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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 09.15.19

MISSION BRIEF:  Though we managed to return to our own time period, the Excalibur has seen some better days. Several days have passed and repairs continue, albeit slowly. Our Romulan, Tamaran and Kaedwani visitors, who we had taken aboard just before we were sent back through time, have recently departed to their own homeworlds. Several Tamarian ships are assisting. A Starfleet tug, the USS Abanaki is en route, while the Nebula-class USS Mont Blanc has arrived as well to begin evacuating Excalibur's crew.  The crew has been instructed to begin gathering their things to transfer as it may be some time before the Excalibur arrives via tug at Starbase 39 Tango.


Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


Cptn Swain: ::On the bridge, trying to avoid packing::

Rhan K'hal: :: is already packed, being a prepared kind of kitty - is on the bridge ::

Cptn Swain: ::Rhan:: When does Captain Omani want to begin transferring personnel?

Hakran K'hal: :: not being as prepared, and rather trying to avoid everyone, is tucked up in his room, averaging about one sock into the bag every ten minutes ::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Tying up some loose ends ::

VonDrake: ::finishing up some last minutes tasks in engineering, is already packed, as a much of his stuff hadn't arrived yet::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene is packing up her rack in her shared quarters. The other ensigns are either on duty or elsewhere in the ship, so she's alone there. She's filling up a duffel bag with various knick knacks and Klingon religious paraphernalia. ::

Maryse Dubois: ::Has all of her essentials packed, and everything sitting outside her office.::

Rhan K'hal: Quote: "as soon as we are ready."

William Chocox: ::grabbing his stuff from his quarters and shoving it into some duffel bags, his pinky finger has fresh engineering tape around it::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Leans over :: Doctor, are you moving out?

VonDrake: ::creating a checklist for himself and William for whenever the Excalibur makes it back::

Cptn Swain: Good. ::He sighed:: I assume you already have a plan for the transfer?

Maryse Dubois: :;Smiles.:: Just grabbing what I can, sine we might not be back for a while.

Rhan K'hal: Of course.

Indaura Ryssan: I missed the memo, what planet are we going to, or is it a station?

Cptn Swain: Then, let's get started. I'll be the last one out.

VonDrake: ::almost trips over his duffel as he moves from console to console::

Rhan K'hal: Darn, that throws my plans way off, I had you going first. :: smirking :: I guess I'll have to re-do the whole thing.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda entered Main Engineering, pausing as she usually did to watch the organized chaos of her former department. For once, she wasn't frowning, but she certainly didn't look happy.::

Maryse Dubois: :;Shrugs:: I imagine the Mont Blanc will be taking us to a starbase. After that, I don't know.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene taps her badge. :: +Hak+ "Irene to Lt. Hakran K'hal. I'm ready to move out, coordinator extraordinaire."

VonDrake: ::looks over to see the XO walk in:: Commander on deck!

Rhan K'hal: :: presses a button, sending disembarkation orders to everyone, with precise timing and where they will be going on the Mont Blanc ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Best watch yourself, Ensign. Trip and knock yourself out and you might get overlooked under a desk. ::Eyeing VonDrake.::

Maryse Dubois: ::Grins.:: It would be nice to be on someone else's ship for a while though. We'll be able to relax for a time.

Cptn Swain: We were lucky the Monte Blanc was in the area. It might have taken a week for another ship to get out here, or I guess we could have hitched a ride aboard one of the Tamarian ships. Commander tr'Shaelon was happy to have his officer back, I guess we would have gotten a ride with them too.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: And none of that, please. I like to sneak in whenever I can.

VonDrake: ::slides his duffel under a console with his foot::

VonDrake: ::nods:: Understood, ma'am.

Rhan K'hal: Oh, that would've been fun.

Cptn Swain: ((Aren't you happy I picked an easy name to remember Rhan ))

Indaura Ryssan: I find close quarters with friends and family relaxing/

Irene Mincine: :: Carillon, also, is on the bridge monitoring the helm, as... functional as it is. She's leaning back in her chair barely paying attention. ::

Rhan K'hal: Anyway, I'm kicking the scientists off first, we don't exactly need them at the moment.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She sighed as she moved a bit further into engineering, studying the equipment that had already been packed up and what was still left to do. Reaching the warp drive, she tapped idly at the console.:: Pity. She's going to be in dry dock for a while to get all this mess sorted.

VonDrake: ::nods:: Well, it would be quicker than if we tried to do it all on the fly by ourselves.

Cptn Swain: ::Nods:: I talked to El'Arrain N'Dak to see if he wanted to head back with his own people, but he seems to like us.

Indaura Ryssan: I've not seen my family for some time, though I doubt they are near the base.

Rhan K'hal: I can't imagine why, making him get cosmetic surgery, dragging him through time, almost getting him killed about once a week.

Cptn Swain: Right?

Rhan K'hal: Fun stuff.

Cptn Swain: Are the replicators working?

Maryse Dubois: Maybe they will give us leave. Then you can go see them.

Rhan K'hal: Some of them are capable of replication. Whether they give you what you ask for depends on how the computer is feeling at that particular nanosecond.

William Chocox: ::brings his duffels down to Engineering:: Hello Commander, Ensign.

VonDrake: ::nods to William as he walks in::

Cptn Swain: ::Asher breezed towards the wall unit nearest his chair:: Tea, herbal supplement ... hmm #45-C. Hot with two sugars, no milk.

Hakran K'hal: :: notes on the orders that his people are getting the boot first, though as department head he'll be in the next-to-last group ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Very true. ::She turned and nodded.:: Chocox. I was just surveying the damage. She's seen better days. Glad we made it back in relatively one piece, however.

Rhan K'hal: :: grimaces at Swain's order :: You'll be lucky if you don't get crude oil with two sugars and a beef roast making that many points of preference.

Cptn Swain: ::Glances over:: First thing I am doing when we get back to Tango... after I hug my husband of course.. is make a pot of real tea. Captain Garrison gave me this amazing Vulcan blend her science officer got her onto. ::He sighed.::

Cptn Swain: ::He picked up the metallic cup as it materialized, smelling it gingerly before trying it::

William Chocox: Indeed. Wonder what's going to happen to her.

Cptn Swain: ((Rhan give me a number 1=10 >>

Rhan K'hal: (( 4 ))

Cptn Swain: ::Takes a sip::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene's padd beeps and she checks the message. :: "Moving orders... moving out... USS... um... Monty Blank... I'm in group 1..." :: She haphazardly tosses the rest of her belongings into the bag and throws it over her shoulder. :: +Hakran+ "Are you in group 1 too, sir?"

Cptn Swain: ::Blinks repeatedly:: Well... ::clears his throat:: That's definitely not herbal supplement 45-C. But... ::takes another drink:: it's not bad.

Indaura Ryssan: Denobula is a way away. I could at least find one where everyone is.

Rhan K'hal: I'll have medical on standby, just in case.

Cptn Swain: ::Smirks, slipping back to his seat:: Thank you.

William Chocox: I should also get back in touch with my parents too.

Maryse Dubois: ::Nods. a she sets her case by the door.::

Rhan K'hal: Didn't you have to slug your husband before you hug him, Captain. With the whole slipping you the family diary thing.

Cptn Swain: I'd almost forgotten that.

Cptn Swain: Yes. Punch, then Hug.

Cptn Swain: Then hot tea.

Cptn Swain: Maybe a bath.

Rhan K'hal: :: nods :: Great itinerary, sir.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She shrugged.:: Honestly, I don't know. With luck, they'll be able to refit her. Akira classes are not quite in fashion any more, though.

Rhan K'hal: :: gives the digital goose to any of the scientists that are lagging ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: We'll find out for sure when we reach the Starbase. Likely, we'll all be reassigned elsewhere until the ship is repaired. ::She looked at VonDrake.:: Pity you didn't get to see more of her.

VonDrake: ;;hands a PADD to William:: I created a checklist for the repair team once she gets to drydock. It's...extensive.

William Chocox: ::looks at it:: That is extensive, however, it's now that station monkeys' problem, not mine.

Indaura Ryssan: I brought my small back down here earlier, something I can sling over my shoulder.

VonDrake: ::nods:: Yes, a pity. I've only been acquainted with the path from my quarters to here, and the occasional Jefferies tube.

Cptn Swain: What about you? I expect we'll be given some leave while they get us in queue for repairs.

Rhan K'hal: :: scowls as his console goes black for the fifth time that day; steps back, winds up and gives it a good kick - again ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Are the two of you all packed, then? Ready to transfer?

VonDrake: ::kicks his duffel:: Aye.

William Chocox: Aye ma'am.

Irene Mincine: :: She sees the nag on her padd. :: "I'm going, I'm going!" :: She connected a cable to her padd, which immediately shorts out. She yanks the cable out. :: "Dammit." :: She leaves her quarters with her duffel bag, and ran down to sickbay, yelling to the first person she sees across the room. :: "Hey, can I use your P-9 data plug? The one in my quarters isn't working and I need to upload my personal files before I go."

Maryse Dubois: :;Nods.:: That is good. They may give us the transfer orders soon.

Rhan K'hal: Depends on how much time they give us. If I have enough time to chase down my sister and pester her while she's delicately brushing dirt off things, I'll do that. Otherwise, I may see if there's a tech conference somewhere nearby.

Irene Mincine: "Yer gonna blow that thing up even worse if you keep doing that." :: Said Carillon deadpan as Rhan thrashed his console. ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Good. Well, I should get back up to the bridge. You'll get your orders soon enough. Just do what you can to pack up anything that isn't essential.

Cptn Swain: Seems odd going on leave again so soon.. :smirks:: You know since we were only gone a few minutes.

William Chocox: Aye ma'am.

Maryse Dubois: ::A startled nurse points to a nearby plug .::

Rhan K'hal: :: chuckles at the Captain as his console lights back up :: Felt like about 100 years though.

VonDrake: ::nods:: Aye ma'am

Rhan K'hal: :: Val :: It only has to last the rest of the day, Lieutenant.

Cptn Swain: I don't Arden will want to do. He probably can't leave again so soon. I should call him before we leave on the Monte Blanc.

Irene Mincine: Irene> "Thanks! I think I was supposed to be off the ship 20 minutes ago." :: She plugged her padd into the data port. It'd be a few minutes for it to upload given how broken the computer was. She sat it down on a table and leaned back against the scorched wall. :: "I'm never going to hear the end of it from the XO..."

Rhan K'hal: At least I don't have to route it through six places this time.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Giving them a nod, she headed for the turbolift and up to the bridge.::

Rhan K'hal: :: notes Irene is still on board, gives her the audio of a bunch of people shouting "get on with it!" from an old movie ::

Maryse Dubois: ::Coming out from the back, bag over her shoulder. Indaura wasn't far behind.:: The end of what?

Hakran K'hal: :: with his bag finally packed, he sent it off with one of the last science team to head out, then makes his way to the bridge ::

VonDrake: ::goes back to what he was doing, speaking to William:: Are the stories and rumors true? You know, about the temporal police?

Irene Mincine: "Not being off the ship." :: She pointed at her padd, which was almost done uploading her personal files, and blasting nag messages too. :: "Scientists are the first group off and I'm in the first group of scientists."

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She stepped out onto the bridge and slowly walked to the engineering console, making a few inquiries.::

William Chocox: I don't know for sure. I've heard the same though. I guess we might find out depending on who knows what.

Rhan K'hal: :: clears with the Mont Blanc, and starts the offloading of about half of medical and half administrative command personnel, along with some of the quartermasters staff ::

Cptn Swain: ::Glances over:: How's things in engineering?

Hakran K'hal: :: pops out onto the bridge about a minute after Miranda ::

Maryse Dubois: Ah. You should head out then. Rhan doesn't like it when people put him behind schedule. ::Holds up a PADD.:: I keep copies of everything by the way. :;Smiles.::

VonDrake: ::starts instinctively going through all his interactions with people from the past, which wasn't much if any::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Dire. ::She called over her shoulder.:: It's going to take a lot to put her back together.

Rhan K'hal: :: sends Irene the ""I'm late, I'm late, I'm late" bit from Alice in Wonderland now ::

Cptn Swain: She'll be in good hands. The Captain of the Abanaki is an old friend.

Maryse Dubois: ::Grins:: You better hurry, before he starts sending the "Off with her head" sound files.

William Chocox: I'm just glad I was able to get all of our tricorders back from those miscreants.

Hakran K'hal: :: sighs :: Starfleet can put it on my tab I suppose.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene yanked her PADD, which was finally done uploading, out of the connector. :: "I'm going!" :: She scoffed and let out a few choice Klingon curses. :: "Where does he even store all of them?" :: She picked up her duffel bag and left sickbay for the transporters. ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: I'm sure, but it feels like we're abandoning her after everything she's put up with. I don't like it.

Cptn Swain: ::He nodded:: I agree.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: (( Have you actually done a count, Chocox? ))

Cptn Swain: Something doesn't feel right about it.

William Chocox: ((I'd like to think so.))

Cptn Swain: ::He sighed and took another sip of tea:: But orders are orders.

VonDrake: ::nods:: I think they are all accounted for.

William Chocox: That'd be embarrassing if they weren't.

Rhan K'hal: :: loads up a "AND STAY OUT!" to play automatically for Irene just as she transports ::

Maryse Dubois: ::Turns to Indaura.:: You better go too. Medical was next on the list, but I'll be staying till Senior staff is ready to go. ::Gives Indaura a special PADD.:: This is for the Mont Blanc CMO, and their Counselor. I want them to start Irene's treatment when the time is right.

VonDrake: ::shrugs:: Maybe, if tricorder technology is 200 years more advanced, than what we're used to, we'll know why.

Cptn Swain: I told the Admiral that we'd be the most qualified to do the pre-work in transit, but Command wanted to get us back to base quicker to debrief. I am sure I will have several appointments with the Temporal Security department.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene materialized on the Mont Blanc, hopping mad on the other side at the aural assault she has just experienced. ::

Cptn Swain: Which reminds me. Everyone will need to file reports on our little jaunt.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Following Dubois ::

Rhan K'hal: Mine's already on file, I just have to hit send.

William Chocox: ::shudders:: I don't want to think about it.

Cptn Swain: That should give them something to do on the way home.

Rhan K'hal: I'm sure the Mont Blanc's bartender will appreciate not having the whole Excalibur crew to serve all day until we get to Tango.

Irene Mincine: Val> "Not like there's much flying to do right now." :: She starts typing away on her padd. :: "They've already got the flight deck locked down, too."

Maryse Dubois: ::Smiles at Indaura.:: Make sure they take care of her.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: I'll make sure to get word to the crew on the importance of those reports -- and how they need to be extremely accurate.

Indaura Ryssan: I'll get it to them Doctor.

VonDrake: ::looks around:: Well, everything is pretty much done for now down here

Indaura Ryssan: I'll check in when i can.

Rhan K'hal: I'll be sure to yell "look out!" if we're about to run over something at 2 mm per second.

Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.:: See you soon enough.

Cptn Swain: ::Nods:: Please do. If temporal thinks we're trying to hide something, they'll drag the inquest out even longer.

Hakran K'hal: :: sits rather forlornly at the powered off science 1, following the conversation(s) only with his ears ::

Maryse Dubois: ::Parts ways and heads up to the bridge.::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Goes to head to the Mont Blanc ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ACTION> Engineering receives their orders to transfer to the Mont Blanc and report to their newly assigned quarters.

Rhan K'hal: Thankfully the bridge log hasn't been able to capture audio since the original explosion, so they won't be able to jump down our throats over a misquote.

Irene Mincine: Val> "Gotcha." :: Not looking up from the padd. :: "Shame they didn't shell out for the fake eye that lets me watch the console and my padd at the same time."

William Chocox: ::looks at the orders:: Come on Ensign ::grabs his bags with a slight grunt of pain::

Maryse Dubois: ::Enters the bridge, setting her bag near the lift.::

VonDrake: ::hears the summons, reaches under the console for his duffel:: You still haven't been to medical for that finger?

William Chocox: I've been too busy.

Rhan K'hal: :: looks over the offloading process, and sees no screaming from the Mont Blanc ::

William Chocox: Not like it's life threatening.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Glances up and gives Maryse a nod.:: Doctor.

Rhan K'hal: :: looks over and smiles at Maryse ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Everything alright in your department?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: (( I just realized how terrifying a Caitian smile might be. ))

VonDrake: ::nods:: Fair enough. ::starts moving for the door:: It'll set funny if you don't do anything soon. My uncle did the same thing and his middle finger on his left hand is about 10 degrees off at the second knuckle.

Cptn Swain: (( Khajit has pearly whites ))

Rhan K'hal: (( it's the grin that'd probably have the hair on the back of your neck standing up ))

William Chocox: I'll get it looked at on the Monte Blanc.

VonDrake: ::enters the TL and waits in front of the door for William::

William Chocox: ::steps through::

Maryse Dubois: ::Smiles and nods.:: Everyone has packed up and moving out.

Hakran K'hal: :: gets a blip on his padd, clears throat just to get it out :: All of science, sans myself, is confirmed aboard the Mont Blanc.

VonDrake: ::steps in himself and the TL starts moving::

Cptn Swain: You know when I first got this command four years ago. ::He paused:: Has it been that long?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Seems longer.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Half joking.::

Maryse Dubois: ::Looks to Rhan.:: Nice touch with the voice messages by the way. You finally got Mincine moving.

Cptn Swain: ::He smirked:: It does, doesn't it.

Rhan K'hal: :: now does the grin :: I thought she might need them, and I didn't want Hak to have to move her along.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Now over on the Mont Blanc ::

Cptn Swain: I just never imagined that I'd feel this way about leaving the old lady behind. ::He finished his tea:: Hopefully it's not for long.

Rhan K'hal: I've got a few special ones saved up for some of the flight crew. They don't want to leave their babies.

VonDrake: ::steps off:: It'll be nice to have a functioning replicator. I could use some decent coffee.

Irene Mincine: :: Somewhere on the Mont Blanc, a belated sound notification arrives on Irene's padd. She screams in her guest quarters. ::

Irene Mincine: Val> "Permission to destroy the ops officer's padd, sir?" :: She looks expectantly to whoever's in charge on the bridge.

Cptn Swain: Not till everyone's off loaded

VonDrake: ::makes it to the Mont Blanc, whether it's by transport or dock, or whatever::

Maryse Dubois: It won't do any good. Everyone knows he has backups

Cptn Swain: Then I expect to see that thing floating in space. I want everyone to take easy while we're in transit.

Rhan K'hal: Oh don't worry, once they're over there, they're not my responsibility.

Rhan K'hal: I'm just making sure they GET over there.

Cptn Swain: ::He glanced to Miranda, leaving unsaid that went for her too.::

Cptn Swain: (( Three Minute Warning ))

Irene Mincine: Val> :: Grins. :: "Understood."

Maryse Dubois: :;Smiles.:: Maybe we can schedule some holodeck time. Been a while since we had a working one of those.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Her return look said 'not likely'. There were miles of reports to file.::

VonDrake: ::looks at his PADD to know where he is going, small scowl:: I'm bunking with an Ensign O'Malley.

Rhan K'hal: I pity the Mont Blanc's ops, trying to run the schedule on their holodecks.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Goes to Mont Blanc's sickbay ::

VonDrake: ::heads over towards the TL on the Mont Blank:: I wonder if he has a good replicator recipe for coffee. Something Jamaican, no, Puerto Rican...

Maryse Dubois: I do have that hot springs program saved. You know, the one from our last botched mission. :;grins.::

Rhan K'hal: And their rec room, and their lounges... at least we got picked up by one of the cruise ships.

William Chocox: The best recipe at all is to have real beans.

Irene Mincine: Val> "We'd better, you know, make sure all our fighters still work after we offload them..." :: Looking wistfully at the ceiling. ::

William Chocox: Or leaves if you drink tea like me.

VonDrake: ::nods:: For sure. I'm not big on tea, which his odd for someone from the Falklands like me.

Rhan K'hal: :: checks his board :: A few more offloads to go.

William Chocox: The Falklands huh? Is it still desolate and windswept?

Cptn Swain: How is the .. ::he paused:: evacuation going?

Rhan K'hal: :: whispers to Maryse, after that display of mind-reading :: I'm not even showing off, I promise.

VonDrake: ::shrugs:: Windswept, yes. Desolate, no, not for the penguins at least.

William Chocox: I see.

Maryse Dubois: ::Grins.::

Cptn Swain: ::Smirks:: Very well. I am going to go finish packing. Let me know when everyone's off except senior staff. I think I have a bottle of prosecco we can split before we leave.

Rhan K'hal: Aye.

Cptn Swain: ...and...

Indaura Ryssan: :: Gives the doctors there the padd from Dubois ::

Rhan K'hal: If he's got a bottle left if must be in a hidden compartment under the couch.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene feels a cold shudder as someone, somewhere, plans on drinking fancy liquor without her. ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: I sold that one.

VonDrake: <<It's probably in a box Irene, you're aren't missing much>>

Rhan K'hal: Ah, too bad.

Cptn Swain: ((Its actually little individual bottles, and they're served in a bucket. a bucket of bubbles. ))


Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


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