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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 01.12.20

MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur has been taken off the now much smaller escort duty and has instead been sent on a new mission. Swain has gathered senior staff (thats all y'all) in the Briefing Room to discuss their new orders. For record keeping, Excalibur has just departed the Elasian system but with no coordinates, yet. Questions


Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


Hakran K'hal: :: already seated in the briefing room, looking very zen today ::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Sits and studies the others as they come in ::

Hunter Matheson: ::takes a place in the briefing room:::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene's sitting next to Hakran. Val is half-paying attention in her own seat. ::

William Chocox: ::walks in and takes a seat:: Hello folks.

Hunter Matheson: ::pouring over the latest info on this sector::

Cptn Swain: ::Enters the briefing room, drinking tea::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Jalen stood at one end of the table, waiting for Swain to arrive and get settled before taking his own seat. He glanced up briefly as the crew filed in, but was busy with something on his padd.::

Maryse Dubois: ::Takes a seat::

Cptn Swain: Rex> ::joining late, looking sly::

Rhan K'hal: :: enters late, poking at his padd-xl, looking slightly frazzled - and by the state of his ears, miffed ::

Cptn Swain: ::Settles into his chair::

Rhan K'hal: :: flops into his seat and sets his padd down with a solid thunk ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Finally takes a seat, giving the crew his attention.::

Hunter Matheson: ::makes a few notes, then stows the PADD:::

Cptn Swain: Good afternoon. I know that word moves fast, but I wanted to let you know that we have been reassigned. Due to, well I am sure you can guess but I am not allowed to tell you, things the Elasian and Cardassian government have decided to scale back the transfer of ships for now. They will only be transferring the small patrol vessels and Starfleet does not believe they need such a large fleet for that.

Cptn Swain: ::Takes a drink of tea:::

William Chocox: Oh okay.

Cptn Swain: I am also sorry to disappoint anyone who thought we'd be headed back to 39 Tango. At least for now.

Irene Mincine: :: Val hrms. Looks like it's going to be one of those briefings where they don't tell you anything, she thought. ::

Hunter Matheson: ::stoic expression as he listens to the captain::

Rhan K'hal: :: ears flatten a bit more, is clearly more than just "disappointed" ::

Cptn Swain: Instead we're getting a mission I am actually excited about for a change. Our new orders are to proceed to the Sellaris Expanse on the edge of Federation space and undertake a mapping survey. One of the first Starfleet ships to do so.

William Chocox: Oh, we're exploring?

Irene Mincine: :: Irene perks up. :: "A scientific mission, all right."

Cptn Swain: ::nods:: For a change.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Stifles a sigh.::

Cptn Swain: We'll proceed to the expanse at cruising speed. Should give science plenty of time to decide what they want to do. ::Taps bringing up the star charts, which shows, ominously, that the Expanse is extremely close to Shelliak space, imagine that.::

William Chocox: (M) Convenient...

Cptn Swain: There is an outpost here ::points:: in the Edrin Asteroid field. It's privately operated, but it should be an okay place to stop before we head into the expanse proper.

Irene Mincine: :: Val eyes the star chart. :: Val> "Going to be important not to stray into Sheliak territory. They don't like visitors." :: Irene smirked, seeing how close they would be.

Hunter Matheson: ::turns his focus to the star chart:::

Rhan K'hal: :: makes a short one of those scary cat noises that seem to rumble up from a space much larger than the body it came from ::

Cptn Swain: ::Glances to Jalen::

Hakran K'hal: :: blinks at Rhan in concern, as while his brother is intense, usually isn't so close to seeming as if he's going to chomp something, or someone ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Catches the look and nods.::

Cptn Swain: ::Takes another sip of tea:: If my memory recalls it's about a two week trip at warp 7?

Hunter Matheson: ::mental note:::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene whispers to Hak. :: "He okay?"

Hakran K'hal: (w) Don't think so.

Cptn Swain: Questions then before we dismiss?

William Chocox: Do we need anything from Engineering?

Cptn Swain: ::Takes another drink of tea::

Indaura Ryssan: Or counseling?

Cptn Swain: The Expanse has some unusual properties so we'll likely need some tinkering with the navigational deflectors. And whatever science needs.

William Chocox: Aye sir.

Irene Mincine: :: Val nods. :: "Plenty of time to make adjustments at warp 7."

Hunter Matheson: Sir, any hostiles in the area or within the Expanse?

Hakran K'hal: Science may have plenty of questions /after/ we size up the particulars

Cptn Swain: It's relatively close to Sheliak space, though they tend to keep to themselves. Other than that, not that we know of. The Expanse has only ever been surveyed once. ::Smirks:: When I was a jay-gee aboard the George Washington. So that was ::smirks:: well along time ago.

William Chocox: So 35 years ago? ::jokingly::

Irene Mincine: Val> "Are the old charts available?"

Cptn Swain: I am not that old.

Hunter Matheson: ::mental note::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Snorts.::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> Any *other* questions?

Rhan K'hal: :: ignoring the levity and continuing to simmer ::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene shakes her head. :: "Won't know until we gather some more info on what we're going into, I think."

Cptn Swain: ::Notices Rhan but decides to leave it until after the briefing::

Hakran K'hal: :: inclines head in agreement with Irene ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> Alright, crew dismissed. Chief Rex, a word before you go.

Cptn Swain: Rex> ::nods::

Cptn Swain: Rhan, I'd like to see you in my ready room when we're done here.

Hunter Matheson: :::stands to file out the door:::

Irene Mincine: :: Val heads out of the room, going back to her seat at helm. ::

Rhan K'hal: Aye. :: gets up, walks out, managing not to knock anyone out with his tail ::

Hakran K'hal: :: Irene :: All right, let's go fill in the teams.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> Chief Chocox, I'd like you to stay, as well.

Hakran K'hal: :: a worried glance at Rhan as he exits ::

William Chocox: Ok.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Exits, padd in hand ::

Cptn Swain: ::Hides his smirk::

Maryse Dubois: ::Heads out of the room, heading for sickbay.::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene glances at Rhan, then pulls out a padd. :: "Sounds good. Sounds like we're going to be busy for a while, huh?"

Hunter Matheson: ::enters the lift::: Deck 6

Hakran K'hal: (( ::witnesses a giant rubber band yank ill back into the room:: ))

Cptn Swain: ::Motions for Jalen to take lead once the room was clear::

Cptn Swain: Rex> ::Looking very much like he'd been hauled into the vice principal's office::

William Chocox: How can I help you today Commander?

Hakran K'hal: Yes. :: grabs the starboard lift :: Dansh is going to be thrilled. She's always complaining how underused she is.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Heads to her office, catches up with Doctor Dubois ::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene follows Hakran into the lift. :: "Stellar cartography might actually have something to do for once, too."

Hakran K'hal: But this is why I insist on keeping an astrocartographer aboard. ::adds in an undertone:: ...not to mention I hate maps.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Once everyone had filed out, he glanced at his padd and then back to the two.:: I was wondering if one of you cared to explain to me why we received a message from the Yalta shortly after leaving that indicated the device taken from the Elasian ship had apparently been... quote... lost in transit. They never received the device.

Cptn Swain: ::Hides is grin behind a tea cup::

William Chocox: Oh my goodness! Are you serious? I will need to look into this at once.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Turns to Dubois :: Can't imagine counseling will come up during this mission

Cptn Swain: Rex> ::Clears his throat:: I hadn't received notice from the detail sent to bring it back. I'll look into it at once.

Rhan K'hal: :: leaves Ben at operations, rudely lets himself into the ready room and pokes at the padd from the couch once inside ::

Hakran K'hal: :: calls the science team together on the lift ride ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Squints suspiciously.::

Maryse Dubois: You would be surprised. I would study up on the Sheliak. Your counsel could be needed if we encounter them.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene beams, looking quite happy with the upcoming mission. :: "I'll get to do some real astro- and xenobiology again, too." :: Her smile turns back into a neutral expression again, though. :: "I couldn't help but notice how close it was to the Sheliak."

Hunter Matheson: :::exits in Main Security, calling for team leaders::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> Yes, you should both do that. Perhaps it was misplaced somewhere? I would hope that no one *deliberately* kept it from getting to the Yalta.

Indaura Ryssan: They are a handful, or mindful.

William Chocox: Sir, this is the first I'm hearing that it didn't make it.

Hakran K'hal: :: sighs :: Yeah, that's a real coinkydink.

Cptn Swain: Rex ::Nods::

Maryse Dubois: That's putting it lightly.

Indaura Ryssan: This is a time I wish I was better at writing. Seems like a legal team is more valuable.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Not the least bit convinced, given what Miranda had already told him about the ship and her crew.:: Yes, well, I hope the matter is resolved before anyone calls for a formal investigation.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> I leave it to the two of you to discover what went wrong.

William Chocox: Aye sir.

Cptn Swain: Rex> Of course, sir.

Hakran K'hal: :: enters the briefing room where he'd ordered the section heads to assemble ::

Maryse Dubois: The Federation had to use over 300 legal experts just to draft a treaty with them.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene looked a little worried, going by the last report she assembled about them... :: "I'm just glad I'm a scientist and not a jurist..." :: She followed Hak into the briefing room.

Hakran K'hal: :: scans, spots the stout Tellarite female :: Dansh. Mapping mission. Sellaris Expanse.

Cptn Swain: Well, I believe that takes care of that then. Dismissed.

Hunter Matheson: Gunny, gather the dogs. ::enters his office:::

Hakran K'hal: (( I hope you know I'm going to probably mis-type that as Stellaris a thousand times as much as I play that game ))

Cptn Swain: (( That was, the plan ))

Hunter Matheson: Grady> Aye, Master Gunnery Sergeant.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Grunts and waves them off.:: I'll speak with you both later.

Cptn Swain: ::Looks to Stanton:: Commander.

William Chocox: Aye sir. ::walks out and heads to the turbolift::

Hakran K'hal: Dansh> :: looks as perky as he'd ever seen her :: Seriously, sir?

Cptn Swain: Rex> ::stiffles a giggle and heads off::

Indaura Ryssan: Yeah. No way to have a conversation with them, though we always speak with their representative, not the Sheliak on the street.

Hakran K'hal: Seriously. Eyeball it a few moments so you can give us a basic rundown.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Glances at Swain and smirks.::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> At least I have it on the record.

Cptn Swain: Yes, though I feel sure we'll thank them later.

Hakran K'hal: Bio. Don't know if we'll get a chance to send off away teams, so try to get as good a record as you can via sensors.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene makes a couple notes on her padd. :: "We should configure the sensors for wide-spectral element analysis so we can get an idea of what's worth investigating from a biological perspective."

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::He tipped his head toward the door.:: Am I joining you for your Caitian issue? He seemed a bit... puffed up.

Hunter Matheson: ::exits his office, finding the Devil Dogs ready to romp::: Take a seat and listen up. :::proceeds to fill them in on the mission:::

Cptn Swain: If you want.

Hakran K'hal: :: nods :: Coordinate with R... operations on that.

Cptn Swain: He's smart so I assume he put two and two together.

Cptn Swain: ::Stands, taking another drink of tea and heading for the doors::

Irene Mincine: Irene> "Will do. I hope he's all right..."

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Follows Swain, padd in hand.::

Hakran K'hal: Planetary. Same deal, you'll have to split your time with Bio on sensors, so work together please.

Irene Mincine: :: Valdar, representing planetary sciences, nods. :: "Yes, sir."

Cptn Swain: ::Moves to the ready room, which was easily placed for such moves::

Hakran K'hal: Izal, look for anything interesting in between the solid bits, of course. Keep me in the loop there.

Hakran K'hal: Kenet> :: the Bajoran woman nods ::

Hakran K'hal: Okay, Dansh, what are we looking at?

Maryse Dubois: I'm honestly hoping we don't run into them at all.

Cptn Swain: ::Enters his ready room, walking past the couch and sitting his tea cup down on the desk::

Maryse Dubois: But you can never expect a quiet mission around here.

William Chocox: I'm astonished that your team didn't grab the device Chief Rex.

Hakran K'hal: Dansh> A lot of space. I do mean that literally, there is some unusual clumping of matter involved in the SE so there are a lot of wide open spaces.

Cptn Swain: Rex> ::glances over at Will, with a grin::

Rhan K'hal: :: has just enough control and foxes left to give to rise as Swain enters ::

Irene Mincine: :: The Trill planetary scientist Valdar perked up. :: "Rogue planets?"

Cptn Swain: Rex> That could have gone worse.

William Chocox: Yeah...I'm fairly certain that Stanton didn't believe us though.

Cptn Swain: ::Takes a seat, on the desk. Perk of the job:: Lieutenant.

Hakran K'hal: Dansh> I don't know, that's why we have to go map it.

Cptn Swain: Rex> Well no, but if he wanted to ring us up he would have ordered a search or done it himself.

Rhan K'hal: Captain. :: still very grumbly::

William Chocox: Also true.

Hakran K'hal: :: snorts :: Indeed.

Cptn Swain: I couldn't help but notice you seemed... ::looks at Stanton:: perturbed by our new orders?

Indaura Ryssan: :: Enters sickbay ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::In the ready room, he took one of the unoccupied chairs, resting his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward.::

Irene Mincine: Valdar> "Going to be a fun mission, I think." :: Irene, meanwhile, looked a little worried. ::

Rhan K'hal: The "oh, good, there's an actual valid cover mission we can assign them" mission? Sir.

Hakran K'hal: Okay, we have plenty of time to plan as we won't be there for a week or so, depending on how long we stop over at this private base. So get it right, this isn't something we can just back up and start over.

Cptn Swain: We are going on a mapping mission of the expanse. ::He took his tea, and looked again at Stanton::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Lifts a brow at Rhan.:: Something you'd like to say about our new mission?

Rhan K'hal: A very interesting shopping list you gave me for a mapping mission then. :: literally pulls his mane :: I know you can't tell me everything, but you *know* I can do my job better if you give me something. As it is, I missed a chance to get us useful supplies because I lost the time to have them rendezvous.

William Chocox: However...::enters the turbolift:: that was the first time that I heard that the device hadn't made it to the Yalta.

Irene Mincine: "I'll make sure biology's got a plan of attack, no problem." :: Irene was already making notes on her padd. ::

Indaura Ryssan: Oh Doctor...?

Maryse Dubois: yes?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> I'm sure you'll have a bit more information before we reach the Outpost and can better prepare the ship. ::Leans back in his chair.::

Indaura Ryssan: I put you down as a patient. I messaged you a list of times. See you soon.

Hunter Matheson: :::after the mission brief and answering questions::: Very well... inform your teams, get them ready for anything... and I mean *anything*. Check inside, outside, upside down if you have to. Move it out.

Hakran K'hal: Okay, everyone have fun. Daily reports, come to me with questions, problems, etc. If there's an urgent cross-departmental when I'm off duty you have my permission to go straight to mission operations.

Maryse Dubois: ::smirks::

Cptn Swain: ::Nods:: As always, you can bring any concerns to the Commander. But as I always I appreciate your commitment to your duties Mister K'hal.

Maryse Dubois: Alright

Hunter Matheson: ::after a long think, he exits the briefing room and enters his office::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Exits sickbay and heads to her own office...to read... a lot ::

Rhan K'hal: :: not getting what he wants out of this conversation, but deflates to that look he learned from his mother that she always gave him when he blew off homework for a good night out ::

Hunter Matheson: ::pulls up any and all info on the Sheliak::

Irene Mincine: Valdar> "Ops, gotcha." :: Valdar was taking notes as well. ::

Hunter Matheson: ::and the Expanse:::

Hakran K'hal: Questions? Concerns? Requests for extra real coffee?

Cptn Swain: ::Glances over his tea:: And I would just remind you as one of the more experienced officers, the other members of the crew, especially the bridge staff look to you for leadership.

Cptn Swain: If there's nothing else, Commander?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Cdr Jalen Stanton> ::Gives Rhan a long, scrutinizing look, but shakes his head.:: No, sir.

Irene Mincine: Irene> "Real coffee? Think they've got it at that private base?"

Cptn Swain: Very well. Let's get headed to the outpost, shall we?

Hakran K'hal: We can hope.

Rhan K'hal: Permission to call ahead and check their menu, sir?

Cptn Swain: ::Nods:: That would be good. It was barely more than a couple units cobbled together last time I was there.


Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


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