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Of Space and Time

Of Space and Time
Captain Chirakis
Captain Aayrn

On the second day of the second month of the year 2387, a supernova threatened to destroy ch’Rihan, the homeworld of the Romulan Star Empire.  Quick thinking by several scientists and engineers and a daring act by Ambassador Spock saved the planet from complete destruction.  However, gamma rays emitting from the supernova passed over the planet and rendered ch’Rihan uninhabitable for decades.  At least, that is the story that those of us in this era witnessed and remember.

On the thirtieth day of the twelfth month of the year 2259—in another era—the Federation starship USS Comanche Creek, commanded by Captain Calestorm, had joined a task force in pursuit of a Romulan Bird of Prey that lurked on the Federation side of the RNZ.  During that time, long range sensors picked up strange unidentifiable spacial readings.  Apparently the supernova that threatened ch’Rihan in the year 2387 had also created a rift in the space-time continuum.  It snatched the USS Comanche Creek from the year 2259 and threw them into the year 2387—not only 128 years into the future, but along a different timeline.  Suddenly their enemies were friends; their primary nemesis, Captain Nero, mined an asteroid belt in peace; and the Akira Class vessels of the Border Patrol that had yet to be born confronted them in full force.  USS Comanche Creek did eventually return to its own timeline, but first contact with a ship from a different world presented many problems.   Kirel had dealt with them as best she could, but never grasped the psychological trauma that crew experienced.  

Presently she was aboard the highly advanced Dahlem ship, Voad.  Given their telepathic powers and exceptional technology, Kirel felt as though they had jumped several hundred years into the future. She was beginning to understand the angst of Captain Calestorm and the crew of USS Comanche Creek as they struggled with reverse first contact.  It was Aegis’ turn for that experience.

Within the Voad’s science complex, Kirel had been purposely keeping her distance as she watched Commander Tarisa, Ensign Dran, and Dr. Pavilion.  Captain Aayrn was leading them through advanced procedures, acquainting them with highly advanced technology, and answering their questions.  It wasn’t long until he had them fully engaged with a Dahlem tricorder that the captain shifted his attention to Kirel.

“Something I can help you with, Captain?”

“Yes, Captain,” she began after a moment of thought, then motioned to a more private area.  “May I have a word?”

“Of course,” he replied, then turned to the officer next to him.  “Lieutenant Kagih, explain your work to our visitors while I confer with Captain Chirakis.”

The lieutenant was  several inches shorter than Captain Aayrn’s 7’3” frame.  She was female, and bore similar traits to the others aboard ship: especially fair skin and thick, white hair.  However there were differences in hairstyle, facial features, eye color, and build. In short, the crew of Voad were not clones.

Lieutenant Kagih stepped away from her console and shifted immediately from telepathy to Federation Standard. “Yes, Captain,” she said with a congenial nod to Kirel, then moved toward the team that was busy trying to manipulate the more advanced tricorder.

“How may I help you, Captain?” Aayrn began as they wandered through the science complex.

“I am concerned about the technology that you are showing our team.”  She glanced aside to see his reaction.  He seemed merely curious.  “What they are witnessing seems to be a technology that is several hundred years in the future.”

Aayrn nodded, but said nothing.

“Do you understand the implications of putting such advanced technology into their hands or what the consequences may be if our science department advances suddenly from one era to another that is several hundred years in the future?  And if another, possibly hostile culture, gains access to it?”  

Her wandering stopped next to an unused console.  Aayrn stopped beside her.  Not far away, the away team continued to focus on Lieutenant Kagih as she explained the use of their tricorder, then fielded their questions.

“I do understand your concern, Captain,”  Aayrn replied in a serious vein.  “Given your facial expressions, I knew that we would breach that subject soon.  Therefore...”  Aayrn turned and swept one arm around the massive science complex.  “...tell me what you see. What kind of technology are we using?  Does it remind you of anything?”

“It has the look of our science complex.  There is only a slight difference, but the consoles are similar, the information that scrolls the screen is similar, the chairs are similar, as is the... lounge.”  She looked around, then turned to Aayrn.  “You set this up.”

He nodded.

“This is not the configuration of your science complex.”

“That is correct. It is not.”

“Because this is first contact?”


“And the advanced technology?”

Aayrn smiled.  “It is not as advanced as you think it is.  The tricorder is slightly modified to our specifications.  It will give you a deeper look into whatever you scan.  Any of your engineers should be able to reverse engineer it.  The clothing that folds itself?  Nanite cloth: something that will be used by many in your near future.  As for our propulsion system?  That is private, as are a few other things.”

“Um….”  She looked around the complex once more, then nodded.

“Satisfied so far?”

“So far.”

“But you will have other questions and concerns eventually.  Do not hesitate to ask.”

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