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The trial has taken a recess so that Blu could confer with Jax, who she found was in the brig, Wydown letting her know the admiral had put her there, and that she was passed out anyway. The others had went to eat and confer as well, while Blu went to see the Admiral.






August Jax Robinson: ::Paces in her cell:::

STSF_BluRox: Thank you Rue, I'm going to go see what the Admiral has to say about this.

Jas: Brig Guard> ::Returns from break::

Rue Wydown: ::scratches the back of her head:: Good luck with that.

STSF Seiben: ::eats with Heather, her attorney and Seiben::

Jas: Jas> ::Heads to the cafeteria for nourishment, transfer data in hand::

STSF_BluRox: :: heads towards the Commanding Officer's office, where she had just been earlier with a bottle they were planning to share at dinner, but a bit miffed that she hadn’t' been notified::

STSF Seiben: Seiben> ::also has his transfer PADD as well::

Randy Calvert: ((Someone woke up quickly! Must sleep super light!))

STSF_BluRox: :: approaches his office door and presses the chime::

STSF_BluRox: (ding dong...Avon calling)


Rue Wydown: Ops Admin>::making notes in personnel files that will later haunt the crew when they least expect it::

Rue Wydown: ::decides to go down and check on Jax to make sure that the guard didn't murder her in her sleep::

Randy Calvert: ((Hope no one is expecting anything in terms of a raise on this year's P&P review!))

Rue Wydown: Lt Medley> I'll be back in a few minutes.

STSF Seiben: Kasuga> ::nods:: All right

Jas: Jas> ::Has a least-expected, haunted feeling:: Am I hungry or am I hungry?

STSF_BluRox: :: presses the door chime again::

STSF Seiben: (hopefully not hangry)

Jas: Jas> ::Gets food from replicator and sits down to eat::

Randy Calvert: :::leans back in his chair, having a good idea who it is::: Enter.

STSF_BluRox: :: Enters, and stops, hand clasped behind her back:: Admiral

Rue Wydown: ::after a few moments, finds her way to the brig again::

Heather Jamieson: :: sitting ::


Randy Calvert: :::waves his hand::: Come on in... have a seat.

Jas: Brig Guard> ::Standing guard::

STSF_BluRox: Aye sir...

Randy Calvert: :::spins around a moment, fixing two drinks, though only singles for now:::

STSF_BluRox: :: keep calm, keep calm........hold your tongue...listen to what he has to say, she tells herself::

Rue Wydown: Can I see Cmdr Jax? ::tries a toothy grin, one in which she thinks might be charming, but probably comes off a bit too crazy::

Randy Calvert: :::sets one down in front of Blu and keeps one for himself::: You certainly have an.... :::pauses to find the right word::: animated crew.

Heather Jamieson: :: eating ::

Jas: Brig Guard> ::Nods briskly to Rue:: Feel free, ma'am.

STSF Seiben: How's Jax doing? I appreciate her standing up for me, maybe I'll send her a card from jail.. if we aren't cellmates. ::bites into her food::

Rue Wydown: Thank ye. ::grins, and heads down the corridor to Jax's cell::

Jas: Jas> ::Noms on Space Foodâ::

August Jax Robinson: ::standing in the back of her cell, head against the wall:":

STSF Seiben: ::eating some wonton noodles::

Randy Calvert: Just before we resumed the hearing, I had a visit from your Chief Engineer.

August Jax Robinson: ::taps head on the wall, lightly.. over and over::

STSF Seiben: Seiben> ::eating some chicken::

Rue Wydown: Soooooooooo....::leans against the edge of the force field:: How's it going?


STSF_BluRox: :: reaches in her pocket and pulls out a small case, taking a tablet and putting it away before accepting the drink::

August Jax Robinson: ::Turns around hearing a voice she knows::

STSF_BluRox: ::Sighs, takes the drink and downs it all at once:: Ok...what did she do?

August Jax Robinson: it isn't going... I have been i here for months!

August Jax Robinson: *in

Randy Calvert: She was rather insistent that I had it in for your helmsman and that I was going to rot in hell, and she was going to make me pay for my crimes.

August Jax Robinson: I can't sit here any longer! I am going nuts

Rue Wydown: ::raises a brow::: Months. Really?

August Jax Robinson: get me out of here

Rue Wydown: O

Randy Calvert: I tried.... I really did. I gave her multiple occasions to back down and to just leave. However she was hell bent on making a statement.

Rue Wydown: I'd love to, but the mess you got yourself into...I'm not sure I can bail you out of.


STSF_BluRox: ::rubs the bridge of her nose, feeling a massive headache coming on:: Sir...let me first say.....I'll take responsibility for the crew. They have been overworked and stressed in an emergency situation, and have not had much time to rest.

August Jax Robinson: Call my Grandfather, he will get me out of here in 2 seconds

Randy Calvert: I have a feeling things have been a bit difficult for them recently. And I'm willing to cut it some slack.... however there's a line that can't be crossed

STSF_BluRox: We had been called to that station, found the creature there killing randomly and the crew had to lure it back onto the freighter, get it back to the rift and try not to be killed.

Rue Wydown: Did you learn anything from this experience?

STSF_BluRox: I understand sir, and I do apologize for anything that was said or done.

Randy Calvert: ACTION>> Security is checking all deliveries for hacksaws and other objects that might be added to a cake

August Jax Robinson: yes, let people know a head of time before you do something stupid so you don't have to sit in the brig

STSF Seiben: Kasuga> ::Still eating and looking over PADDs::

Rue Wydown: ::snorts::

Rue Wydown: And....?


STSF_BluRox: I believe she's been under some family stress as well, as what we were dealing with. Her husband, recently took some of their children to visit family, and then he was given other orders, we've not seen nor heard from him since.

STSF_BluRox: For that matter, we cant' find who gave him orders to leave either. I know she's stressed over that as well.

August Jax Robinson: ::Shrugs:: I don't know... I think I have been brainwashed to think like Will

Jas: Jas> ::Downs another forkful while reviewing regulations for the Republic::

Randy Calvert: I'm hoping the time in the brig has allowed her to cool off for a bit. I'm not going to toss a general court martial at her...

STSF_BluRox: I need to go talk to her, but she was passed out when I found my first officer, so I will check back shortly. I need to confer with her on the report she had prepared for me. the Defense team, had taken it and twisted her meaning to better suit their needs

Rue Wydown: I"m not sure Will would have confronted an Admiral like that. Certainly not to that degree.

STSF Seiben: (he would've just shot him and blew up the courtroom.. simples)

August Jax Robinson: you are right..... he would have shot them

Randy Calvert: I'll tell you what.... like I said... I have enough with this case. I don't want another court martial this week. Figure out what you want to do with her and bust her chops.

Randy Calvert: I'll leave the details to you... and we can focus on wrapping up the matter at hand.

Randy Calvert: I'll have the station staff prioritize a few more crews to helping with any outstanding repairs to the ship and we can arrange for everyone to have a few extra days to rest and recover.

STSF_BluRox: Thank you sir, I appreciate that. I will go down and deal with her myself. As for this other mess..... I hate putting my crew into this light, there is so much finger pointing and blame being tossed around. I'll deal with my engineer sir, and as for the other matter at hand, might we also be able to use her good record as well, and lighten what punishment you deign to give out?>

Randy Calvert: I think you also already have a couple of individuals slated to rotate aboard anyway.

STSF_BluRox: Yes, we need a new medical and helmsman, they're patiently waiting for us to get through this trial.


STSF Seiben: Seiben> ::drinks a can of pop::

Randy Calvert: I never wanted to toss her into the brig period. I'm a bit surprised at the defense shown...

Rue Wydown: Ya gotta reign in your temper, ya know.

Randy Calvert: but my inclination is more to just have her kicked out.

August Jax Robinson: ::Takes a deep breath::: I don't know how much longer I can do this anymore ::Looks down, puts her hand to her head::

STSF_BluRox: let me go see the engineer, that was not like her, and I'm sure she was just trying to protect one of the crew. and I'll meet you in a few minutes when you reconvene

Randy Calvert: There is no way we can just let what happened go.... but I think there are enough circumstances where we can draw the line at forced separation instead of incarceration.

STSF_BluRox: If it is permissible and the defense will agree, I'd like to offer a discharge,

Randy Calvert: :::chuckles::: I have no doubt she was trying to protect her crewman.

STSF_BluRox: Again, my apologies Admiral. Let me go talk with the engineer, if she agrees to apologize to you and act in a civil manner, may I have her released to me?

Randy Calvert: I'm fine with that. It will close out both matters and we can move on.

August Jax Robinson: :::Looks at Rue::: you haven't known me long enough to judge my temper... but know this, I am not going to let anyone on my ship to get blamed for a mission eight other people were on

STSF_BluRox: Aye sir. Let me do that and then see Lt Medley. if we wrap this up, perhaps we can still meet for a late dinner after it's over.

Randy Calvert: Maybe she should have been assigned to your helmsman's defense team. She seems like she could have potentially lit a fire under the entire team.

STSF_BluRox: If I may be excused sir?

August Jax Robinson: We are a team, you can't put all the blame on one person

Randy Calvert: Of course... :::raises his glass a moment before taking in the contents:::

Randy Calvert: Good luck.

STSF_BluRox: :: grins at his statement:: She would have been good, she doesn't put up with inefficiency

STSF_BluRox: Thank you sir.


Rue Wydown: Well, I understand that. But it's the tone I'm worried about.

August Jax Robinson: if you can just stand by and let her take the blame... then you know where the door is

August Jax Robinson: I'm worried about you, just standing by and giving up

Heather Jamieson: :: finishing up her food, Looking at Kasuga ::

August Jax Robinson: you are second chair.... how can you just sit there/?

Jas: Jas> ::Polishes off his food and continues on reading through medical logs::

STSF_BluRox: :: turns to exit :: Thank you again Randy....

STSF Seiben: ::looks back at Heather, having also finished her food:: Not bad.

STSF_BluRox: :: exits and heads down to the brig, while also calling Lt Medley::

Heather Jamieson: Last meal?

STSF Seiben: Seiben> The fried chicken was nice.

STSF Seiben: Kasuga> Er, I hope not.

Heather Jamieson: It's replicated.

STSF_BluRox: +Lt Medley+ If you have a few moment I'd like to meet with you in about 10 minutes to discuss a possible plea bargin::

STSF Seiben: Seiben> Yeah, not quite the real thing, but still.

STSF_BluRox: :: enters lift:: Brig level

Rue Wydown: It's funny. You're the first one to ask me that. That assumption. Hmmm....::shakes her head::

August Jax Robinson: What is wrong with you?

STSF Seiben: Kasuga> ::to Seiben:: Do I know you.. you look familiar?


STSF_BluRox: ::enters Brig, and see's' the guard:: Excuse me. I'm looking for a Commander Robinson

August Jax Robinson: do you really not give a crap about anyone but yourself?!

STSF Seiben: Seiben> I am a Seiben. We are many.

STSF_BluRox: (Seiben's are all clones)

Jas: Brig Guard> Yes, ma'am, she's right this way. ::Steps away from his position and leads the way down the hall::

STSF Seiben: (probably lol)

August Jax Robinson: o.0

STSF_BluRox: Thank you. I hope she's not been too much trouble

Jas: Brig Guard> ::Bites his tongue::

Rue Wydown: Robinson, I might not react the same as you do, but that doesn't mean I don't care about the crew.

STSF_BluRox: :: sees Wydown ahead:: Commander Wydown....Commander Jax

August Jax Robinson: Pardon me Rue, I would like to go back to banging my head on the walll

Rue Wydown: Lt Medley + Admiral BluRox+ We'll be available when you are ready.

August Jax Robinson: ::Crosses her arms:: Admiral, Sir... it is good to see a friendly face

Rue Wydown: ::sighs::

Jas: Brig Guard> ::Briefly nods to Blu, Rue, and Jax, then makes his way back down the corridor::

STSF_BluRox: +Lt Medley_ Thank you, I'll be by soon

STSF_BluRox: (Later Admiral, will see you next week)

STSF_BluRox: :: not sure she's looking too friendly at the moment with her ears pinned back to her head, obviously unhappy::

Heather Jamieson: :: gets ready to go back ::

STSF_BluRox: August...What do you think you were doing? I already have one court case to deal with, and now I find you in here, after being accused of insubordination and threats to a flag officer. What were you thinking?

STSF Seiben: ::disposes of her containers::

STSF Seiben: Seiben> ::Ready to go back as well:: Ready to go back when you are ::to Heather::

Rue Wydown: ::shifts her lean, watching again::

STSF Seiben: S> Goodluck, yeah?

August Jax Robinson: I was thinking that everyone is letting Kasuga take the heat for all of us

STSF_BluRox: Actually, no. While you've been down here, your report has been taken out of context and blame was been thrown not only at

STSF_BluRox: Ayumu, but at Wydown, Jamieson, Nickles, a few unnamed Lt's to be named later, and even myself

STSF_BluRox: I need you to work with me here.

August Jax Robinson: has everyone lost their minds on this planet?!

Rue Wydown: Wait, I thought that's what a defense was supposed to do?

STSF_BluRox: While I have to prosecute the case, I don't have to agree with what I'm doing. I am also trying to offer a the defense a plea deal, to make the sentence less harsh

Jas: Jas> ::Peers closer at PADD:: That...how does that even end up in a body? Hmph.

STSF_BluRox: What exactly, did you say to the Admiral? And why?

STSF_BluRox: I've heard it from him, I want to know your reasons





August Jax Robinson: does it really matter at this point?

STSF_BluRox: :: Pulls out a padd and starts typing something on it concerning Ayumu and the case, and waves for the guard to come back

August Jax Robinson: I was rude, loud and totally right in doing so

STSF_BluRox: ::turns to Jax:: Yes, it does matter. Because I am trying to get you out of here, and you were wrong to confront the Admiral as you did.

Jas: Brig Guard> ::Briskly strides over::

Rue Wydown: ::rubs her forehead:: I'm surprised there's no firing squad lined up.

STSF_BluRox: I need you to come with me and formally apologize to him for your behavior

August Jax Robinson: WHAT!!?!

August Jax Robinson: NO!!

STSF_BluRox: ::turns to Rue:: Luckily, he's an old friend of mine, and he's willing to drop any charges if....

STSF_BluRox: :: hears Jax go off again::

Rue Wydown: ::rather embarrassed because of the outburst::

STSF_BluRox: :: turns and hisses loudly in her face:: Hssssssssss!!!!! You will be silent and at attention immediately!!!

Jas: Brig Guards> ::Stands there awkwardly::

Jas: ((Guard*))

STSF Seiben: Kassuga and Seiben> ::both drinking pop::


STSF_BluRox: :: turns to the brig Guard:: Will you please have this padd delivered to Lt Medley at once, it's very important

August Jax Robinson: ::Kicks the chair in her cell:::

Rue Wydown: ::scratches the back of her head::

STSF_BluRox: :: turns back to Jax:: then turns to Rue. It seems, that she needs a bit more time to herself to calm down.

Jas: Brig Guard> ::Eyes Jax warily before taking the PADD:: Yes, of course.

August Jax Robinson: Bull!! nothing is going to calm me down

STSF_BluRox: August, let the guard know when you are ready to talk in a civilized manner. Until then, I have other things to attend to. Good day

Jas: Brig Guard> ::Turns and heads back down the corridor:: +OPS+ Can I get a location on Lieutenant Medley?

STSF_BluRox: Rue, you are with me please. Lt Commander Jax needs a bit of time to ponder her situation

August Jax Robinson: I am NOT apologizing

Rue Wydown: OPS>+Brig Guard+ Lt Medley is in the JAG Corps office.

Rue Wydown: (w)Maybe some chocolate would help? ::stepping away from the brig::

STSF_BluRox: :: turns back to Jax:: If you know what's good for you, you will think about changing your mind.

Jas: Brig Guard> +OPS+ Roger that. ::Makes his way to the turbo lift and on to the JAG Corps::

August Jax Robinson: ::Turns around and faces the back wall::

STSF_BluRox: This is a rank matter, a flag officer as well. And...a personal friend. I have you a choice that would have had you out. However, you need to think about this while the rest of the crew will get shore leave.

STSF_BluRox: Rue, Commander Robinson is hereby demoted to the rank of Lt Commander

STSF_BluRox: Let her stew on that.   Let's go see Lt Medley






STSF Seiben: ::Paused::

Jas: ::paused::

STSF Seiben: oooo

August Jax Robinson: ::Paused::

STSF_BluRox: Sorry we ran over, was trying to scrunch in the brig and medley meeting, we'll start early with it next week and try to wrap this up so the admiral can get some shuteye between work and work

STSF Seiben: Cool

Rue Wydown

STSF_BluRox: So, thanks for hanging, and if you have nothing to add Rue, Crew Dismissed

Rue Wydown: Have a good night guys

Heather Jamieson: Night all

STSF Seiben: Goodnight!

Jas: G'night everyone, have a good week.

August Jax Robinson: nite nite everyone :-P

STSF Seiben

STSF_BluRox: Night all...and Jax...think while you are in the brig, get your head clear!

August Jax Robinson: I can't remember what I said!

August Jax Robinson: ROFL

STSF_BluRox: Message deleted by August Jax Robinson

STSF Seiben: lol

STSF_BluRox: what you said is all in the sim logs

August Jax Robinson: reading!?!!

August Jax Robinson: Noooooooooo

August Jax Robinson: 4847

August Jax Robinson: nite nite Peeps, time for cough meds and drool


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