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Having returned from their outing, the time has come to start with our next mission, t'Vatrix has sent a message to all senior staff, and messaged N'Dak that she'd like to see them all in the conference room in 5 siuren.






KhreRiovtRex: :: Having finished uploading a few maps and instructions to her ISD's, closes out the screen on her Etreeh, and heads towards the door leading to the Oira::

STSF Seiben: ::making his way to the conference room::

m_k_tksa: ::poking her head into the exam room where tr'Aieme is working:: Senior staff meeting. Ie? ::motions for him to wrap up what he's doing::

Laehval tTemarr: ::Laehval found the conference room early so that she could continue reviewing the recent supply orders that had been transferred from the station. From the look of things, Pexil had done well in finagling several of the harder to get items.::

NDak: ::Destorie made his way to the conference room after checking in with the Stinger and instructing them to reprovision. ::

Lerak trPexil: :: Walking to the conference room, looking at his ISD, then wondering if he was developing an unhealthy addition to its contents ::

m_k_tksa: tr'Aieme>Just because I'm the only Kheinsa onboard....::shakes his head, grabbing an ISD off the table and follows t'Ksa out::

Lerak trPexil: :: Enters the room ::

STSF Seiben: ::enters the room after Pex, reading his ISD::

m_k_tksa: Au are the only Khiensa in a few sectors ::smirks, heading down the back corridor of medical, examining the construction still underway as they travel:: They've missed a few spots, I see.

NDak: ::Takes a seat::

STSF Seiben: ::sits down::

KhreRiovtRex: :: enters the conference room with a armful of ISD's and makes her way to the head of the table::

m_k_tksa: tr'Aieme> They have other priorities than fixing the rear half of our area. ::enters the lift::

m_k_tksa: Au do know it affects au's office. That the sooner the construction crew finishes, the sooner au can move back into au's office, ie?

KhreRiovtRex: ::sees that they are still waiting on a few, so takes a seat for the moment::

m_k_tksa: tr'Aieme> Tired of sharing au's office then? ::enters the conference room, rather startled to see how quiet it is::

Lerak trPexil: :: sits ::

m_k_tksa: ::elbows him and motions to a couple of free chairs::

KhreRiovtRex: :: pours a glass of water from one of the pitchers located on the table, then turns her attention back to one of her ISD's and brings up a large star map of Rihan Space onto the viewer

Lerak trPexil: :: Looks at the map on the screen ::

STSF Seiben: ::looks at the viewer and takes a sip of water::

Laehval tTemarr: ::Laehval glanced up as everyone drifted in and finally took her seat, nodding to the crew.::


KhreRiovtRex: Hann'yyo for au time and coming so quickly. I'm sure au would have liked a bit more time on the station to check back on friends and family back rhae the homeworld. If au have na had an opportunity to do so, we will be stationing out of this location for some time, and working in an outward radius of it's location until we are sure we've cut off the enemy at this point

KhreRiovtRex: t'A will be briefed afterwards, I've asked her to keep an eye on the work crews from the shipyards as we don't know them

KhreRiovtRex: :: passes out several ISD's to hand around the table::

Laehval tTemarr: ::Takes one down and passes it around.::

NDak: ::He continued to drink from a mug of hot tea that had a slightly citrus fragrance and a, whiff of cinnamon::

KhreRiovtRex: Each ISD I'm handing au, has a copy of this star map, ::points up to the screen, which is marked where we believe the current front lines with the Othan are.

m_k_tksa: ::takes io of the ISD, catches the Kheinsa's eye before handing him io as well::

Lerak trPexil: :: Nods ::

KhreRiovtRex: While I'm sure many of us including myself, would jol na more than to charge right to face that traitor tr'Tronius and his lot.... however, we have much more important work to do at the moment. That being to make sure that the homeworld is protected and has the resources needed to recover

STSF Seiben: ::takes an ISD and passes it to the next person::

KhreRiovtRex: Part of this task to ensure it is protected, is to make sure the area surrounding the Jubel System, where we are here at the Justarus Shipyards, is held and secure. This is where the extra ships where hidden by Galae that helped us turn the tide. However, their numbers have been drastically lowered, and it will take time to rebuild

KhreRiovtRex: we must make sure that this sector is secure. However, when they were attacked, and proud to say able to hold the Othan off until they withdrew, they also had not known of the incoming attack until it was almost too late


KhreRiovtRex: A few scouts and probes have shown us that the Othan knocked out several key communications relays, as well as enacted a scorched-earth policy, much as they had on the last planet we had just assisted.

Laehval tTemarr: ::She nodded in agreement with t'Rexan's plan, pleased that her previous suicidal rush had been tempered with reason and logic. The Othan could be anywhere now and they weren't going to catch up with them by hopping from colony to colony.::

KhreRiovtRex: We need to reach out, and secure the surrounding planetary systems, get the relays up and running, and assist any injured parties

KhreRiovtRex: The Othan seem to have a strategy that targets anything that might be useful to us, while it is advancing through and withdrawing from a location

NDak: ::He frowned. The dishonor with which the Othan veruul draped themselves with was intolerable.::

KhreRiovtRex: I am concerned about the Ustallan and Quatel systems, as well as Pallor, but out Dumo'kozen can investigate Pallor for now.

KhreRiovtRex: What I want is your suggestions on how we go about this.

KhreRiovtRex: Do we take Talon out with Stinger cloaked as advance scout? Do we keep the Talon near to the shipyards to show we are protecting it, and use the Stinger for shorter, smaller misisons?

KhreRiovtRex: Fhaen, I would like to know au thoughts and recommendations


KhreRiovtRex: (Talon forums link to starmap)


NDak: ::Frowns more deeply, considering over his tea::

STSF Seiben: :pondering, as he studies the starmap::

KhreRiovtRex: :: sets down her ISD, and picks up her water again::

NDak: There is an argument for either.

m_k_tksa: I'm na the tactical expert, so I'm afraid I can't give an opinion on how the Talon or Stinger should be used. ::setting her ISD down::

STSF Seiben: Indeed there is. There's merit in both options.

NDak: Leaving the Talon, rhae the systems would certainly lower the chances of the Othan attacking the system.

NDak: However, flying the flag with a powerful vessel under the command of the Khre'Riov would also send a powerful message, rhae the peoples of these systems who we will have to do some convincing that we are here to help them.

Laehval tTemarr: While helpful, the Stinger's cloak will be useless if we come across the Othans. It is their ship and technology. Without significant modifications, they could surely track the ship the same way we tracked theirs.

NDak: Perhaps au could assist my daise engineer in that.

KhreRiovtRex: :: turns to look at tKsa:: Au may na be a tactical expert, but au are our medical expert, and I am relying on au thoughts on how best to help the inhabitants, if they were left in as bad of shape as that last planet. What impact that would have, both on a supply basis, as well as how much aid we would currently be able to lend them. Your opinion is much valued

KhreRiovtRex: Both excellent thoughts Destorie and Laehval......

KhreRiovtRex: Pexil, perhaps au can offer NDak's engineers some assistance with a way to hide Stinger from the rest of their fleet

Lerak trPexil: I can work on quieting the emissions.

KhreRiovtRex: ::turns to tr'Aieme:: Depending on the conditions we find, we will rely upon au thoughts of how to reassure them that ch’Rihan Galae are na the enemy

STSF Seiben: Masking our signature.

m_k_tksa: tr'Aieme> ::nods::


KhreRiovtRex: ::nods to Koga:: Ie, that would be helpful as well, work with Pexil on that fhaen

Laehval tTemarr: The unique metals in the hull are the biggest flaw. ::She said quietly to Lerak.:: We need to find a way to negate those readings, as well.

STSF Seiben: Ie rekkhai

Lerak trPexil: :: nods ::

KhreRiovtRex: :: turns back to Laeh and NDak:: I would hear from both of au, how au each would proceed at this point

NDak: ::he glanced to Laeh, deferring to her::

Laehval tTemarr: I would na leave the Talon behind, Rekkhai. Our repairs are minor now and can be done while we are underway.

Lerak trPexil: :: pulling up the Stinger specs ::

KhreRiovtRex: ::sets glass down and nods to Laehval:: NDak? Au thoughts?

Laehval tTemarr: Lack of supplies hinder us. If we scout the area, we may find others that are desperately needed, both here and on the station.

NDak: ::Nods:: I agree. We should send a clear message to any Othan veruul left behind, as well as to the people of this quadrant. The Galae remains strong.

KhreRiovtRex: The rest of au? Au thoughts? Do au agree?

Lerak trPexil: Sounds valid. We need to make sure the Stinger is also armed as well as she can be.

STSF Seiben: I agree.


KhreRiovtRex: It is also possible that we may run into the rest of the Othan fleet that had been in retreat, as we knew they swung a wide berth around this station trying to get away from us. I fear I may also be leading au into more yy'a and destruction. As I said back on ch'Rihan, I will na hold it against any of the crew...or it's senioir officers, if au feel au do na agree, and would rather stay fahd at the sta

KhreRiovtRex: station, I will na stop any one.

m_k_tksa: Do we know the size of the remaining Othan fleet/

KhreRiovtRex: We do na, though we did destroy a rather large number in the battle in our homeworld space

KhreRiovtRex: We are hoping that we may find a few of the relays up, but unable to send a signal, that may help us get a read on fleet size


KhreRiovtRex: NDak, do au need any replacement crew for Stinger, or wish any of our senior staff join au?

Lerak trPexil: I will make sure we have enough replacement relays ready to go on the Talon if need be.

KhreRiovtRex: Very well, we will take both Talon and Stinger. Laeh and NDak, I'll leave it to the two of au to decide if we go to Ustallan or Quatel first

KhreRiovtRex: I do na think it wise that we split up

STSF Seiben: ::nods::

m_k_tksa: ::collects her ISD's::

KhreRiovtRex: Koga, start making preparations to depart and get the clearances from the station. Once tTemarr notifies au of our coordinates, relay to Stinger, set course, and get underway.

STSF Seiben: Ie, will do

KhreRiovtRex: If nobody else has anything, I'll leave NDak and Laeh to work on our plans. The rest of au are dismissed.

Laehval tTemarr: ::She nodded.::

KhreRiovtRex: t'Ksa.....if au would fhaen, I would like a few siuren of au time, let us withdraw to my chambers so we do na disturb Laeh and Destorie

m_k_tksa: ::nods, tucking the ISD's under her arm::


KhreRiovtRex: PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex: PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex: PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex: Nice sim folks, I think I'll serve ale next time, to loosen au tongues and get some of you talking! lol

KhreRiovtRex: Laeh, do you have anything before we dismiss?

Laehval tTemarr: Isn't Romulan Ale just blue vodka?

STSF Seiben: lol

KhreRiovtRex: Shhhh

KhreRiovtRex: lol

KhreRiovtRex: ok then... Crew Dismissed. Have a nice weekend

m_k_tksa: Gnight guys

Laehval tTemarr: Night, all.

STSF Seiben: Night

KhreRiovtRex: Night

Lerak trPexil: See some of you Monday

KhreRiovtRex: Yep!


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