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Cptn d'Ka

The Void

The Void
USS Missouri, 1800 Hours 
Captain Je’rit D’Ka
Commander Lei’ri

It is in the dark, not the light, that a candle shines the brightest.” 
― Matshona Dhliwayo

Executive Officer Lei'ri knew better than to disrupt his captain's thoughts, but he was bound in duty to watch his captain. Captain d’Ka called him “his watchdog” for various reasons.  The commander’s Qr’var senses, though not telepathic, related to the captain’s in a way neither of them understood, but both recognized.  So Lei’ri watched, and what he saw puzzled him.

Captain d'Ka had been standing by OPS and staring at the main viewscreen for well over an hour. His eyes had slowly turned to a deep blue-black: a sign of concentration.

When the alien ship appeared: massive, imposing, and dwarfing USS Missouri, perimeter alarms blared from the bridge to the fighter decks, accompanied by General Quarters.  Bridge personnel initially froze, then scrambled to GQ.  

Captain d’Ka continued to stare at the viewscreen.

Commander Lei’ri bolted from his chair to stand beside the captain. “Keann-aí?”*

“No need to be alarmed, ‘Ri,” d’Ka replied, holding up a restraining hand as he moved toward his readyroom.  “Mr. Sojek, do not arm weapons.  Mr. Tan, stand down General Quarters.  Commander Stevenson, you have the conn.  Commander Lei’ri, with me.”

Acknowledgements faded as the readyroom door closed behind them.  “Stand to my left and slightly behind me, ‘Ri.  Do not speak.”

Less than a minute later, a humanoid, approximately 7 feet tall appeared.  It was wrapped completely in thin athletic-type clothing.  It stood there for a moment, then removed its hood and nodded, its hands spread palms-up.  D’Ka mirrored the move.  Lei’ri watched, curious, but unable to make sense of the situation. 

Eventually, the being reached into a pocket to retrieve a piece of metal, handed it to Captain d’Ka, replaced its hood, then vanished.  Captain d’Ka stood in silence, inhaled deeply, then relaxed.

“Apologies, Captain, but were you communicating telepathically?” Lei’ri asked.

“Not entirely, ‘Ri.  They are a very different species. Their telepathy is on a different level than mine—or any other for that matter. It is more a feeling than hearing.” He handed the piece of metal to Lei’ri.

“A feeling?” he said, taking the piece in hand.

“Difficult to explain.  Like…. a sensation? What some humans call a ‘gut’ feeling, but more than that.” He pointed to the metal.

The metal was fairly heavy as he hefted it in his hand.  It was bent and tarnished, perhaps from an explosion.  Then he turned it over.  

The inscription read, “USS Vladivostok NCC 605.”
*Keann-aí - the respectful Sindar word for Captain.

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