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Tae'Lynn Dran

Personal Log: Setting The New Course

Several years ago...
Clouds hid the setting sun and a frigid North wind chilled the ocean spray as it coated the rocks and sands of the small island. Most creatures of the air and land had moved to their warm burrows. Besides the rolling surf the only other sounds were the winds whistling through the land coral and the clinking of the rigging clips on a small sailing craft pulled onto the beach.
A jacketed figure sat on the beach beside the craft. Under gloves and hood the only part openly exposed to the wind's chill was a single braided lock of silver hair. But the eyes within the hood were not downcast. They looked up and across the horizon, taking note of each surge and swell of the waves. The observer traced with her eyes the edges of distant clouds and took in the light grays towards the sunward horizon and the growing inky blackness of the rising night.
She was sinking so mentally into the nature of her surroundings that the young woman barely recognized the sound from her comm-staff. "Dran, where are you?" It was a familiar voice speaking out to her.
"Dran, come on. Answer me." The man's voice had tones of concern as well as annoyance. "Listen, I managed to unmute your comm-staff remotely. I'll do the same with the recall transporter if you don't answer me. And you know I can do it."
She reached over and pulled the comm-staff from its holster along her right leg. Lifting the 0.4 meter long rod high over her head she judged the distance between her and the waterline.
The voice sounded again, "I've already pinpointed your location so throwing it in the surf won't help."
She winced, embarrassed. Slowly she lowered the device to her chest. The spell of her surroundings fully broken the young woman huddled in on herself against the cold. She whispered into the comm-staff. "What do you want?"
"What do you mean, what do I want?!? You don't think everybody heard you're leaving the Academy? And you're transferring to Star Fleet Academy? By the Three, what has gotten into you?"
"They made me an offer." Her tone didn't even convince herself.
"Oh, they make everyone an offer! You could carpet the Grand Temple with all their recruitment posters. But no one's fool enough to take them up on it."
She couldn't hide the hurt in her voice, "So you think I'm a fool too?"
There was a pause. "That's not what I said. Wait, who else are you talking about?"
"Navara." She huddled tighter in.
"Tae'Lynn," addressing her by the first name was more intimate than he normally would be. "I know you two are engaged but... he is a pompous idiot! He's a blind beggar more interested in your father's bank account than...." the voice paused. 
From his end of the comm link he could hear faint crying. Quietly he continued, "I'm sorry. Tell me what happened."
"You were right. Navara is just a social climber like the rest. I tested him. I told him I wanted to give my inheritance to my brother and join Star Fleet. It was a joke really."
"He didn't take it as a joke. He lost it, didn't he."
"No. He actually said it was a good move for me. But then tried to talk me into keeping the inheritance. He said he could manage it while I was gone. I've... I've never heard him so happy. He went on and on about how long tours of duty would keep us apart but he'd manage if it's what I wanted. I could see it in his eyes though. It's what he wanted. He was happy to get rid of me."
"You've tried to get fresh water from that salted well for too long. I'm.... I'm sorry whatever good you saw in him you couldn't bring out. But if it was a farce then why are you going through with Star Fleet?" 
"Somehow, when I said it, even as a joke, it sounded right. And I can't stay here now."
"All jokes about the Federation aside, if you're just running away you won't succeed, even in Star Fleet."
"No." Dran raised her head. The night sky had consumed half the heavens above now. Lights from the city of HomeShore could be seen in the distance. "I'm not running away. I'm just... taking a detour."
"Oh, by The Three and all the Sainted Forefathers I hope you know what you're doing."
"Probably not." She hopped up and brushed the sand from the back of her jacket. "As they say, the winds will always take you where you're going but not always where you planned." 
It was a strong steady wind that filled her sails on the trip home. Dran would still have a lot of explaining to do: to family, to friends, and to mentors at the Academy. It would be uncharted seas but her course was set. 

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