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Lerak trPexil

My Love, Nalia

"My Love, Nalia"


To: Lerak tr'Pexil

From: Nalia t'eaha'lagga


I hope au remember me from ch'Rihan because I surely remember au. How could au not after leaving me to recover with your family in your very strange dwelling. Why au would want to live near a cliff overseeing the ocean is, well, unexpected. Your mother told me this was some kind of old cargo vessel. It explains a lot. Au must really like space, up there with the stars, saving us from the, Othan is it?


Your father told me about them, or really what au told him about them. I mean I knew something was going on, but I just run a flower shop, or at least I did. It was closed up before the area was evacuated, but it was nearly too late.


The government rounded us up after the attacks and moved us outside the capital for our own safety. I started to cough violently soon after I arrived. It was awful. It make my stomach ache like nothing else. I could not hold any food down and water was no better. I was bedridden for weeks. I lost kilogram after kilogram. I was withering away. The doctors only gave me a few more weeks of agony in which to live. Then au arrived.


I had no idea who au were. No idea au were from the Galae, or even the pride of the fleet. In charge of engineering no less. And a ship as large as the Talon must keep you busy. Yet au found me, or rather, us, in that camp. Your doctor had a solution to our plight the others had not considered. Information they did not have. Au saved my life.


I must have looked hideous, wasting away with the others. I wanted to hold au so tight, but I only had enough strength to stand and hold on to your arm. Some other woman gave me a look, someone of a higher standing by her uniform. Perhaps au know her. Of course au know her. Thank her too if au know who I'm talking about.


After some weeks I've regained much of my weight and strength. Your mother is having me perform jobs around your dwelling as payment for a place to recover. She's not asked me to leave. I asked about it and she said I could stay as long as I needed. Is this true? I mean au owe me nothing after saving me and now I owe au so much.


Your sister was happy to tell me all about au. Does the scar on your back still give au trouble? She said it nearly broke your spirit. Cracked your emotional center. Given your status I would say au prevailed.


I don't want to make this too long. They have me sleeping in your large bed. I hope this is alright. See attached a picture of me on it as I dictate this to the ettre.


[Picture of a thinly dressed Naila sitting comfortably on a bed]


I have placed flowers all over your place, it needed a woman's touch, if one can add that to an old cargo ship sunk into the ground. I hope when au return I can repay my debt to au. Cooking a grand meal, getting to know au in person, or something more.


I send good fortunes your way an await your return. If your family is any indication the wait will be worth it.


My love,



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