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Travis Kroells

Digging up the past

Personal log star date 0212.17


Begin Recording…


I have currently been using all my spare time while at the station trying to dig up the mystery around the Manticore.  All attempts so far have proven useless.  I have been able to produce nothing more than a few sightings in several systems.  Sitting in my quarters rummaging through all these files makes me wonder why Starfleet would have such a dirty secret.  But then again we all have secrets in some form or an other?  But my secrets come at a price too high worth keeping any more…

It was my last year at the academy I had once again barely managed to pass the year before.  Due to the fact that I didn’t want to be here in the first place and that schooling in any form was always difficult for me was finally taking affect.  I was burning out fast, out partying all night getting papers in at the last minute.  You’d have no idea on how many all nighters I pulled.  If it wasn’t for the support of my friend Andrew O’Connor I wouldn’t know if I’d be where I was today.  Some one else had helped me along to, her name was Kayla.  She had shown up in my life during the second semester.  We were exact opposites of each other so naturally we fell or each other.  I would have to say that she was the best influence on my life she was the one to turn me around just a bit.  My partying decreased and my grades increased if just a little.  But me and O’Connor were pranksters at heart and we had come up with the ultimate one.  We were planning on “borrowing” one of the shuttle craft and flying it over all the dormitories to wake up and scare the hell out of every body.  We needed a little encouragement so we had been downing a bottle of romulan ale all night long.  Me, Kayla, and O’Connor finally got to the shuttle and took off.  But what all of us failed to notice was that one of the impulse manifolds had been severely damaged and was to be used as a repair lesson for several engineers.  It would be the last flight I ever took with those two again…

We had been flying around for some time when we saw the dormitories In a drunken stupor I tried to lower the shuttle.   That’s when the **** hit the fan or so they say.  The shuttle began to drop towards the surface with unbelievable speed.  We had know idea on what to do.  We were to afraid and too drunk to do anything. At the last moment Kayla hit the site to site transporter.  I landed on the ground with the thud.  I woke up in a hospital 23 hours later with a severe concussion.  I had asked where the others were.  The doctors had told me that Kayla and O’Connor never rematerialized with me.  They were dead.  Dead because of me.  Because of my stupid prank, because of that romulan ale, because we were all too drunk to notice the engine problem.  I was to be expelled for sure but my once again my dad stepped in saving my ass when I didn’t want to be saved.  I deserved what ever punishment I would have received, hey I probably deserved even more… but that day when Kayla and Andrew O’Connor died in a way so did I.

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