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The Return of the Ghost Squad

The Return of The Ghost Squad
Commander Cayne & Captain Chirakis

Several months ago, Commander Wyatt Cayne was ordered to investigate one of the many lower decks on Aegis that had been left unfinished. Strange reports of “aliens” had filtered in from many areas.  Some reports seemed plausible but none was verified.  Most of the reports were within the realm of fantasy—especially the reports filed after raucous parties.  

However, protocol demanded investigation, and after several plausible reports from one area in particular, Commander Cayne was called in to investigate.  As per his SI-6 training, he crept through Jeffries tubes, unoccupied storage rooms, crawl spaces and any place that could be used for nefarious purposes.

 Enter The Ghost Squad.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

“Psssst.  Jake.”

A dirty, rag-tag boy, his face and arms streaked awkwardly with camouflage colors, stopped his progress through the crawl space, and threw a disgruntled glance over his shoulder to his cohort. “What?” he mouthed, aggravated.

His partner slapped two fingers on the left side of his chest, then jerked his thumb frantically over his shoulder.

Jake tossed Billy a skeptical look while he listened for any sound in the crawl way, then his eyes widened in alarm as irregular creaking broke the silence.  At the younger boy’s frantic nods, they both scampered frantically through the crawl way, Billy whispering directions to Jake from behind and Jake whispering back, telling Billy to “stop whispering because the Fleeter could follow them easier”, and Jake whispering back to “shut up and turn right, then left.”  

Then the sound of a phaser unholstering reached the boys, and a deep voice echoed, “I'm not going to hurt anyone, but this area is off limits.”

Jaws dropped, they exchanged glances, then scrambled around the turn to a storage access hatch that always made a good hiding place. The cover slipped off and they hoisted themselves in, secured the hatch and pushed back against the wall.  Eyes closed, they began deep, even breaths to slow their heartbeats and calm their nerves so they could sit perfectly still, like in the old Starfleet training holovids.  It usually worked when the Sirius Gang came hunting for someone to torment, but this was different. This was real.

Less than a minute later, a rugged Starfleet security officer passed underneath, mumbling something about finding a single slip of latinum in a Ferengi vault. Either he had so many he could not single them out, or he was spending them so extravagantly he'd have none to spare. Each passing minute meant the suspects either buried themselves deeper into the bowels of the station or found some route to escape that security never considered. 

"All those scans and nothing," he muttered as he lifted a panel leaning against the wall. No secret passage behind it, time to move on. Before he left the room he placed something on the door frame. It stuck to it for a moment before melting into the metal.  The boys waited a full five minutes to be sure he was gone before they moved.  

“Gol, Billy,” whispered Jake on an exhale.  “Thanks for the warning.  What in blazes do you think he’s doing down here?”

“Dunno, Jake.” He shrugged.  “Check out the grab from the minivid we put up,” he continued, flipping through an old, well worn PADD, then pointing at the image.  “See the brass on ‘im?”

“Gees,” Jake breathed in admiration with a low whistle. “Commander. Big guns. He sure doesn’t belong down here. They usually send the little guys—you know, the probies, the ensigns, the ones who do the dirty work of checking out places in the station no one else wants to.” Jake gestured emphatically, pursing his lips in serious thought.  “But he’s here, and that means it’s somethin’ important.  I mean really important.  And I heard him say something about ‘scans’ and ‘suspects’.”  He blew out a breath.  “He really means business.  Gol….” His eyes widened.  “Ya think he’s looking for more aliens?”

“But… word on the chain is they got ‘em all... right? I mean, aren’t they all dead?”

“Hey, it wouldn’t be the first time the chain was wrong. But even if he isn’t looking for aliens, he’s headed toward the syndicate quarter, and tonight’s Crow’s exchange night.”  Jake stopped to think a minute, his face scrunched into decision mode.  “You go back and tell the others.  I’m gonna follow him.  Maybe we can help him out if he needs it, and if he does, I’ll report back.”

Billy’s jaw dropped.  “How’re we gonna help him?”

“I’ll think of somethin’,” Jake replied, sounding not quite confident, but determined. 
Billy nodded.  “Right.  But… what’re we gonna call him?  We gotta have a code name.”

They gave that a few minutes of thought so deep that it screwed up their faces.  “How about… Redbird.” Jake said finally, nodding.

Billy’s lips spread into a grin. “Yeah. That’s cool. Redbird,” he said, giving Jake a high-five. 
Jake reached for the hatch release, took a deep breath followed by one careful, quiet turn, and they eased out, making sure the hatch was secure.  After exchanging their Ghost Squad good luck handshake, they parted, Jake turning to follow Redbird and Billy moving in the opposite direction.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

As frightening as their first encounter was, the Ghost Squad eventually admitted Cayne to their circle, with the intention of sharing information.  The Ghost Squad— preteens except for the 13 year old Jake— became Cayne’s “Recon Team” (their words, not his).  For a while there wasn’t much information to share, but this time it seemed to be a little more important.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Present time:

Late in the afternoon, Lt Garand presented Captain Chirakis with a note. Written on paper.  Real paper.  Real, crumpled paper—so crumpled that it was hardly legible.  Not many used real paper in the year 2388, though a few did—Dr Davis being one. Kirel examined it, then smoothed it out on her desk and read:

Captin Sheerakiss, this is komander Jake Filtress of the Ghost Squad and we have a importint mesage for you.  I need to talk to you becaus we think I mean the Ghost Squad things something super fishy is happening down here.
    Jake Filtress, Ghost Squad Komandr
    Billy Morris, Ghost Squad Leutieint Komandr

As she finished, she asked Lt Garand, “Do you consider their information important?”

“Well, ma’am, it could be important, unless they’ve exaggerated their story.  But as you can tell…” He nodded toward the security screen behind her desk.  “...they’re frightened, and I don’t believe it’s because they’re in the CnC conference room. They had that same look when they asked to see me.  And security footage shows them looking over their shoulders as they approached the security complex.”

“They asked to speak to me, specifically?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Very well,” she replied, exiting her office to stride toward the conference room.  “Commander Cayne, you’re with me.  Lieutenant Garand, you have the con.”

The conference room door slid open to reveal two fidgety boys who stood immediately when she entered.  They were clean and fairly well dressed—the exact opposite of what she had heard from the security details who patrolled the lower decks.  Kirel approached them congenially and they seemed to relax, but only a little.  

“Mr Filtress, Mr Morris,” she began, extending her hand for a shake. “Please sit.  I am Captain Chirakis, and I presume that you already know Commander Cayne.”  She nodded in his direction as she settled into her chair.  “Thank you for bringing your concern to our attention. I understand that you have information you would like to share.”  She turned to Cayne and nodded, indicating that he should take the lead.

Still fidgety and obviously frightened, Jake fixed his eyes on Commander Cayne and tried to look relaxed, but it really didn’t work.  “I dunno where to start,” he said.  “It was like… weird and strange.  Uh… Commander, you remember that crawl space where you hurt your back?”  

Cayne nodded, "How could I forget?" He asked with a short sigh.

“Uh.. yeah. That place used to be empty.” He shrugged.  “I mean mostly empty. Empty except for that rod you tripped over.”

Billy gave him a nudge and a hurry-up look with a gesture that said “tell ‘em what happened”.

Jake poked him with an elbow and a shut up glance, then continued.  “Well, yeah… that rod?  It’s not just one rod now, it’s a bunch of ‘em. And a whole lot of other stuff, like cords and isolinear things.  Not sure what they’re for, but it’s a bunch.”  He gave Cayne a strange look, like he was too scared to say anything more.

"I am to take it none of you brought those items to your little hideout?" He shook his head realizing they would not tell him of stuff they had acquired themselves. He looked them both over. "When did you two notice these things showing up?"

“Well… you know that we like to crawl through those areas, right?  One day they weren’t there, and the next day… well... they were.  And no….” Jake shook his head vigorously.  “No, I didn’t take any away.  We thought they were some super secret thing that your security guys put there.”  He look a deep breath and looked down at the table, his eyes darting around.

“Gol, Jake. Tell ‘em,” Billy retorted.  “Gees… if you don’t, I sure will!!”

“But what if they find out?” Jake whispered intensely.  “Gees, Billy… I don’t wanna die.”

Kirel had been watching and listening up to that point. She straightened up and quirked a brow toward Cayne.

Cayne stiffened up. "No one is doing to die, and we would not store the items you mentioned in that manner. Sounds like someone is gathering up these items for some purpose. Could be to sell or assemble something." He bent down to their level. "Guys, let me level with you. If it was not important you'd not contact us, so don't waste your effort. What do you believe is going on?"

After taking a deep breath, Jake finally looked up.  “Not sure what’s going on, but stuff is beginning to disappear and appear somewhere else.  Like… you know Crow? The guy that runs the syndicate?  He’s gone.  Not sure where, but we haven’t seen him for…  I dunno… a week maybe longer?”

Billy repeatedly nodded his head. “And all his stuff was left behind.  And the room we use for Ghost Squad meetings?  A couple days ago we tried to get in and couldn’t.  Not even through our crawl space.  And….”

“...and there are some… things down there,” added Jake, gesturing randomly.  “Kind of like humans, but not human if you know what I mean.”

“And they stink!!” said Billy, waving his hands in the air.  “And I mean really stink.  Like they never shower, and… I dunno… poop all over the place.”

They stopped talking suddenly and exchanged horrified glances.  “This place is like… quiet, right?” Jake whispered.  “Like… no one can hear this but us?”

"It is very secure,” Cayne replied, “the most you will find in the sector." He turned to Chirakis. "Search for any particularly odorous species or individuals, but the waste.... This may not be a sentient species, at least I hope not. You know, we could install surveillance equipment in that location."

Realizing that the conversation was wandering into a security breach, and that they said might frighten the boys, Kirel put up a hand.  “I agree, Commander,” she said congenially. “Surveillance equipment is an excellent idea.  And gentlemen,” she continued, speaking to the boys.  “Would you like to stay with us for the rest of the day?  We will inform your parents, ask their permission, and if your parents agree, give you VIP quarters for the night?  Your thoughts, Commander? A good idea?”

"That can be arranged. We can even spring for a warm sonic shower. What do you think boys?"

It took them a moment or two to process , but eventually, “Gees… yes, ma’am.  I mean sir… I mean…. that would be… like… super great.” Jake replied, a little more relaxed.

“And dinner at the Captain’s Table with myself and Commander Cayne?”

Their mouths dropped open, speechless.

“Commander Cayne, if you will, request permission from their parents, and join us for dinner.”

"Aye Captain." The old officer forced a grin upon his face, then turned to head to his station to make their preparations. "We should get takeout," he mused before heading out the door.

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