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Sky Harbor Aegis | 22 June 2018

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 6/22/18 =/\=
26 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.116

TBS is 4 hours. The time is 1200 hours (12:00 pm) Aegis local.
The station is slowly returning to normal.
All sections are investigating ways to guard against psychic attacks.
V'Mal and the Stone of Gol are in security.
RSE Antius, RSE Chairo, have left.
Starfleet is en route to pick up USS Mason and her crew.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Fletcher Jackson: ::aux OPS::
Alexis McFarland: ::in class with Annisha and Miana when the lunch bell rings::
mimipavilion: ::in medical::
Tarisa: ::On CnC, at SCI.::
Chirakis: :::steps from the lift into CnC after checking on their prisoner::
Jylliene: ::ops::
Dacia Sandero: ::in Sickbay, checking on patients and stuff::
Chirakis: Commander Kital, report.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Happy jump, throwing her hands up.:: Lunch!
Chirakis: ::checking the offices, both XO and CO are busy::
Ethan Neufeld: Maj. Butts> +Aegis Approach, Tantalus Niner-Fower-Six. 127 mark 40. Inbound and requesting docking slip.+
Alexis McFarland: Yay! ::giggles::
Chirakis: ::Logs into the main console;::
Jylliene: All stations reporting a return to normal functions. Still working on ways to secure ourselves from repeats of recent events.
Chirakis: ::looks up at the call from Butts:::
Jylliene: +Maj Butts+ Aegis operations here. Standby for approach vector.
Alexis McFarland: Where should we go for lunch? ::heads to the lockers to put away her stuff::
Jylliene: ::glances at Chirakis::
Chirakis: Transponder ID?
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::sends friendly IFF, registered to Starfleet Corrections Command::
Jylliene: ::looks:: Registered to Starfleet corrections.. ::sends the info over to her::
Scott Coleridge: ::emerges from his office::
Chirakis: ::checks it out::: Continue. Priority one.
Jylliene: ::nods::
Alexis McFarland: ::opens her locker and puts away her books, thinking of where they should go eat::
Tarisa: Miana> Hmmm.... ::Perks up.:: I want steamed buns!
Jylliene: +Butts+ Transmitting approach vector for your docking slip now.
Jylliene: ::transmits::  
Alexis McFarland: Hmm.. there's that Asian place in the food court that sells them. I haven't been there yet but it looks yummy.
Chirakis: ::turns to Scott:: Commander, incoming from Starfleet Corrections, docking now.
Jylliene: +Butts+ We'll be awaiting your arrival. Welcome to Aegis.
Tarisa: ::Quietly working at her station, her tail slowly swaying back and forth.::
Scott Coleridge: Oh?
Ethan Neufeld: Maj. Butts> +Tantalus 946, received.+ ::proceeds with docking::
Chirakis: Indeed.
Tarisa: Miana> Yay! We should go.
Jylliene: ::considers "corrections" an oddly docile name for what type of things it actually deals with::
Chirakis: Perhaps I should meet him?
Alexis McFarland: Mm! ::smiles hugs Miana:: Let's go. ::To Miana and Annisha::
Chirakis: Unless you would rather, Commander.
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::successfully docks and begins securing::
Jylliene: The ship is currently docking. Primary docking ring.
Dacia Sandero: ::working with some of the Romulans on some medical experiments they were conducting::
Jylliene: Slip one.
Scott Coleridge: ::Chirakis:: I'm happy to delegate this one to you.
Chirakis: Thank you, Commander. Given the situations we have had recently, I will meet him at the docking ring.
Chirakis: Commander Cayne, take TAC
Chirakis: ::exits to command lift:: Primary Docking ring.
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::freshens up after long flight and gathers PADD with orders::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Goes to the food court with the other girls.::
Chirakis: ::summoning a detail as the lift moves:::
Alexis McFarland: ::arrives at the food court after a short lift ride, looking for the Asian vendor she saw yesterday when she was shopping with Dacia::
Chirakis: ::steps out at the docking ring and proceeds to his slip:::
mimipavilion: ::exits her office and walks around medical::
Alexis McFarland: It's over by the Vulcan place there ::points::
Chirakis: ::then she nods to the security detail and stands ready to receive our guest:::
Tarisa: ::Tapping at her console as she runs a small simulation.::
Chirakis: ::eyes the interesting craft:::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Nods as she sniffs the air.:: Mmmm....I can smell it.
Jylliene: ::assigns possible guest quarters, then resumes the usual checks of requisitions and supplies, planned arrivals and departures, etc.::
mimipavilion: ::stops and talks with some of the Romulans about medical stuff::
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::exits the airlock to a greeting party and briefly looks around:: Thanks for the welcome.
Alexis McFarland: It smells nice. ::sniffs and lines up and looks at the menu::
Alexis McFarland: Ooh.. this melon bread looks nice. So does the curry bread too.
Chirakis: ::steps forward, then stops in recognition::: Major Butts, I am Captain Chirakis, Chief of Security. Credentials, please.
Scott Coleridge: ::Jylliene:: I don't recall receiving any communiques from Starfleet Corrections telling us we were going to receive a visitor, do you?
Tarisa: Miana> ::Orders three different buns and a bottle of ramune.::
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> Sure thing. ::hands over credentials:: I'm here to take custody of ::glances at PADD:: Vee-Mal, for transport.
Jylliene: No, but I'm not necessarily privy to all the communication that could come through.
Chirakis: ::nods as she takes them, checks them over, and all is in order, then hands them back:::
Alexis McFarland: ::orders three different buns as well and a can of Jumja Dew::
Chirakis: Your orders, Major? ::hand out::
Jylliene: I'm sure Captain Chirakis will have it well-in-hand.
Jylliene: ::slight grin to him::
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::hands the PADD over:: Is the prisoner ready? Have a tight schedule.
Jylliene: She did approve the docking.
Chirakis: In due time, Major.
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::grunts::
Chirakis: ::checks the orders, thumbprints, then passes them back:: Welcome to Sky Harbor Aegis. Come with me, please.
Dacia Sandero: ::going over the results of the experiments with them:: I'm glad it went well. I'm sure Starfleet Medical will be interested in these results.
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> Thanks. ::falls in::
Dacia Sandero: ::them being the Romulans she was doing the experiments with::
Chirakis: ::waves off the security detail as she leads Butts into the lift:::
Alexis McFarland: ::sits at an empty table with Miana and Annisha::
Chirakis: ::before she enters, to the detail:: Stand guard. ::Then holds the door for Butts:::
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::enters lift:: Any good takeout here? Been eating runabout food for a week.
Alexis McFarland: (Blubby's!)
Tarisa: Miana> Hmm... ::A very serious look on her face as she looks at the buns.:: Curry or beef stew first?
Chirakis: We have excellent food, yes. ::the lift door closes::: CnC.
Chirakis: ::turns to Butts with a slight smile:: It has been a while. ::Ethan::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: At his post ::
Alexis McFarland: ::watches Miana, her serious face is so cute..::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Annisha> :: eating ::
Ethan Neufeld: ::waits a beat:: Yeah. Heard this guy is dangerous. How's the recovery?
Dacia Sandero: ::decides to eat the beef one first::
Chirakis: Recovery is in process. And yes, very dangerous. Tread lightly.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Finally decides on curry first, taking a big bite of the bun. Lets out a squeal of joy.::
Dacia Sandero: ::coincidentally, she also stopped by the bun place for lunch::
Ethan Neufeld: ::nods:: Don't worry. They outfitted the runabout well.
Chirakis: I noticed. Only partially, but I did notice.
Chirakis: ::the lift stops:: And there have been many changes since the last time you visited.
Alexis McFarland: That looks nice. ::Takes a bite of her beef bun::: Mmm.. yummy!
Chirakis: ::she presses the open button and steps out :::
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::straightens his jacket and follows::
Jylliene: ::nods to Chirakis:: Ma'am.
Dacia Sandero: Not bad.. ::wished she and Alexis hadn't already ate dinner when they passed by it last night::
Chirakis: ::nod to Jylliene::: Commander Coleridge, Major Butts, Starfleet Corrections.
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> :extends hand to Coleridge:: Major Harold Butts at your service. I hear you have a gift for Corrections that needs shipping.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Pops the little ball on her ramune. Her ears flicked as the ball clinked into the bottle.::
Chirakis: Major Butts, Commander Coleridge is our Executive Officer.
Scott Coleridge: ::shakes the hand::
Scott Coleridge: Everything in order, Captain Chirakis?
Chirakis: Indeed it is.
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::nods at Jylliene::
Scott Coleridge: Well that's something at least.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Meanwhile, Nijil was working around the station, well, really eating a sandwich::
Alexis McFarland: Oooh! ::looks at the bottle::
Tarisa: ::Ears perk at the sounds of someone new. She glances up to see the newcomer.::
Jylliene: ::smiles inwardly hearing Coleridge's comment::
Chirakis: May I suggest we meet in your office, Commander?
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::looks at the commander in agreement with Chirakis::
Tarisa: Miana> I always wanted to try one. ::Takes a sip.:: Yummy!
Alexis McFarland: ::no line, so she quickly goes and orders a ramune bottle as well::
Scott Coleridge: Sure.
Scott Coleridge: ::leads them into his office::
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::follows and waits::
Chirakis: ::follows the two:::
Chirakis: ::enters and the door closes:::
mimipavilion: ::continues her walk::
Fletcher Jackson: ::blink, whisper to Jylliene:: What's going on, Commander?
Tarisa: ::Glances over at Jylliene as the others go into the office.:: Did I hear his name correctly?
Alexis McFarland: ::rushes back:: Couldn't help it. I've had one before but not in this flavour. ::Struggles with popping the little ball into the bottle but smiles with satisfaction when she finally pops it in:: Coooool..
Tarisa: Miana> ::Giggles.::
Fletcher Jackson: ::Tarisa:: Think so, ma'am.
Alexis McFarland: ::Giggles as well::
Scott Coleridge: ::takes a seat behind his desk:: So, what's the story?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Nothing going on across the sector ::
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::glances at Chirakis::
Jylliene: ::Whisper to Fletcher:: Seems to be pick up from Starfleet Corrections, probably our guest in the brig? Not sure.
Chirakis: There are many things you must know before you take him.
Alexis McFarland: ::eats her beef bun which was still steaming hot, eats it slowly::
Jylliene: Some things, I thankfully leave above my pay grade.
Fletcher Jackson: Whoooa...
Fletcher Jackson: Radical
Tarisa: ::Thinking there is some sort of human joke there, but leaves it at that. Her tail flicks as she goes back to her simulation.::
Jylliene: ::glances at Fletcher:: Were you off doughnuts too long? You have to ease back into those jelly-filled ones.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Annisha> :: smiles, but eats quietly ::
Chirakis: Commander, would you care to enlightening him regarding his charge?
Scott Coleridge: V'Mal is a psychotic psychic.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Bites into the beef stew bun next. Gives off another gleeful sound.::
Alexis McFarland: ::wonders what kind of bun Annisha got, drinks her ramune::
Fletcher Jackson: ::has completely forgotten about the donuts behind him:::
Alexis McFarland: ::tries a bite of her curry bun::
Fletcher Jackson: Don't quite feel like one, ma'am. Thanks, though.
Ethan Neufeld: Ma'am. ::nods at Chirakis:: Commander, V'Mal is being charged with psychological assault, violating self-will, reckless endangerment, and invasion of privacy. My orders are to transport him to a high-security facility.
Fletcher Jackson: You know, this whole thing about... that guy? He's bad news.
Jylliene: That is putting it rather mildly.
Fletcher Jackson: I mean, seriously? He's taking him... somewhere?
Jylliene: I'm sure they have facilities for psychic-abled prisoners.
Alexis McFarland: ::grins, has some curry on her cheek::
Fletcher Jackson: ::swallows hard:::
Scott Coleridge: What sort of facility?
Ethan Neufeld: Secure. Specifically insulated for the psi-powerful. Beyond that, is above my paygrade.
Fletcher Jackson: Man... I can't imagine having a job like that. ::glance to Tarisa:::
Scott Coleridge: And do you yourself have experience transporting dangerous telepaths, Major?
Ethan Neufeld: Yes, sir. Certified.
Jylliene: ::nods to Fletcher::
Chirakis: If I may, Commander. His credentials are substantial.
Tarisa: It is certainly a field of work I do not wish to do.
Scott Coleridge: Good.
Scott Coleridge: So how do we accomplish this? Site-to-site transport?
Chirakis: ::looks to Ethan::
Ethan Neufeld: ::nods:: Recommended for the station's safety, sir.
Chirakis: ::Scott:: I will disable the confinement beam and stand by V'Mal until he is transported, Commander. He is well sedated at the moment.
Scott Coleridge: Agreed. Will you need anything else from us, either before or after? Should we have him sed_ ah.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Finishes her second bun, looking at the third.:: Red bean paste. ::Eyeing it a moment, before taking a bite.:: Yummy!
Ethan Neufeld: ::shakes head;: Negative, sir.
Chirakis: He has been, since incarceration, Commander.
Jylliene: I will feel better having him off the station.
Scott Coleridge: ::nods at both of them:: Then I see no reason why you shouldn't proceed. Captain, the prisoner is remanded to Major Butts. Please oversee the transfer.
Alexis McFarland: Red bean, eh? ::also on her 3rd bun, a melon bun, which was nice and sweet::
Tarisa: ::Nods in agreement.::
Scott Coleridge: Major, I hope you don't take it personally when I say I don't want to meet you again. ::wry smile::
Alexis McFarland: He he he... ::eating her bun::
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> Thank you, sir. Wouldn't have it any other way.
Chirakis: Yes, Commander. ::nods and exits into the command lift:: Security complex.
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::follows Chirakis out of the commander's office, nods at the CnC staff, and splits to another lift:: Primary Docking.
Chirakis: ::exits, signs a few papers, then stands by::: +Butts+ Ready to proceed, Major.
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::back aboard ship preparing to leave:: +Chirakis+ Go.
Chirakis: +Stand by+
Scott Coleridge: ::returns to the CnC::  Never a dull moment on this station.
Jylliene: ::nods to Coleridge::
Tarisa: ::Perks up at that statement.::
Chirakis: ::disengages the confinement beam, unlocks the door, and checks the prisoner, all accompanied by a security detail:::
Chirakis: +Beaming now+
Chirakis: ::watching him fizzle away:::
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts +Roger+ ::watches V'Mal appear in a secured area in the stern:: +Received.+
Chirakis: ::sighs, glad to be rid of the.. :: +Acknowledged+
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> ::returns to the helm:: +Aegis Departure, Tantalus 946, requesting vectors for departure.+
Chirakis: ::and very good to see her old friend again::
Chirakis: ::Garand:: Get maintenance to clean this place up. I'll be in CnC.
Ethan Neufeld: ::waves a sign Chirakis knows in "goodbye" though she can't see it::
Chirakis: ::enters the command lift and exits on CnC:::
Jylliene: +Butts+ Standby, Major.
Jylliene: ::glances to Coleridge for a 'good to go' nod::
Chirakis: ::Moves to her console, and sends a private secured message::
Scott Coleridge: ::nods at Jylliene:: Let's cut this one loose.
Chirakis: ::then steps away to watch the departure:::
Fletcher Jackson: :::breathes a sigh of relief:::
Jylliene: ::nods:: +Butts+ Transmitting now. You're cleared to depart at your leisure. Safe travels to you. Aegis out.
Ethan Neufeld: Maj Butts> +Thank you, Aegis. It's been a pleasure. Tantalus 946. ::glances at message, then disengages and heads out::
Jylliene: ::wouldn't exactly call any of what transpired a pleasure, though putting the bow on it and calling it done comes close::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: sighs ::
mimipavilion: ::goes back to her office to finish up some paperwork::
Alexis McFarland: ::feeling full but satisfied with her lunch as they had back to class:: That was yummy.. we should head back and try some of the other buns too
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Message from SI comes in for Cayne ::
Fletcher Jackson: ::and now he wants a donut:::
Chirakis: ::watching the runabout fade:::
Ethan Neufeld: ::sets the autopilot, and heads into the stern, checks the safeties the engineers installed before he left as V'Mal stirs:: 
Not sorry for the splitting migraine and general nausea you're about to experience. All's fair. ::watches V'Mal look at him, obviously unsteady:: 
V'Mal> Who are you? 
Ethan> ::shugs:: You can call me...Harry Heck. ::Ethan returns to the helm and runabout proceeds on course, its warp signature trackable up to 15 light years where it suddenly vanishes::
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 6/22/18
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Well done. And thank you, Commander Neufeld, for playing with us tonight.
Chirakis: Commander Coleridge, TBS?
Ethan Neufeld: Been fun.
Scott Coleridge: Hmm
Chirakis: Don't think too hard now.
Scott Coleridge: Let's bring us to the start of the next day
Chirakis: So, 6 am next day?
Scott Coleridge: Yep
Scott Coleridge: Give people a chance to do a little more in logs if they want
Chirakis: Excellent.
Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: About how many people are on the station at any given time?
Chirakis: Approximately 2,500.
Chirakis: Dergin, glad you could come to watch.
Dergin: Been a very long time since I was on the Aegis
Chirakis: There are times, Dergin, when it is so fast you can't type fast enough.
Dergin: prior to it being called Skyharbor
Dergin: I remember
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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