these creatures?


CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:15 PM

Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Peers down the cliff at them, frowning:: +Irene+ We're not taking an alien life form back to the ship unless we have no other choice. Can you shift the thing? Turn it over?


Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:15 PM

No errands of mercy then?


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:16 PM

Rex> Looks over We should be able to flip back off its back. It can't be that heavy.


Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:17 PM

Irene hrms. +Stanton+ "It should be safe to flip it... I think..." She checks her tricorder once more.


Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:17 PM

I will help flip this creature over.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:17 PM

Corenic> Tries not to laugh at Will


Rex> Moves towards the creature


Creature> Though his flashing was still happening in regular intervals, the movement of the creatures towards it caused him to wiggle somewhat more


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:19 PM

If we had more time I'd run some sort of algorithm to figure out the creature's language to try to soothe it.


Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:20 PM

:: Scans the creature ::


Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:21 PM

"Unless you can speak Tetryon, Will, it's not gonna work." She approaches the creature... "Well, should we?"


Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:21 PM

Let's do it.


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:22 PM

(m) Meant more showing it flashing lights. Four, maybe five of them.


Maryse Dubois 13-Jun-21 07:22 PM

::Stands back, just in case.::


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:22 PM

ACTION> The creature's biology is completely alien, but does have some similarities to other insectoid creatures. The scan does reveal something most unusual, however. Their molecular structures appear to have solanogen, a material that normally exists only in subspace.


Rex> Motions for the other two to help him flip the creature


Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:24 PM

"One... two... three...!" Irene puts down her tricorder and will attempt to flip the creature.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:24 PM

Rex> Lifts


Creature> As it is flipped over, and though one of its limbs is damaged it begins to try to burrow into the ground


(( Irene give a me a number 1-20 ))\


Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:25 PM



Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:27 PM

ACTION> The creature begins to burrow, but is quickly impeded by the thick layer of ice and frozen ground. It begins emitting the distress signal once more, but it is clearly fainter than ever.


Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:28 PM

Irene takes a step back and shakes her head, looking at her tricorder once more. "I think we just made it worse. Either we take it to the ship or we watch it die."


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:28 PM

Rex> Frowns


Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:29 PM

We are here to help. :: to the creature ::


CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:29 PM

Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Checking his own tricorder, he sighed.:: +Excalibur+ Stanton to Excalibur.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:30 PM

#Clark> +Stanton+ Excalibur here


Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:31 PM

:: Hears her scanner beep, glances at its display :: Interesting..


CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:33 PM

Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Excalibur+ We've discovered an alien species on the planet, though are currently unable to communicate with it. One of the beings is injured and doesn't look like it will survive without assistance, though I'm not certain if the creature's radiation will interfere with the transporters. Can you get a lock? It's currently surrounded by several members of the away team.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:33 PM

# Had went to get a sandwich and was going to miss all the excitement. He'd be jealous later.


Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:33 PM

:: Looks back at the creature :: Where are you from?


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:34 PM

Clark> +Stanton+ Attempting now.


Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:34 PM

Irene frowns and is watching the creature, unable to do anything...


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:34 PM

<< Will give me a number 1-20, Irene also give me a umber 1-20 >>


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:34 PM

<< 8 >>


Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:34 PM

( 20 )


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:35 PM

Clark> +Stanton+ I have a stable lock. Do you want me to bring any of the crew up with it and where do you want it beamed to -- medlab, science ... guest quarters?


#Clark> Is probably lucky Stanton can't physically harm him


CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:37 PM

Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Rolls his eyes:: +Excalibur+ Beam everyone to the science lab and place the creature in quarantine there. Hopefully science and medical might be able to aid it in some manner.

Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Excalibur+ And inform the xenobiologists. They're going to want to study this thing.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:39 PM

ACTION> Clark hit the button and activated the transporter beam. Shimmy shimmy and the whole away team is beamed up to one of the xenobiology labs. Luckily, Irene hadn't been running any whacky experiments in them either.


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:41 PM

Hey, I haven't been down here yet.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:41 PM

Rex> Is abruptly deposited in the science lab, still wearing his winter coat


Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:42 PM

We need to get the creatures vitals.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:42 PM

Creature> is now laying on some sort of table, begins trying to burrow through it at first, seemingly rejuvenated by it not being freezing


Maryse Dubois 13-Jun-21 07:42 PM

::Arrives in the lab.:: Well this will be fun.


Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:42 PM

Irene gets right to work in the xeno lab, pulling over trays of equipment and bossing her team around like a bossy commander. "Okay, let's get going here, I'm gonna need a tetryon analyzer and genome sequencer. You all, if you know which way to point a tricorder, stay here." Gesturing to the rest of the away team. She's now hyper-focused on getting the creature going again.


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:43 PM

That burrowing instinct is very strong.


Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:43 PM

Do we need sedation?


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:43 PM

Rex> Glances over to Stanton, taking off his jacket Should we head back to the planet and check out those other signals?


CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:43 PM

Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Unzips his coat as he studies the creature now that it is up close.:: Get that thing secured before it falls off and skitters away!

Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Nods to Rex almost absently, still focused on the injured beast.:: Yes, I want to know what's down in those caves. From the signals, I'm betting we'll find more lifeforms there.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:45 PM

Rex> Nods in agreeement Will, you're with me. Can you give us another science geek as well? I think Mincine is uh... pre-occupied.


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:46 PM

Aye sir.


Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:46 PM

"Computer, activate restraining field, level two." She's hard at work bossing around her biologists.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:49 PM

ACTION> The creature, now stopped from burrowing, pauses to look up to the crew, its mandibles begin working overtime and it flashes a series of pulses as it inspects the group.


Rex> Leads Will and his two security goons out of the room and towards the transporter room


CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:50 PM

Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Glances at Rex before he leaves:: I'll send down a scientist and medical to meet you after giving them a chance to gear up.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:50 PM

Rex> Nodded to Stanton ad they leave Aye


Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:51 PM

Those pulses... :: looks around :: Tie in the universal translator into those pulses.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:52 PM

Rex> ONce they're clear So I think we can safely assume that we don't need to go back to that frozen tundra part again, yeah?


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:52 PM

Please, not again. William had shed his coat.


Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:53 PM

Irene> "Hook it up to the tetryon sensor program as well." She inspects the creature with a handheld scanner. "Looks like warming it up is helping."


CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:53 PM

Cdr Jalen Stanton> Doctor Dubois, see what you can do about the creature's injured leg after getting detailed scans of its anatomy. Some sort of biodegradable cast to secure it, perhaps?


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:54 PM

Rex> Nods in agreement Looks at his tricorder. The other reading we were planning on going to is some cavern, so I don't know if I would lose the coat all together, but hopefully it's not freezing down there. Heck it may be warm.


Erich Jaenke, Eng 13-Jun-21 07:55 PM

:: Watching the creature's vitals ::


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:55 PM

As long as it's more comfortable than where we were I'll be fine.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:56 PM

Rex> frowns Actually, I think you're going to have to fiddle with the transporter a bit. shows him the readings Beaming to that depth with all the tetryon ain't going to be easy.


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:57 PM

Well, it is in the job description.


CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:57 PM

Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Swain+ Stanton to Captain Swain. Sir, you'll want to visit xenobiology when you get a chance. I believe you'll be interested in what we have down here.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:57 PM

Rex> Yeah and I trust you more than I do that nitwit Clark.


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:57 PM

Atani Nostrun A blue science clad Betazoid is waiting for the other members at the transporter.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:57 PM

+Stanton+ Takes a bite of his sandwich You brought me a present?  


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 07:57 PM

Clark's just green, he'll get good someday.


CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 07:59 PM

Cdr Jalen Stanton> +Swain+ Not one you can keep. Consider it the gift of an experience. And also a multitude of bioscans.


Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 07:59 PM

Solak> A blueshirt Vulcan is standing in the transporter room as well, as stoic-looking as anyone.


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 07:59 PM

+Stanton+ Intrigued I'll be right down.



William Chocox 13-Jun-21 08:00 PM

Nostrun> turns towards the Vulcan Could you think just a little more quietly?


CdrMirandaHawthorne 13-Jun-21 08:02 PM

Lt. Taryn Castell> ::The doctor clambered into the transporter room, trying to juggle her pack and med kit, rosy cheeked and breathless.:: I made it! I didn't think I would. I wasn't really ready for an away team mission, but then no one ever really is. Ohmygoodnessisn'tthissoexciting!


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 08:03 PM

Rex> Takes a very deep breath and steps onto the pad, hoping that Will can work his magic quickly


William Chocox 13-Jun-21 08:03 PM

Nostrun> "Never mind, you're thinking at just the right level."


Irene Mincine 13-Jun-21 08:03 PM

Solak> Raises an eyebrow at the two of them. "I see this will be a most... interesting away mission."


Captain Swain 13-Jun-21 08:03 PM



MEE6 BOT 13-Jun-21 08:03 PM

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