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Sky Harbor Aegis | 22 January 2021

= /\ = Aegis Mission Brief 1/22/21 = /\
= /\= 10 July 2388 - Stardate 2388.192 = /\ = 
The time is 6:00 pm Aegis Local.
We have had two weeks of normalcy.
Security remains alert throughout the base.
Chirakis keeps watch through encrypted subspace code.
New personnel have come aboard.


Chirakis: =/\=BEGIN SIM=/\=

Chirakis: =/\=BEGIN SIM=/\=


Amanda Davis PhD: ::enjoying a nice dinner on the commerce deck:::

Dacia Sandero: ::relaxing in her living room, after having took a nice warm shower::

Chirakis: :::in her office, door open, paging through information that needs to be forwarded to SFCommand:::

Alexis McFarland: ::playing some holo-games on her bed after being on her feet all day::

mimipavilion: ::in her quarters having dinner::

Jylliene: ::quarters::

Chirakis: ::and no, she does sleep... sometimes:::

Scott Coleridge: ::eating dinner at a restaurant with "Federation fusion" cuisine on the commerce deck::

Alexis McFarland: ::eating some apple slices after finishing her dinner earlier::

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Quarters ::

Sierra Robinson: :: closes her workstation and decides to get some grub ::

Tarisa: ::Relaxing in her quarters.::

Nijil tr'Korjata: You feeling okay kitten? :: slaps head :: I am so sorry. :: Walking to the replicator ::

Alexis McFarland: ::picking up weeds on her island and talking with her alien animal friends::

Jylliene: ::chuckles::

Tarisa: Miana> ::Had just finished eating with her mother, then went to her room. Logs into her tablet to play.::

Sierra Robinson: Chubbs> :: being told by parents to finish dinner first before he can have desert ::

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Brings her a water ::

Nijil tr'Korjata: I blame Muuhi.

Jylliene: Thank you ::smiles::

Sierra Robinson: :: hums a tune while she heads for a lift ::

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Sits at the table ::

Jylliene: Have you been feeling any better?

Chirakis: :::looks up, expecting someone to be close by::::

Nijil tr'Korjata: I wish you could have gone. I think so. I have to...parse my experience.

Jylliene: ::nods::

Tae'Lynn Dran: ::sitting in a cafe writing a letter home::

Jylliene: I wouldn't mind seeing the place, but I think I'd rather do so in my own body.

Nijil tr'Korjata: Must have been weird with Prani as myself.

Jylliene: A little. It was better once she told us what was happening.

Nijil tr'Korjata: In her form I was powerful, taller

Nijil tr'Korjata: I thought you would...laugh at me being her for that long.

Jylliene: ::nods::

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: drinks :: Hate to admit it, but I'd go back for a visit if I could. :: looks guilty ::

Alexis McFarland: ::moves over to her couch so she can sit up, picks up her kitty::

Sierra Robinson: :: walks into Drankums for dinner ::

Jylliene: I'd wonder if she was having as much difficulty adjusting, but it was a much shorter time for her.

Nijil tr'Korjata: Talk about temporal violations.

Nijil tr'Korjata: She had many hops before mine.

Nijil tr'Korjata: I could not walk when I got there. Had to learn.

Cptn d'Ka: ::exiting the command lift then knocks on the door:::

Chirakis: ::looks up::: Enter.

Alexis McFarland: ::continues playing her game::

Nijil tr'Korjata: Not even interested in what dresses I like? :: smiles ::

Jylliene: ::chuckles::

Sierra Robinson: :: sits on a table in the corner of the bar/ restaurant and orders a light beer and pizza...::

Annisha: :: in her room playing on the local network ::

Dacia Sandero: ::vegging out on her couch as well, watching some historical drama or whatever on FedFlix::

Scott Coleridge: ::finishes his plate of Bolian dumplings and Tellarite noodles::

Cptn d'Ka: :::steps in::: Do you realize how much time you take to pass information to SFC?

Jylliene: I won't question it if you decide to try one on in your own body, but I won't push for opinions. Don't care for dresses much myself. They feel fussy.

Alexis McFarland: ::switches game to an online one, finds Annisha on the network and joins her clan::

Nijil tr'Korjata: I'm actually working on a holoprogram to show you what I remember

Jylliene: I look forward to it.

mimipavilion: ::finishes her meal:: Loxil that was a great meal.

mimipavilion: Loxil> Thank you Mimi.

Nijil tr'Korjata: I don't have the body for it. I had to speak at a conference and it was expected.

Chirakis: ::checks the chrono::: Actually, no. Nor does it bother me to work here most of the time.

Jylliene: Mm.

Nijil tr'Korjata: Thank the elements we are both engineers. Gave a talk on matter to energy conversion

Sierra Robinson: Nausicaan> :: talking to a Tellarite at a table at Drankum's :: I can move several units despite the issues at this port.

Jylliene: You couldn't have just said that it wasn't her? Surely they would have understood.

Sierra Robinson: Host> You are going to turn into a Pizza Lieutenant. The Usual.....enjoy... ( me ) Thanks!

Nijil tr'Korjata: Oh Muuhi did not want to tip their research hand.

Nijil tr'Korjata: I did not have the accent though

Cptn d'Ka: Kh’éile, you must rest at times ::he approaches her and leans against her desk:::

Sierra Robinson: Tellarite> :: snorts :: With the Pakleds out of the way, it should go much smoother. But I am more focused on a Timely delivery. Cost is no option.

Chirakis: :::leans back, putting aside her tablet::: Do you propose something else?

Cptn d'Ka: Dinner would be nice. :::slight grin::

Scott Coleridge: ::finishes off dessert and then leaves to restaurant to walk the commerce deck for a while::

Nijil tr'Korjata: Maybe I'll never hear from them again. :: shrugs :: They still have the tech to get here...get me.

Jylliene: ::nods::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Having his evening meal ::

Jylliene: A bit uncomfortable, isn't it?

Jylliene: ::shifts::

Chirakis: Of course... Chez Anto..... :::stops abruptly::::

Sierra Robinson: Nausicaan> :: notes Sierra eating a Pizza :: Cost will be high to conform with the locals. I am used to shipping things to ports not so overflowing with Military personnel.

Nijil tr'Korjata: You mean that they can drop in any time and take me over?

Nijil tr'Korjata: She said they will ask next time.

Cptn d'Ka: Kh’éile?

Jylliene: ::nods, exhales:: That's a relief.

Chirakis: You don't hear that?

Jylliene: ::quizzical look, shifts::

Jylliene: Is it warm in here?

Sierra Robinson: Tellarite> :: notes the Lieutenant as well :: They are so....young these days.. Experienced fellows like ourselves can get around the red tape.

Cptn d'Ka: :::listening, studying the area:::

Nijil tr'Korjata: I, well... gave them something. Though I guess the timeline always went their way with no obvious effects.

Cptn d'Ka: Exactly what are you hearing?

Nijil tr'Korjata: Warm? Computer, room temperature?

Sierra Robinson: :: notes the very tall alien about 15 feet away chatting things up with a stocky tellarite ::

Chirakis: :::listening into a sigh::::

Nijil tr'Korjata: Computer: Room temperature is 22 degrees.

Jylliene: Gave them what?

Jylliene: ::shifts again:: Seems warmer than that.

Sierra Robinson: Nausicaan> There are kids running around this station unsupervised. :: drinks his beer from a pitcher then belches :: What does that tell you?

Nijil tr'Korjata: Ideas for a matter to energy converter, though to be honest they were nearly there.

Jylliene: ::nods::

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: holds Jy's hand :: Are you alright?

Chirakis: ::puts aside her padd and walks around::: A hum.... in this area.... :::stops:::

Sierra Robinson: Tellarite> That business will be booming so to speak.

Jylliene: Maybe a shower.

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: nods ::

mimipavilion: ::goes and relaxes on the couch::

Alexis McFarland: ::throwing and catching her boomerang, not as good at it as Annisha::

Sierra Robinson: Tellarite> Seriously though, I need a guarantee that the delivery will be on time.

Chirakis: The chronograph. :::sighs and presses the button on her desk::: Lt Cranz, inform engineering that if the chronograph in my office is not changed by tomorrow morning, there will be hell to pay.

Jylliene: ::gets up and heads toward the bathroom::

Jylliene: A cool shower will be nice.

Chirakis:  Cranz> Yes, Captain.

Sierra Robinson: :: sips her beverage while reading her PADD...Starfleet Engineering Vol 1 ...Issue 22 "Advancements in Graviton Flux Capacitors and the Changing the Constant " ..::

Cptn d'Ka: Dinner? At Antonio's then? :::hiding a smirk::::

Jylliene: ::starts it up, gets in::

Chirakis: Anywhere. ::has the urge to smash something::

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Follows behind her, starts to sing a lullaby, but nothing she's heard ::

Cptn d'Ka: Then come, Kh’éile.  ::sight chuckle::

Jylliene: ::from the shower:: What are you singing?

Sierra Robinson: Nausicaan> I don't see why you are so worried. Yes the Pakleds were a problem, but my sources tell me certain fellows wanted them dead...and low and behold... they are mostly....dead. They are not going to be clogging the port facilities anymore. There hasn't been an attack in this area of space for a while...This is a secure port.

Alexis McFarland: ::it barely has enough range to cover her bedroom::

Nijil tr'Korjata: A rough translation of a Yith lullaby

Chirakis: {{You did this on purpose, did you not?}}

Dacia Sandero: ::watching her show with a small tub of ice cream::

Jylliene: ::stops water, grabs towel:: Maybe you can tell me on the way to medical.

Sierra Robinson: Host> :: offers another pitcher of beer to the Nausicaan who offers payment ::

Jylliene: ::gets dried off & dressed::

Nijil tr'Korjata: They wanted me to immerse myself in the cult... medical?

Nijil tr'Korjata: What's wrong?

Cptn d'Ka: :::leading her out of the office::: {{Of course.}}

Jylliene: Medical. I'm feeling something. It's a few weeks early to be feeling anything like this. I just want to be sure everything's well.

Jylliene: Just don't get panicky and trip over anything.

Nijil tr'Korjata: Oh... oh. Sure sure. Not like on that station no.

Sierra Robinson: Tellarite> I think we need to relocate the shipment to Bajor...I have the ability to compensate for the change of delivery location. But I have my sources as well, and they tell me that this place is on edge for some reason.

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: holds up a finger :: One moment. :: goes to the door of Annisha's room ::

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: knocks :: Annisha, we are going to medical. Don't panic, if something happens we will call for you.

Chirakis: ::exits CnC with d'Ka, plotting against him, but also knowing that he knows every word, every thought, just.... Everything:::

Cptn d'Ka: {{Indeed I do.}} 

Annisha: Sure thing

Jylliene: ::deep breaths while walking to the door of their chambers:: Tell her to stay here unless we call? So we know where she is?

Nijil tr'Korjata: Yeah.. she's on that padd of hers.

Alexis McFarland: ::getting better at it, but it is just a small plastic boomerang::

Sierra Robinson: Nausicaan>:: agitated :: I think you are getting a bit too concerned.. This place is safe to do business. I haven't been arrested yet for just walking around. That tells me this place is not in a Knee jerk panic mode yet. If you want to relocate the deal....I can do it but it is going to cost you.

Chirakis: ::entering Chez Antonio's, taking the table reserved for them and orders::: Romulan Ale.

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: At her side :: Ready?

Cptn d'Ka: ::relaxed::: The same.

Jylliene: Yes.

Sierra Robinson: Tellarite> 2 weeks ...100 crates Bajor Spaceport... can you do it?

Jylliene: ::already walking toward the lift::

Amanda Davis PhD: ::: finishing dinner, she decides to visit medical and make her rounds::::

Sierra Robinson: :: hears a Nausicaan pound his fist on a table which startles her, she looks over where the two were having a conversation and observes the Tellarite leaving a PADD and departing the Bar ::

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Entering the lift ::

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Holds her hand as they walk ::

Amanda Davis PhD: :::enters the Medical Complex::::

Jylliene: Stopamoment.

Sierra Robinson: Nausicaan> :: begins drinking out of the Pitcher again noting he has received his initial Payment ::

Jylliene: ::exhales:: Okay, keep going. Maybe a little faster.

Amanda Davis PhD: :::making her rounds:::

Jylliene: Are we al- ::sees the medical complex entrance ahead::

Sierra Robinson: :: finishes her meal and exits ::

Jylliene: That'd be a yes.

Nijil tr'Korjata: If this is it, the baby is ahead of schedule.

Jylliene: Somewhat, yes.

Sierra Robinson: Nausicaan> :: observes the Starfleet officer leave the bar raising his pitcher to her in some friendly gesture to help diffuse his earlier outburst ::

Jylliene: ::arrives in medical::

Nijil tr'Korjata: Doctor?

Amanda Davis PhD: :::looks up from her work::: Oh, my. Nijil? Jylliene.... how can I help?

Jylliene: I may be in premature labor.

Nijil tr'Korjata: She, we are worried something has cha- labor?

Sierra Robinson: :: decides to walk the commerce deck level area before retiring to her quarters The Tellarite she saw earlier she spies talking to a Bajoran ::

Jylliene: ::to Nijil:: You said yourself, "if this is it, the baby is ahead of schedule."

Amanda Davis PhD: Oh, my. :::calls:: Dr Pavilon! Dr Pavilion! Dr Sandero!!

Nijil tr'Korjata: Yeah

Sierra Robinson: Bajoran> Excellent..Plans are moving forward....:: smiles to the Tellarite ::

mimipavilion: ::still relaxing in her quarters has a feeling something is off::


Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis: Thank you


Chirakis: Well... an interesting sim.

Chirakis: TBS is 3 days beginning at 7AM.

Chirakis: Comments for the crew, Commander?

Scott Coleridge: Nope

Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew?

Chirakis: Seeing none...

Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.


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