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Sky Harbor Aegis | 7 December 2018

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 12/7/18 =/\=
1 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.122

TBS is zero. The time is 1300 hours (1:00 PM) Aegis local.
The station is still fairly quiet.
The Dahlem conduit is completely inactive and not visible.
They have installed a conduit barrier for the safety of our ships.
Dr Pavilion, Ens Dran, and Mid Dumont are working on the cosmic ray suits.
Ltjg Kenyon is working on the fusion reactor with other engineers.
Security is investigating a requisition for... hydroelectric acid?

Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis: ::OIC, CnC:::
Jylliene: ::@ Ops, CnC::
Fletcher Jackson: ::internal OPS, CnC:::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::in the med lab::
Tarisa: ::Still with Mimi, Dran, and Theo in the Med Lab.::
Kallah Ramson: ::very much in office, somewhere under one random pile of padds or another::
Dacia Sandero: ::also in sickbay, just finished checking the new ensign and putting stuff away::
Theo: ::eyeballing a suit carefully examining it::
mimipavilion: ::in the med lab as well::
Chirakis: (I believe that we were preparing for a fashion show with the Dahlem cloak?)
Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Who will wear the suit?
Tae'Lynn Dran: Not it.
mimipavilion: ::shakes her head::
Fletcher Jackson: ::blinks, stops working:::
Jylliene: ::noting, thankfully, nothing else unusual in requisitions.::
Alexis McFarland: @ ::playing with her PADD while dinner is cooking::
Theo: ::Tarisa:: Is this safe for humans ma'am?
Tarisa: Very Well. ::Grabs the suit and begins to put it on. Can't call her a scaredy cat.::
Johnson Kenyon: ::reviewing station specs::::
Tarisa: I have worn one before.
mimipavilion: ::Tarisa:: I'll monitory your bio readings.
Fletcher Jackson: ::slight turn towards Chirakis:: Captain, their revised requisition - the one for the hydroelectric acid - just came through. Forward to you, ma'am?
Chirakis: ::nod:: Yes.
Fletcher Jackson: ::shunts it over::
mimipavilion: That's if I can get a lock on your readings.
Chirakis: ::steps to her console and pulls it up::
Theo: I recommend leaving the headpiece open for ventilation.
mimipavilion: ::goes back into the sensor safety room and tries to lock on to Tarisa's bio readings::
Chirakis: ::deep breath, followed by a slow exhale::: +com+ Lt Garand, any progress on the recent requisition?
Chirakis: Garand> No, Captain.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Making his rounds about the station ::
Tarisa: ::Nods as she finishes putting the suit on. Like expected it matches her form.::
Chirakis: +com+ Ratch it up to top priority. They are now asking for hydrochloric acid. Report as soon as you find them.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Eating the last of his sandwich, noticing what he had been placing his food on for the past few months :: Wait... this is a... :: looks around ::
mimipavilion: ::manages to get bio readings of Tarisa::
Chirakis: ::sighs:: Ensign Jackson, if they inquire, tell them you are working on it. Nothing else.
Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma'am.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::paying close attention to the bio readings. Her first exposure to Tarisa's species' biology::
Johnson Kenyon: ::getting further educated on the reactors::
Annisha: @ :: Reading her padd as well :: Hmm
Chirakis: ::steps down to OPS:: Why would anyone want hydrochloric acid? What would they do with it?
Theo: ::Dran:: Look, it even fits over her tail.
Chirakis: ::looking to Jylliene, who seems to know a little more than Jackson:::
Tae'Lynn Dran: Well yes. I would expect it to be rather uncomfortable if it didn't.
Jylliene: ::ponders that::
Tae'Lynn Dran: And I doubt she would have volunteered so quickly.
Chirakis: I understand that it is dangerous, correct?
Jylliene: Metal etching? Dissolving.. things?
Jylliene: ::tries to remember chemistry classes::
Alexis McFarland: @Anything interesting? ::to Annisha::
Jylliene: It is.
Theo: ::Tarisa:: Is it hot in there Commander?
Jylliene: Depending on the strength, of course.
Chirakis: Dissolving? And they want 50 bottles?
mimipavilion: ::Tarisa:: Got your bio readings going.
Jylliene: Primitive batteries?
Fletcher Jackson: ::tending to business::
Jylliene: ::consults the computer::
Annisha: @ :: shrugs :: Reading about my game I started with my father... it's my move.
Tarisa: Good. ::Begin scans when you are ready.
Jylliene: gelatin...pyrotechnics...
Chirakis: And again I ask... why would they want primitive batteries? And who is The Foundry?
Alexis McFarland: @ Oh. I'm just playing against the computer
Jylliene: Are they a metal foundry?
Chirakis: They are not registered. We have no idea who they are.
mimipavilion: ::nods to the two green science officers::
Chirakis: Pyrotechnics? As in... explosions?
Annisha: @ I'm trying to take over the galaxy.. or at least the quadrant
Jylliene: It has a wide range of uses. Yes, that.. but also in just making the required substances for molded desserts.
Alexis McFarland: @ Good luck.
Theo: Yes Doctor ::proceeds::
Tae'Lynn Dran: Nothing abnormal yet.
Jylliene: ::shrug:: Its potential uses are too wide-ranging to know without consulting them specifically
mimipavilion: Her bio readings are holding steady.
Chirakis: ::takes a moment, staring::: Desserts. ::skeptical::
Tae'Lynn Dran: Should we make her run around the room or something?
Tarisa: @ Miana> Ooooh Are you winning?
Jylliene: And even then, they could tell us one thing and then use it for another, though perhaps the molarity they ordered would point out obvious lies.
Annisha: @ :: shake head :: No, he has the Bajorans and Tellarites pinning my forces down in a nebula
mimipavilion: We were standing still when we were 'transported' to the Voad.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Takes the plate off his 'table' and sits upon it ::
Alexis McFarland: @Uh oh. Maybe you need more allies.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: under his breath :: This has been here all along.
Chirakis: ::considers that and it makes no sense:::
Theo: ::Pavilion:: Are the Dahlem telepathic?
Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh I suppose so. Well then.
Jylliene: Well...I suppose a molded dessert could be considered to be forged or shaped like molten metal, so the name could still fit. But I rather doubt it.
mimipavilion: Yes they are. But not with all species.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Scanning as he walked, looking for leaks or anything that could kill the people on the station ::
Tae'Lynn Dran: Telepathy seems to be their main form of communication within the species.
Theo: I see, then perhaps the suit is activated in that manner.
Jylliene: ((Those "raindrop cakes" do seem to be a thing, though))
Chirakis: ::begins a pace, not her usual one, but the one she uses when she is concentrating - the wear-out-the-carpet one:::
Chirakis: (So I have heard.)
Johnson Kenyon: ::decides to head back up to main engineering::
Tarisa: Perhaps if I focus on something like when we were shown the hand scanners... ::Concentrates, thinks of a shield.::
Jylliene: ::ponders as well::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looking between the readings and Tarisa::
Chirakis: ::stops, then makes a sharp turn:: Ensign Jackson, tell them that you need a "purpose of use" before the requisition passes through.
Fletcher Jackson: ::looks up:: Yes, ma'am.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Thinking of his bondmate, wondering if there was something he could do for her later ::
Chirakis: +com+ Lt Garand, status report.
mimipavilion: ::still watching her readings::
Annisha: @ :: thinks :: Perhaps if I get a strike force out....cloaked.
Dacia Sandero: That should work.
Theo: ::Pavilion:: I wonder what would happen if the Commander walked out an airlock?
Dacia Sandero: ::working on a patient:: There, how are you feeling now?
Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh my, I wouldn't recommend that.
Alexis McFarland: @ Oh, cloak.
Chirakis: Garand> +com+ Getting close, Captain. It seems to be coming from the school science lab.
mimipavilion: ::looks at Theo:: Die just like the rest of us if we did that.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Sits and enjoys the chair ::
Chirakis: +com+ The what???
Jylliene: ::the WHAT?::
Jylliene: ::overhearing::
Chirakis: Garand> +com+ Yes, ma'am. School is closed. Moving in now.
Jylliene: ::pleasenotthegirl, pleasenotthegirl, pleasenotthegirl...::
Theo: ::Dran:: I mean is the suit spaceworthy? We should test that.
Alexis McFarland: (Don't look at us)
Tarisa: I have no intention of walking out of an airlock. Despite the Human rumors that cats have nine lives, I assure you, Mithraans only have one...
Annisha: (we are on Volnar)
Jylliene: ::even though she's been gone for a little while now, doesn't mean it couldn't be something she started up::
Fletcher Jackson: Uh... Captain. They say they’re making a bomb.
Jylliene: Well, that's surprisingly forthcoming of them.
Tae'Lynn Dran: No, the fabric is not airtight.
Chirakis: +com+ Garand - they're making a bomb. Get in there. NOW!
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Thinks :: I should have some kind of headset for this... I need to work on this...
Theo: No offense intended, Commander.
Jylliene: ::confused..the foundry is in the school?::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Looking at his display ::
Alexis McFarland: @I'm building a house for my square person.
Annisha: @ Au are square... ha ha
Alexis McFarland: @He he. I only just started, so my house is dirt.
Tae'Lynn Dran: We might want to sample the nanites within the fabric. I don't know if we could figure out their coding but an examination might give some more clues.
Theo: ::Dran:: I would gladly volunt... Oh I see, pardon me.
Chirakis: Garand> +com+ ::screams in the background:: Got 'em, Captain. They're kids. ::the kids scream:: Take them to security?
Nijil tr'Korjata: +taps+ Kenyon, status?
Chirakis: +Garand+ And inform their parents.
Alexis McFarland: (See, it's not just us getting into trouble lol)
Jylliene: ::wonders what in the ever-loving elements is going on:: Wait, so the foundry request for the acid was from kids in the school?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: watching the bomb incident from his post ::
Jylliene: To make a bomb?
Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ I have had a long and fruitful conversation with some operators
Chirakis: ::Jylliene:: Apparently.
Tarisa: Seems the suit may not respond to thought like I had hoped. I was concentrating on a small shield.
Johnson Kenyon: +Nijil+ I'll be there shortly.
Chirakis: Although, from their screams, they seem very young. I would guess approximately ten terran years.
Tarisa: @ Miana> :;Sneezes::
Tae'Lynn Dran: It may just not have a shield to respond to that command.
mimipavilion: ::nods to Tarisa:: Well what's next.
Alexis McFarland: @Is someone talking about you Miana? ::smiles::
Tarisa: Possible. What other function should I focus on then?
Johnson Kenyon: +exiting TL on Main Engineering deck::
Tarisa: @ Miana> Someone is talking about me? ::Confused::
Tae'Lynn Dran: It was used for transport. Be careful though.
Chirakis: ::mutters:: Children...
Tae'Lynn Dran: Pulling you out of a bulkhead would be even worse than a step out an airlock.
Alexis McFarland: @It's an old Earth thing. If someone is talking about you, it makes you sneeze.
Theo: We need a Betazoid.
mimipavilion: OK we know it's used for transport, ::thinks:: what about a diagnostics screen of some type.
Dacia Sandero: ::sneezes::
Tarisa: ::Nods.:: I will give it a try. ::Thinks of the Main Sickbay.::
Tarisa: @ Miana> That is odd. ::Giggles.::
Theo: We need a Betazoid, STAT.
Jylliene: Why in the world would they even decide to try something like that? ::ponders::
Dacia Sandero: Hm. ::tidies up::
Johnson Kenyon: ::entering Main Engineering, looking for Subcommander Nijil::
Chirakis: ::finally relaxes some:: Lt Garand will take care of the situation. ::Jylliene:: We will soon find out.
Jylliene: ::nods::
Alexis McFarland: @ ::giggles:: It is..
Jylliene: ::returns to her work::
mimipavilion: Relax midshipman.
Theo: Aye
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Kenyon+ What did they have to say?
Chirakis: ::Cayne:: Commander, I don't suppose you would like a transfer from tactical to main security? ::slight smirk:::
Tarisa: Seems teleportation is beyond its limits as well.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: +Garand+ What's the situation?
Tae'Lynn Dran: Bio readings unchanged. There's been some minor subspace flux.
Alexis McFarland: @ ::Crafts a wooden sword to fight monsters and chop down trees::
Johnson Kenyon: ::seeing Nijil, walks over to him::: We were just talking about the how the reactors work and where i might be able to find out where the extra power drain is coming from
Tae'Lynn Dran: We may just not know the right commands.
Chirakis: Garand> +com+ At this point, sir, we're hunting for their parents.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Nods :: Probably out of specification. Once we find out which one we'll have to shut it down.
Tarisa: Possibly. Maybe a specific thought, or a thought in their language.
Johnson Kenyon: ::Nijil:: Unfortunately, I have the impression that tracking down this energy drain isn't going to be as easy as I thought
Theo: ::making notes on a padd::
mimipavilion: Or the right tech. ::looks at Tarisa:: Do you remember if they used anything that helped move us between here and the Voad.
Chirakis: Garand> +com+ They said they needed a science project before next week. They thought a bomb would be good. ::screams are farther away:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: This :: gestures all around him :: is a big place.
Johnson Kenyon: Out of spec, huh? I hadn't thought about that... but they should know how to operate it better than anyone?
Tae'Lynn Dran: I don't remember sensing anything during the transport except a rather unpleasant disorientation.
Tarisa: I imagine it was the ship itself that did all the work.
Tae'Lynn Dran: I took that as part of the transport and not anything actually telepathic.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: +Garand+ I started to look up that Rihan girl's name, but remembered she was off the station.
Johnson Kenyon: I had read up about this station, but it seems I had read about a past version of this station... I will need to redo my research
Chirakis: :::shakes her head as she goes for coffee ,extra potent:::
mimipavilion: Hmmm... maybe we should ask Chirakis about anything may have saw, since she was with us as well.
Chirakis: ::wishing that ale was allowed in CnC:::
Tarisa: ::Just as to double check, she concentrates on the CnC.::
Theo: Perhaps we should all concentrate together?
Jylliene: ::Is glad chaos isn't solely the realm of Annisha & Co.::
Alexis McFarland: @ ::Drinking some water::
Annisha: @ Man, this is hard. I think father is cheating, cause he can't be smarter than me,
mimipavilion: ::doesn't see Tarisa leave:: Well...
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Sneezes again. This time her tail poofs in the process.::
Alexis McFarland: @Maybe he plays it while you're sleeping and levelled up more
Nijil tr'Korjata: The station did not remain at factory spec for very long.
Alexis McFarland: @ ::snuggles Miana:: I hope you're not getting sick or anything.
Fletcher Jackson: :::workworkwork:::
Chirakis: ::takes the command station:::
Tarisa: Perhaps it does take telepathic thoughts. :;Shrugs and begins to remove the suit.::
Theo: ::sits down to access the computer, types::
Johnson Kenyon: ::to Nijil:: to factory spec? This is a whole different station from the one I read about... I guess it makes sense that I could have screwed up this badly... I haven't even been here a week.
Tarisa: @ Miana> Or maybe someone really is talking about me...
Annisha: @ Probably helianthus or oenothera.
Alexis McFarland: @Hm. Maybe.
Chirakis: Garand> +com+ Captain, parents are asking for custody.
Chirakis: ::ponders for a moment:::
mimipavilion: ::Tarisa:: Well, I didn't lose a fellow Dept. Chief.
Chirakis: +com+ The answer is no, Lieutenant.
Tarisa: ::Nods with a smile, glad her tail can breathe again.::
Tarisa: ::Places the suit back on the table.::
Chirakis: Garand> +com+ They are threatening to bring charges.
Nijil tr'Korjata: I came here as a refugee from the GRB at ch'RIhan, and look at me now...disheveled and prone to fits of panic at the prospect that I have to keep thousands of people safe on the station. No pressure.
mimipavilion: ::smile:: We should take a break and come back to the suit with fresh eyes.
Chirakis: ::this is not happening.. this is not happening:::: +com+ Then they will either leave or be put in a cell. Their choice.
Tarisa: ::Nods in agreement.::
Chirakis: Garand> +com+ Yes, ma'am.
Theo: ::sits back and stretches::
Johnson Kenyon: ::looks at Nijil:: You look like one of the most relaxed Chief Engineers I've ever met... I wouldn't have known you felt pressure.... Maybe I just cannot read the facial cues from Romulans
Nijil tr'Korjata: I think the most important place here is the park, when au get down to it.
Tae'Lynn Dran: :::jotting down some thoughts::
Nijil tr'Korjata: To say Romulans keep things bottled up is an understatement.
mimipavilion: ::rubs her eyes::
Johnson Kenyon: I would have never known...
Tae'Lynn Dran: I wonder if we could just ask the Dahlem for a users manual?
Theo: ::Tarisa:: May I have a go at the suit?
Jylliene: ::wonders how the parents got there so fast::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::makes sure the airlocks are, well their locked::
Jylliene: ::word does indeed travel quickly::
Nijil tr'Korjata: There are generations upon generations of mistrust among us. The homeworld incident changed that for many of us out of necessity.
Johnson Kenyon: I didn't realize how much you'd been impacted
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Finally, a chair...
Nijil tr'Korjata: I have nightmares, Mr. Kenyon
mimipavilion: ::yawns::
Annisha: @ Well, I've made my choices.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 12/7/18
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Well done.
Chirakis: Captain, shall we move on, or would our scientists like to work on the cloaks more?
Kallah Ramson: i think move on. we can keep testing the suit in logs or later on.
Chirakis: Agreed. TBS will be 3 hours.
Chirakis: That will give me time to read the riot act to the children and their families.
Chirakis: And Commander Cayne will polish his tactical skills.
Chirakis: Before we finish up, I would like to thank all of you who are or have been veterans. Today we remember Pearl Harbor. Those of you in Canada, you were already in the fray before the U.S. came in. Thank you all.
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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