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Sky Harbor Aegis | 4 October 2019

 =/\= Aegis Mission Brief 10/4/19 - 10:04 PM=/\=
25 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.146

TBS is 10 hours. The time is 1000 hours (10:00 am) Aegis Local.
Engineering is still in the process of fixing system malfunctions. Red alert klaxons have been silenced, doors will now open, lifts are working, communications have been restored, and tactical scanning systems are fully functional.
USS Calgary is in close orbit. Its task force is farther out, keeping a close watch on the area.
Mr. Kenyon will be rejoining us in engineering.
Scott Coleridge: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Scott Coleridge: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Andrew Minard: ::at science station 1 in CnC::
Dacia Sandero: ::in Sickbay::
Scott Coleridge: ::on the CnC, sorting through complaints from civilian representatives, sighs::
Johnson Kenyon: ::reviewing the repair logs, trying to figure out what the heck is going on::
mimipavilion: ::in her office in medical::
Alexis McFarland: ::in school, struggling to stay awake::
Andrew Minard: ::watching the long range passive sensor sweeps moving along on his screen::
Scott Coleridge: ::sighs again, tosses a PADD on top of the console and stands up to stretch::
Scott Coleridge: ::passes by the science station:: Ensign... Minard, is it?
Annisha: :: Listening to the teacher ::
Andrew Minard: Yes sir.
Scott Coleridge: Where did you end up when we went into lockdown?
Alexis McFarland: ::starts to nod off again::
Andrew Minard: I was stuck in my quarters.
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+ Lt Kenyon to Chief Engineer
Scott Coleridge: Lucky. I was trapped in a turbolift between decks. Which would have been fine. Except my companion was a Bolian who'd had Mexican cuisine for dinner….
Andrew Minard: ::raises eyebrows:: It was a bit harrowing sir.
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ Korjata here.
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+ I'm in Main Engineering. How can I help?
Scott Coleridge: I can imagine.
Scott Coleridge: What are you working on right now?
Andrew Minard: Well... Stellar Cartography is performing an experiment on planetary systems.
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ I am in ventilation control on the lower decks.
Andrew Minard: We can put it on the back burner if need be Commander.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Yawns as she tries to listen in class. She didn't sleep well last night.::
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+ Looks like the station is suffering from a series of major malfunctions
Tarisa: ::Steps of the lift and onto CnC.::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Reading up on Ragor Tal ::
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+ any theories as to what caused it?
Scott Coleridge: No, just curious. I'm just distracting myself from complaints about ::looks down at the other PADD in his hand:: "the lockdown meant that my dinner went cold."
Alexis McFarland: ::Looks around the classroom, a lot of the other kids also didn't seem to sleep well last night either::
Scott Coleridge: ::sees Tarisa enter:: Commander, welcome back. I was just telling Ensign Minard about my harrowing hour spent locked in a turbolift with a Bolian with an upset stomach
Scott Coleridge: I hear you escaped your quarters?
Dacia Sandero: ::not normally a coffee drinker, but she sure is one today as she sips on her third or fourth since her shift started::
Johnson Kenyon: +bringing up the holographic display of the station
mimipavilion: Teacher>::finishes her lesson and lets the children go home to get some sleep::
Alexis McFarland: Yay!
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ The logs are taking a long time to parse.
Andrew Minard: Ah, yes sir. ::pulls the data up on his monitor::
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+ Doesn't that mean that something is interfering or otherwise taking a lot of processing power?
Alexis McFarland: ::goes to Maina and Annisha::
Andrew Minard: ::doing a little research into the current set of experiments by Stellar Cartography, burying his head into the console::
Tarisa: ::Smiles.:: That must have been interesting. ::Nods.:: I did. Though engineering may want to come look at my door panel.
Scott Coleridge: ACTION> The replicator near Dacia replicates her another coffee without it being requested.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Is a happy little kitteh.::
Dacia Sandero: Huh? Oh sweet. ::takes the coffee from the replicator::
Alexis McFarland: Let's go.. ::smiles::
Scott Coleridge: I'm sure they'll add it to the list.
Scott Coleridge: There are days I miss being in charge of engineering... and then there's days like this.
Scott Coleridge: ::glances at the PADD in his hand:: Although... ::reads out:: "The lockdown was a terrible inconvenience to me and my pet Stubbs. Stubbs was terrified by the alarm sounds. Can't you change them?"
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+ Perhaps we should reboot the primary computer core?
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ I am not about to do that yet. It may only buy us a bit of time until these failures happen again.
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ We need to keep those protocols close at hand.
Alexis McFarland: ::takes Miana's hand as they leave, and leans on Annisha to support herself from falling over::
Tarisa: ::Grins.::
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+ That's why you're the chief. I'll do what I can to direct the repairs from here
Andrew Minard: ::tries to ignore the memory of the lockdown and return to his regular duties::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Yawns:: We should find a place to take a nap.
Dacia Sandero: Did I replicate another one by mistake? I guess so.. ::sips the coffee::
Scott Coleridge: ACTION> Dacia's replicator makes another coffee.
Alexis McFarland: Maybe the park? I like sleeping under that big oak tree
Dacia Sandero: What the?
Tarisa: Miana> ::nods.::
Johnson Kenyon: ::noticing the hologram flicker::
Dacia Sandero: ::looks at the replicator and calls out to Mimi:: I think the replicator's on the fritz.
Scott Coleridge: ::leaves Tarisa and Minard to their work and returns to his station::
Dacia Sandero: ::takes out the other coffee::
mimipavilion: ::hears Dacia and walks over to her:: On the fritz?
Dacia Sandero: The replicator. It keeps replicating cups of coffee.
Dacia Sandero: But I only requested one
mimipavilion: Odd. ::to computer:: Computer, run a diagnostic on this replicator.
Andrew Minard: ::his face enlightened by the results of one of the experiment, gives a curious expression::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Getting more reports of repair issues :: Great...
Scott Coleridge: Computer> ::Mimi:: The replicator is working within normal parameters.
Dacia Sandero: I guess this is better than a red alert klaxon at midnight
Johnson Kenyon: ::shaking his head:: we need to isolate these darned malfunctions and reset them system by system
mimipavilion: ::Dacia:: of course.
Tarisa: ::Walks over to the SCI console.::
Andrew Minard: ::Tarisa:: Just observing some of Stellar Cartography
Andrew Minard: 's results Ma'am
Scott Coleridge: ACTION> Dacia's replicator replicates TWO cups of coffee.
Dacia Sandero: Hmm.
Tarisa: Any good results?
Alexis McFarland: ::heads to the park, and finds the oak tree:: I cannot make it all the way to my quarters.
Johnson Kenyon: :directs engineering staff to disconnect power one system at a time, enough to reset the systems and reinitialize them... then to report back::
mimipavilion: I'm going to send a malfunction request to CnC ::sees two cups of coffee:: Well then...
Andrew Minard: They seem to have driven all the planets in one system into the central star. Wholly unexpected.
Dacia Sandero: At least it's not bad coffee. ::sips the coffee::
mimipavilion: ::goes to her office and sends a malfunction request to CnC::
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ I am getting more reports of repairs needed across the station.
Alexis McFarland: ::Lies down under the shade of the tree:: So tired...
Scott Coleridge: Ops> ::receives a malfunction report from sickbay about the replicator, forwards it to the engineering repair task queue::
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+ I can only think of a few things that would cause this. Some sort of power fluctuation or a computer virus
Tarisa: Miana> ::plops down under the tree.::
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+ I'm directing the staff to try resetting things by disconnecting the power system by system.... it will take longer, but hopefully we'll know
Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Interesting.
Alexis McFarland: ::Curls up next to Miana, yawns::
Andrew Minard: ::stands up:: Commanders anyone for coffee?
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ The system is sweeping for rogue programs.
Tarisa: :;Shakes head.:: I do not drink coffee.
Scott Coleridge: Normally I would go for tea...
Dacia Sandero: I'm sure the nurses and doctors will appreciate the malfunction.
Dacia Sandero: ::Watches a few walk past to get some free coffee::
Andrew Minard: ::Coleridge, Tarisa:: Tea service coming right up. ::high tails it to the side lounge::
Scott Coleridge: ACTION> All the replicators on the station simultaneously replicate Dacia's cup of coffee. The combined power draw causes the lights to flicker momentarily and a spike in the fusion generators.
Johnson Kenyon: ::noticing the flickering lights and the cups of coffee appear at the replicators in Engineering::
Tarisa: ::Perks up as lights flicker.::
Johnson Kenyon: What the?
Scott Coleridge: ::looks around:: Hmm.
Alexis McFarland: ::looks at the flickering lights:: What was that?
mimipavilion: ::looks at the lights:: Seriously?
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+ Do you suspect this might be caused by our gremlin friends?
Scott Coleridge: Ops> Sir, getting reports of power fluctuations … sudden momentary draw from the... replicator systems?
Andrew Minard: ::walks into the lounge seeing a cup of coffee being replicated at a side alcove, looks puzzled, notices the lights flicker:: Hmm
Dacia Sandero: Oh wow. There's coffee in every replicator.
Johnson Kenyon: ::moving to the food replicators and disconnecting the power::
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ I am getting replicator malfunctions, meaning some of the more non-essential systems are being affected.
Alexis McFarland: But I don't want a coffee. ::looks at the replicator in the park nearest them::
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+ which is where you would put a Trojan virus?
Scott Coleridge: +Engineering+ Coleridge to engineering.
Tarisa: Miana> Ew
Andrew Minard: ::recycles the coffee and begins to replicate 3 hot teas::
Scott Coleridge: ACTION> Minard's replicator is, like all replicators, now offline.
Johnson Kenyon: +Coleridge+ This is Main Engineering, go ahead
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ One does not want to walk a great distance only to find out they were going the wrong way.
Scott Coleridge: +Kenyon+ Lieutenant, we just had the lights flicker up here and a power spike in the replicator systems. Report.
Andrew Minard: Oh my +Tarisa+ the Lounge replicator is malfunctioning ma'am
Tarisa: +Andrew+ Seems they all are.
Annisha: :: The display on the teacher's board started to malfunction ::
Andrew Minard: ::returns to the CnC::
Johnson Kenyon: +Coleridge+ yes, sir. I'm getting the same report throughout the station. We're not sure if there is a virus or some sort of power malfunction. We are attempting to isolate and diagnose now
Alexis McFarland: ::clutches Miana:: I hope this isn't a bad feeling or anything. ::at the park::
Andrew Minard: Sorry about the tea sirs.
Scott Coleridge: +Kenyon+ I see. ::massages his forehead:: Keep me apprised. Coleridge out.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Curls up, putting her head on Alexis' shoulder:: Things are breaking.
Scott Coleridge: ::thinking that maybe those 30 extra engineers they have coming isn't such a bad idea at the moment::
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Joining the call between Coleridge and Kenyon+ Korjata here. I think we need to power the station down.
Scott Coleridge: +Nijil+ The whole station? For how long?
Alexis McFarland: Yeah, it's not good. But I'm sure Annisha's dad is on it.
Andrew Minard: ::takes his position at science station two, brings the internal sensors to active::
Alexis McFarland: ::glances at Annisha::.. who I really don't envy right now
Annisha: Oh....yeah...
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Coleridge+Kenyon+ Depends on what's wrong, but a few hours at the most.
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata and Coleridge+ ::listening and thinking, we'd be vulnerable to attack::
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Coleridge+Kenyon+ Unless au with to have the number of issues increase.
Scott Coleridge: +Nijil+ A few hours? That's not feasible. Not to mention the panic it would create right after the unexpected lockdown.
Andrew Minard: ::scans the station with internal sensors from the bottom deck up::
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Coleridge+Kenyon+ Then we will have to tackle the problems one at a time.
Scott Coleridge: +Nijil+ What if we evacuated and powered down individual sections of the station on a rolling basis over a few days? Would that achieve your goal?
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+Coleridge+ Perhaps we could reroute power to another system isolated from the main
Andrew Minard: ::Tarisa:: Ma'am, are we hosting any unusual life forms, or have we recently?
Tarisa: :;Frowns at the idea of everything being shut down.::
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+Coleridge+ I'm skeptical on that approach, sir.
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Coleridge+Kenyon+ Sections are not the issues. I'll have to turn off, say, all replication systems and reset them, then other systems
Scott Coleridge: +Korjata+Kenyon+ Speaking of which, we'll need to get the replicators back as soon as possible or else we're going to have a very hungry station soon.
Tarisa: ::Thinks.:: We did have a group of...I believe security calls them gremlins that were in the lower decks. But they have been relocated.
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+ Coleridge+ Which is why we might be able to isolate specific systems on a temporary power source and see if that fixes the problem
Andrew Minard: Ah, we're they completely corporeal or something almost totally biological?
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Coleridge+Kenyon+ Bottom line, as humans are fond of saying, is we don't exactly know what is affecting the systems. We would have to take a system across the station offline and start a diagnosis. Perhaps repair the issue, perhaps do a reset.
Scott Coleridge: +Korjata+Kenyon+ I agree that this issue appears to be bigger than a single glitch and needs a more holistic approach. If disabling specific systems is the way to go, we can make that work.
Tarisa: ::Curious look.:: Biological. Have you discovered something?
mimipavilion: ::looks over reports::
Andrew Minard: No ma'am, however, gremlins tend to have certain "unknown" qualities at times.
Alexis McFarland: ::leans on Annisha and still holds Miana as she begins to drift off to sleep::
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+Coleridge+ I can start setting up some temporary power and computer relays for certain systems. Even set them to auxiliary power supplies and see if we get localized repair
Scott Coleridge: +Korjata+Kenyon+ Very well, but we can't do this haphazardly. Come up with a detailed plan of how you want to approach this--which systems, which order, time estimates, so you can present it to me. I'll need to know what we're getting ourselves into and brief the department heads before I sign off on anything.
Annisha: Who thought a glitchy board would be so fun.
Andrew Minard: At least when you look at the exobiological record.
Tarisa: Miana> ::purrs as she falls asleep.::
Alexis McFarland: glitchy...
Alexis McFarland: ::zzz::
Johnson Kenyon: ::tired of talking over people, decides to listen and await orders::
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Coleridge+Kenyon+ Will take a few hours to draw up a plan and simulate it.
Dacia Sandero: The replicators don't work? They must've took them offline to fix them.
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+Coleridge+ Not if I do one replicator first to see if she works
Scott Coleridge: +Korjata+Kenyon+ Understood. See if you can patch the replicator subsystem temporarily. I'm already knee-deep in complaints as it is.
Andrew Minard: ::Tarisa:: Perhaps we should examine one or more of them more closely and include the entire EM Spectrum, no?
Annisha: :: Turns to them :: Au guys not get enough sleep?
Alexis McFarland: ::mumbles:: No...the red alert alarms were too loud.
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+Coleridge+ We'll keep you advised.
Scott Coleridge: +Korjata+Kenyon+ Lt. Kenyon, if your examination of the replicators yields anything that could speed up the repairs that would help immensely. Just remember: the larger the scope of your solution, the more I need to know before I can approve it.
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ I think we may need a long lunch for this.
Tarisa: ::Shakes head.:: I will not be approaching one of them... You will need to contact Dr. Pavilion if you wish to examine them.
Scott Coleridge: ((5 minute warning))
Dacia Sandero: :;treats some people with minor earaches from the klaxons::
Dacia Sandero: ::notably some Ferengi dudes::
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+Coleridge+ Will let you know of the status as we go
Tarisa: Miana> :;Mumbling, with her eyes closed.:: loud...
Andrew Minard: ::Tarisa:: Forgive my ignorance of the previous situation, do you think they could be the cause of these malfunctions?
Tarisa: I do not believe so. They had other instructions.
Tarisa: But it is possible.
Andrew Minard: ::Cmdr. Taris:: Perhaps I should check on the bulk biological matter storage tanks.
Johnson Kenyon: +Korjata+Coleridge+ Chief, I think I misunderstood you earlier. You want a plan in-place and approved first?
Tarisa: ::Nods.::
Johnson Kenyon: ::sort of assumes we'll have a replicator from which to make lunch::
Scott Coleridge: ((Last words))
Johnson Kenyon: ::getting some engineering crew in Main engineering to set up a one replicator isolation and trial::
Andrew Minard: ::Tarisa:: If it's the replicators, then it could begin at the start. ::gets his tricorder ready::
Scott Coleridge: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Scott Coleridge: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Scott Coleridge: 10/4/19
Andrew Minard: ::paused::
Scott Coleridge: I, for one, am just thankful it was Dacia's coffee the replicators chose to get stuck on and not something more... unusual.
Scott Coleridge: Well done, everyone.
Andrew Minard: thank you sir
Johnson Kenyon: ::wink::
Dacia Sandero: lol
Scott Coleridge: We'll go with a TBS of 6 hours, bringing us to 1700 hours. Hopefully engineering will have a tentative plan in place.
Scott Coleridge: I'm sure between now and then everyone will have a lot to mull over with these strange malfunctions affecting their workday.
Johnson Kenyon: I agree
Alexis McFarland: yess
Scott Coleridge: Captain Chirakis is lurking on her phone... please feel free to chime in! While waiting for that, any other questions from the crew?
Dacia Sandero: Nope
Andrew Minard: I'm sure it will be an unusual dinner LOL
Scott Coleridge: All right, that's all from me. Everyone dismissed! Have a good week.
Chirakis: ::lurk::
Dacia Sandero: Goodnight!
Andrew Minard: "all I can get out of this replicator is Petrokian sausage!"
Johnson Kenyon: it's a lurker!
Andrew Minard: ::drinks the sausage juice::
Chirakis: Thank you Commander College for stepping up to the plate. Or the ice.
Alexis McFarland: Daddy would you like some sausage?
Johnson Kenyon: you know I don't like Sausage!
Andrew Minard: ice captain?
Alexis McFarland: NHL season just started Wednesday?
Chirakis: After all, he is a Canadian.
Andrew Minard: doh
Johnson Kenyon: I'll see ya'll next week
Tarisa: night night
Scott Coleridge: I'm a Canadian who doesn't watch hockey .
Alexis McFarland: :O
Andrew Minard: sacre bleu!
Nijil tr'Korjata: I'm an American that does not watch football
Alexis McFarland: We're 2-0.. We beat Columbus
Chirakis: Ah. Then the snow?
Alexis McFarland: No snow yet... here anyway. They had some in Alberta
Andrew Minard: I hated sports when i was young
Andrew Minard: now i love baseball and football, basketball not so much
Nijil tr'Korjata: I'm off to get a drink. Night all
mimipavilion: night all see ya next week
Alexis McFarland: I liked basketball last year . Goodnight!
Andrew Minard: 2018, who won?
Scott Coleridge: Chirakis, just sent you an email since I know you're probably having trouble using the chat fully on mobile.
Alexis McFarland: The Raptors eh
Andrew Minard: lol
Andrew Minard: woot!
Chirakis: Good night to all who are leaving. Hopefully I will be back in the saddle next week.
Chirakis: Very well done Commander.
Andrew Minard: good night all
Scott Coleridge: I'm also off. Hit me up by email if you need anything!
Chirakis: Thank you, Commander.


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