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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 10.13.19

MISSION BRIEF: It's been over a month since the Excalibur was formally decommissioned. Many of the crew have gone their own way seeking other assignment or moved on from Starfleet altogether. Curiously, the core of the old senior staff have found themselves rounded up in a conference room on Mars, but with no other orders. No one has seen either of their former command team in weeks either.

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


William Chocox: ::is in sitting in a conference room on Mars::

Rhan K'hal: :: finds himself rounded up with the old gang in a conference room on Mars ::

Hakran K'hal: :: ditto ::

Rhan K'hal: Did you get a tan, Will?

Maryse Dubois: ::Her transport had just recently arrived. She is just entering the conference room. Smiles when she sees familiar faces.::

William Chocox: Just a farmer's tan. It's amazing what living on a planet will do to you.

VonDrake: ::is on Mars, not quite sure how he got here, hopes he didn't switch universes from Star Trek to Total Recall:::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene's sitting next to Hak. She definitely *is* sporting a tan, and her black hair is in a slightly different style than her typical ponytail, too. Her blue uniform is nice and clean. :: "Are they sending us to temporal jail?"

Rhan K'hal: Farmer's tan. Somehow I can't imagine you digging for organics.

Rhan K'hal: :: glances over and sees Maryse enter, gives her the full 100 W grin ::

William Chocox: Just a saying from when you get tan because you've been outside wearing clothes.

Hakran K'hal: I dunno, ask me tomorrow.

Maryse Dubois: ::Gives a slight wave and then sits over by Rhan.:: Hi stranger.

William Chocox: How's your month been? Hello Doctor.

Rhan K'hal: Heya. This is an unexpected pleasure. :: head nods at Irene :: Unless we're all going to temporal jail.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Enters the conference room with much longer hair and quite curly ::

Rhan K'hal: My month has been busy, keeping 39 Tango going on beta shift.

William Chocox: Fun.

Rhan K'hal: So no tan for me.

Irene Mincine: "It's nice to see everyone here again, jail or no jail." :: She plays with some of the hair strands falling down over her ear. ::

VonDrake: ::meanders in to the conference room to see the group::

Hakran K'hal: :: looks Irene over :: You look... vital.

Maryse Dubois: Oh? Who got tans? ::Looking around.:: I've been on a hospital ship the last couple of weeks.

William Chocox: ::ponders, but decides against asking if Caitians can get tans due to possible cultural insensitivity::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene smiled to Maryse after her question. :: "I spent the last week or so on Proxima visiting my parents. Lots of sun this time of year and a short trip to Mars, thankfully."

Rhan K'hal: :: head nods at Will :: From planting ODN conduits, apparently.

Maryse Dubois: Well you certain look better than how I left you.

William Chocox: Walking to and from my apartment to my office in Starfleet's Theoretical Engineering Department in San Francisco and talking walks at Lunch.

Cptn Swain: ACTION> A yeoman drops by, bringing them water and basically airline snacks.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Walks up to Doctor Dubois :: Good to see you.

Maryse Dubois: ::Smiles at Indaura.:: You too. Did you go see family?

Hakran K'hal: Oh, doing time on the hills. You could probably model tights now.

VonDrake: ::grabs a water, recalling a much nicer spread the last time this group was in a room together::

Maryse Dubois: ::Offers the seat next to her.::

Rhan K'hal: :: gives a friendly wave at Ryan :: Howsit, Ensign?

Irene Mincine: "I had lots of time off, they stuck a fresh kidney in me to replace the one I lost, I got lots of help..." :: Quietly. :: "Had some fun with another ex-Excalibur scientist..." :: She grabs a pack of peanuts and a can of peach water. ::

Hakran K'hal: :: smirks :: Guess you didn't need Rhan's help, just like you said.

Indaura Ryssan: I did indeed, and got my hair extended. Thought a change was in order.

Indaura Ryssan: All of my husbands are as...annoying as ever.

Maryse Dubois: It looks good on you

VonDrake: ::hears Rhan just as he takes a bite of his biscotti cookie, turns around and washes it down with a quick sip of water:: Good, good. ::looks around at the old Excalibur crew:: Good to be back. You?

Indaura Ryssan: Sadly not regulation, so I'll have to fix that as I go.

Irene Mincine: :: She shook her head. :: "Nope. Trill, not Caitian." :: Irene munches on some peanuts. :: "Starfleet chefs are really going downhill."

Rhan K'hal: Curious as to why we're here, but otherwise same excrement, different day.

Indaura Ryssan: My family has grown by two since I last saw everyone... that makes. :: thinks :: Seventeen now?

Rhan K'hal: :: Indaura : I can see why you'd sign up for extended tours.

Maryse Dubois: Well I already had Temporal Investigations knock on my door, so it surely couldn't be them again.

William Chocox: Same...was interesting trying to hide it from my boss.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::The conference room doors opened and Miranda entered with a tall, blonde-haired commander in tow. She was looking far more relaxed than when they last saw her and was actually -smiling- as she saw they were all in attendance.:: Fancy meeting you here...

Irene Mincine: :: Irene nodded. :: "Yeah, they hit me up, too. They were pretty interested in my research on the temporal lube, even after I told them it didn't really work. Couldn't stop them from taking a blood sample, jerks."

Indaura Ryssan: :: to K'hal :: And we all live in one large house. Our arrangements would drive many species insane.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene was SHOCKED to see Miranda smiling, and it was infectious. :: "Commander!"

Rhan K'hal: Commander, good to see you. :: nods to the other one :: Good [time of day], Commander.

William Chocox: ::blinks and leans toward Rhan:: (w) She's smiling, why is she smiling? I don't like it.

Indaura Ryssan: Went to a concert, some new group on Denobula, a small stadium of 100,000 or so.

William Chocox: And hello Commander Hawthorne.

VonDrake: ::nods to the Commander as she enters, his mouth full with the rest of his biscotti

VonDrake: ::

Rhan K'hal: :: smirks at Will's question & discomfort ::

Hakran K'hal: Commanders. :: respectful nod x 2 ::

William Chocox: ::looks over at Indaura:: I'm sorry, did you say that it was a small stadium? And it holds 100,000 people?

Maryse Dubois: Oh my. A smiling Hawthorne?

Indaura Ryssan: :: to Dubois :: No temporal authorities visiting my door, if they could find it.

Indaura Ryssan: :: to Chocox :: Is that not small?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Mincine. You're looking well. ::She glanced at the others, still smiling.:: The rest of you, as well. I take it that everyone has been enjoying the past month off doing different things?

Indaura Ryssan: I never thought about is since land is so valuable on my homeworld

Maryse Dubois: I wouldn't go that far, but it was an interesting change of pace.

Irene Mincine: "Time off, vacationing, the occasional xenobiology shift on the starbase to keep me from going crazy, you know." :: Irene grabbed another can of peach water. ::

Indaura Ryssan: So what's this all about?

William Chocox: ::mouths No before turning back to Commander Hawthorne:: It's...been professionally boring, but personally exhilarating.

Maryse Dubois: ::Notices the blonde haired Commander.:: Are introductions in order?

Rhan K'hal: I also believe introductions are in order.

Rhan K'hal: Echo echo echo.

Maryse Dubois: ::Grins.::

VonDrake: ::wonders if introductions are in order::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She eyed Chocox.:: Theoretical engineering, I heard. ::Glancing to the commander, she gestured.:: Of course. Forgive me. This is Commander Jalen Stanton. ::The blond man nodded politely.:: We just popped over from the shipyards.

William Chocox: That's where I wanted to be if I got assigned anywhere, but apparently I blow too many things up.

Maryse Dubois: ::Looks to Rhan when she said shipyards.::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene ate some more airline peanuts. :: "Shipyards?"

Rhan K'hal: Shipyards, huh? I don't suppose you've been building us a dash-D?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: You should have contacted me, Chocox. I would have pulled some strings. I took an open posting at UT, deciding I'd rather be building new ships than patching up the ones we've broken time and again.

VonDrake: ::kinda likes fixing the broken ones, himself::

William Chocox: I'll remember that for next time.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She quirked an eyebrow at Rhan, though her lips twitched in amusement.:: As far as I am aware, no other Enterprises have been placed into service.

Indaura Ryssan: A medical ship?

Irene Mincine: "I don't think they would have called us all here if they wanted to tell us about their new medical ship."

William Chocox: It's also a bit early for a crew reunion.

Rhan K'hal: Oh, I dunno Will. Every 30 days for until the last one of us clocks out for the last time?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: You do know that the Temporal division has an office here, don't you?

Maryse Dubois: Which I've already spoken to.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene nods. :: "They already talked to just about all of us, I think."

Rhan K'hal: They're everywhere to make sure we don't go everywhen. Or so the unofficial motto goes.

Cptn Swain: ::Makes, an entrance::

Indaura Ryssan: I heard the temporal division office here keeps variable hours?

Rhan K'hal: :: looks over again, smiles as Swain sashays in ::

William Chocox: My boss was also very hard to keep in the dark about the Temporal people.

Cptn Swain: ::Swain had his hair pulled back in a braid and his beard freshly trimmed. He seemed, almost pleased to see everyone in the room.::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene's astonished to see the total reunion of the senior staff now. :: "Captain!"

William Chocox: Captain on deck...wait, is that still a thing since we're just in a conference room?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda moved to lean against the wall as Swain entered, her smile mysteriously disappearing. The handsome commander trailing after her stood casually with his hands behind his back, looking over Asher with interest. He threw Miranda a glance and she nodded slightly.::

Rhan K'hal: "Captain on miscellaneous flooring" doesn't sound as snappy.

Maryse Dubois: The final piece to our merry band has arrived. You look well Captain.

Rhan K'hal: Did everyone get to a stylist except the merry brothers K'hal?

William Chocox: ::his hair is the same style, but looks recently cut::

Hakran K'hal: Watch who you're calling merry. Good to see you, Captain.

VonDrake: ::notes the obvious change in demeanor in the Commander when the Captain walked in::

Cptn Swain: ::He looked over, surprised to see Miranda... and the handsome commander next to her.:: Good afternoon. I am glad all of you were able to make it.

William Chocox: Do you know why we're here?

Rhan K'hal: The question is: make what?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda and Commander Stanton both nodded in greeting to Swain.::

Irene Mincine: "Make our appointment with the finest snacks on a Federation short-range shuttlecraft." :: She eats a stale cookie. ::

William Chocox: Can't have peanuts so I'll take your word for it.

Cptn Swain: So, I have some news.

Cptn Swain: And I wanted to share it with all of you.

William Chocox: ::leans back in his chair and crosses his arms::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene has a whole lot of terrible jokes here, but she stays silent for the sake of her career. ::

Rhan K'hal: :: perks ears up in Swain's direction in a silent "I'm all ears" display ::

VonDrake: ::stops crunching on his biscotti::

Cptn Swain: After some conversation Starfleet, I have secured a new ship.

Hakran K'hal: :: waits patiently and attentively, as usual ::

William Chocox: Congratulations.

Cptn Swain: The USS Enceladus, a new Luna-class ship due to be launched in a few weeks.

Rhan K'hal: Ah, the Science Salad. I knew that one was coming up, thought it was spoken for though.

Cptn Swain: Well. A few people owe me favors; I am hoping most of you will want to join me aboard. But before you do, there's one more thing.

William Chocox: ((Like the U.S.S. Titan novels?))

William Chocox: ::blinks::

Rhan K'hal: (( the very same ))

William Chocox: ((Just making sure.))

Irene Mincine: "One more thing?" :: Irene's excited enough about Swain getting a ship again. ::

VonDrake: ::thinks "there's always a catch"::

William Chocox: ::feels like he's watching an old crime procedural::

Cptn Swain: It took some... doing... but after chatting with a former commander of the Excalibur, Admiral Day, he was able to pull a few strings and... well instead of the Enceladus, she is going to be formally be commissioned as the USS Excalibur.

Hakran K'hal: :: while waiting for the catch, is enjoying the irony of a ship named after a moon named after a mythological giant that was the enemy of wisdom ::

William Chocox: Dash D?

Irene Mincine: :: Irene was astonished at that. :: "You... what? You mean I don't have to print new business cards?"

Cptn Swain: There is one catch, though, they've decided to give her a new registry number, so no E-D.

William Chocox: Ah, I see.

Rhan K'hal: Probably a good idea, see if the bad luck was attached to the number.

Maryse Dubois: ::Smirks.::

Hakran K'hal: :: backs up the irony truck at the news ::

Cptn Swain: So. I know a lot of you have just started new lives, but I wanted to give you the opportunity to serve aboard the Excalibur again.

Rhan K'hal: A chance to get my paws on that state of the art computer? I was in at "Luna Class"

Maryse Dubois: ::Shrugs.:: My work was only temporary anyways. But I will have to see the medical facilities before my decision is concrete.

William Chocox: As long as I can get away from Theoretical Engineering I'll be glad...though I will need to talk to...sorry, almost revealed that I'm capable of having a personal life.

Rhan K'hal: :: chuckles ::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene grins! :: "I'm in. I can't wait to see the new science labs. Not like I had anything else going on since the last ship got turned into a cube."

William Chocox: Is the crew all picked out?

Cptn Swain: Good, I am happy, ::He glanced to Miranda::

Cptn Swain: Mostly, I was waiting to hear from most of you before filling some of the last roles.

Hakran K'hal: :: glances at Irene :: I suppose you'll need a boss that understands your... methods.

VonDrake: :::nods:: I'm in.

Indaura Ryssan: I have some medical experience.

William Chocox: How sturdy is the EPS system?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: I do hope you all decide to rejoin the Excalibur. We've just given the Luna her last round of testing and she really is a marvelous ship. ::Miranda added.:: Commander Stanton has just been assigned as the Executive Officer of the Enceladus / Excalibur. I offered to give him the preliminary introductions so he can get to know you all better.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene slides a can of peach water toward Hak. :: "Your head of xenobiology and exogenetics is at your disposal. My methods? Come on, we all lived, didn't we?"

William Chocox: Wait, you're not coming back?

William Chocox: ::looks like he may be regretting this decision::

Maryse Dubois: ::Raises an eyebrow.::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene looked at Miranda. :: "You're not coming, Commander?"

Cptn Swain: ::He looked to Stanton with a warm glance::

Rhan K'hal: What, go from a job that's making her happy back to the one that gave her migraines?

William Chocox: How many Chief Engineers are going to let me do what I wa- I mean be able to deal with me?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Ah, no. ::She shook her head.:: Unfortunately, my commitment at the shipyards is for a bit longer yet, so you'll have to enjoy her maiden voyage without me. You'll be in good hands with Commander Stanton, however.

Cptn Swain: Well about that. Mister Chocox.

Rhan K'hal: :: Maryse :: Do you have any smelling salts in case he faints?

William Chocox: ::turns back to Swain::

Cptn Swain: Commander Tandaris is still on assignment and won't be available anytime soon, so I was hoping that you'd like the job as my Chief Engineer.

William Chocox: [expletive deleted] yeah! ::claps his hands over his mouth:: (m)Sorry.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda grinned at the offer.::

Cptn Swain: ::He grinned slyly towards Miranda::

Maryse Dubois: Unfortunately I left the good stuff in my coat on the transport. A good slap and some cold water can work instead. :;Grins.::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene was very happy at all this news. :: "So, are we throwing another party for this?"

Cptn Swain: Well then. That settles it. Your new orders will be cut shortly. The Excalibur will be departing drydock in two weeks.

Cptn Swain: ::Irene:: We have a lot of work to do before the champagne bottle.

Rhan K'hal: Repainting the name, for one. :: Miranda :: I hope you give those people an extra long weekend after having to do it twice.

Irene Mincine: "Yes, sir." :: She makes a mental note as well to check if her recent Trill fling would be on the new Excalibur's crew. ::

Cptn Swain: << and >>

William Chocox: ((Wait, did Irene and I both start things with Trills? Now I feel like a copycat.))

Cptn Swain: (( Ithene would be so proud of you Will ))

Maryse Dubois: ((There's enough spots to go around.))

Irene Mincine: (( lol ))


Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


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