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Cptn d’Ka, Cptn Chirakis


The time had come.  

They had always been a peaceful people, a sequestered race in a system hidden on the outer fringe of the galaxy: diplomats and scientists, erudite analysts, and eager explorers of the universe. They were also skilled warriors, seldomly venturing beyond their borders for exploration.

Until they were forced into it.

As it had been for many peace-loving species, the Sindarin were compelled to defend themselves.  Interlopers who found the system to their liking sought to eradicate the system’s original inhabitants. Eventually the Sindarin realized they could no longer remain aloof from happenings outside their system, except for a mutual agreement with the Federation.

Because of their reclusive nature, it was a rare occasion to see a Sindarin, much less meet one.  USS Missouri—a heavily armed Akira class starship in the Starfleet Border Patrol—chose a Starfleet officer who had thorough knowledge of the area.

Captain Je’rit d’Ka.

And now, Starfleet faced the most ruthless organized crime lord in the galaxy.  Ragor Tal, also known as Nazar Ka’aroth (diabolical destroyer), Drakul Mukesh (Prince of Evil), the Federation’s most wanted criminal, a merciless leader whose greatest pleasure was torture of his hapless prisoners, adversaries or disobedient followers.  He put a high price on Chirakis after she fought against and killed his chief lieutenant.  

Ragor Tal was considered the most brilliant independent racketeer ever encountered.  He kept his marauding group small, kept them compartmentalized, and was highly skilled in manipulative, clandestine operations.  His primary modus operandi was to convince his opposition that the enemy was within: pit one leader against the other, create chaos and infighting, then move in and take over the organization or infiltrate what was left with one of his own lackeys.  If Kirel did not know better, she would say that Ragor Tal had been trained by SI-5.

Extremely tall, contemplative, and peaceful, Captain d’Ka of USS Missouri was one of the few Sindarin allowed outside Sindar territory.

Kirel followed Captain d’Ka into his office on USS Missouri, his steps falling silently on the deck.  His thoughts focused on several things, especially on the situation regarding Ragor Tal.  As do all Sindarin, the color of his eyes often changed from lavender to blue, then to a deep hazel depending on his mood and the intensity of his concentration.  His platinum hair was cropped in regulation, cut above pointed ears that registered sound well outside the range of human hearing, and his thoughts registered everything around him.

Enl’licdh’a, Kh’éile,” he asked as the door closed and d’Ka slid open the bar behind him.  Kirel relaxed on the couch and chose one of his best cigars.

 “Enl’licdh’a, Keann-a, to keep my mind in focus.  We have much to discuss.”

“Indeed we do,” he replied, handing her a hand-crafted glass as he relaxed in his armchair and lit his cigar.  “You spoke to Admiral Solokov?”

“And Admiral Mulligan, Captain Raza, and Vice Admiral Baldwin.  But you already know that,” she sipped and put the glass aside.  “And I already know what you are thinking.”

“The word does get around, Kirel.  And he is not only after you.  Ragor Tal is after both of us.”

“And for good reason, Kenn’ai.  The encounter with Tal’s second in command did not turn out as they planned.  I survived.  He did not.”

“And now we are both in jeopardy.” A puff on his cigar swirled delicately toward the ceiling, its mesmerizing beauty vanishing reluctantly through a jealous vent that sucked its life into USS Missouri’s atmospheric scrubbing system.

“Of course, there is a price on my head, as is yours.”  She shrugged, putting aside her cigar.”  A sizable price, actually.  And we are to be taken alive for obvious reasons.  But,” she continued, “It’s always nice for an operative to know exactly what she is dealing with.”


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