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Admiral Atragon-9


= /\ = USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #996, STARDATE 51807.23 = /\ =
The Manticore was called to Titan in its capacity as a support and 
clean up craft due to extreme seismic activity.  We arrived in time to 
see part of the moon's surface break off and fly away!  Sci and Eng 
have discovered that the focus of the energy disruption is fixed in 
space, not on the surface of the moon.  It soon became calm on 
Titan, as it continued its orbit out of the destructive energy.  A9 and 
a Security detail are on Titan to hep coordinate the relief effort and 
the ship is staying at the energy nexus, trying to discover the source, 
the power, and figure some way to defuse or redirect it before Titan 
returns to this spot in space, as it does every 16 days.
= /\ = END USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #996, STARDATE 51807.23 = /\ =

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