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Admiral Atragon-9


= /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1006, STARDATE 51810.29 = /\ =
The Manticore was called to Titan due to extreme seismic activity. 
We found the focus of the energy disruption is an Anti-Verteron 
wormhole.  We flooded the nexus with a huge dose of our own 
Anti-Verterons and forced open the wormhole.  We confronted a 
half-dozen alien craft that came through and only one survived the 
Federation posturing and threats that led to a short, but violent battle.  
A boarding party sent to that damaged ship discovered the alien ship 
is actually organic in nature.  We were able to repair by applying Bio-
neural gel packs that the ship absorbed directly.  A9 took over the 
command of Manticore while Sovak touring the USS Republic, from the 
future.  Then a massive alien ship, made of the same materials and the 
smaller craft, came through the wormhole, communicated directly with 
Manticore (not the crew) and asked the Away Team to leave the 
"digestive chamber" of the younger being/ship, they beam out in a hurry.
= /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #1006, STARDATE 51810.29= /\ =

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