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Chat Log | Sky Harbor Aegis | 4 August 2017

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 8/4/17 - 10:05 PM=/\=
7 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.097 

TBS is 8 hours. The time is 0800 hours (8:00 am) Aegis local.
Aegean is in polar orbit, investigating an anomaly on the 4th planet in the p-Kappa 198 System.  They are continuing to investigate the anomaly to see if they can discover why the deflector burst forced the anomaly to grow.  At sim begin, the anomaly is increasing in size and possibly threatening the stability of the planet.

=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Fletcher Jackson: @ ::holding position::
Jylliene: ::CnC, ops::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ :: At tactical, with a cup of coffee which locks itself to the console as to not spill ::
Kallah Ramson: ::stepping onto the CnC::
KelsaViegnor: ::at the shop, filling special orders::
Dacia Sandero: @ ::in Sickbay::
Chirakis: ::CnC, turns as the captain enters:: Good morning, Captain.
mimipavilion: ::in her office in medical, doing the normal paperwork::
Tarisa: @ ::At her science station.::
Lawliet: @ ::steps off the turbolift onto the bridge::
Alexis McFarland: ::in her room with Annisha, yawns::
Gila Orrak: @ :: In the mess, having breakfast ::
Jylliene: ::has the latest info (that's reached them) displaying re. the Aegean and the planet.::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Rings the chime to Alexis' door.::
Alexis McFarland: ::sits up:: Come in.
Annisha: I thought you'd be awake by n--
Tarisa: Miana> ::Enters.::
Alexis McFarland: Morning!
Lawliet: @ ::walks over to the helm:: Status report Mr. Jackson.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ This is tough enough to scan and I'm not even science...
Alexis McFarland: Sometimes I am, sometimes not.
Tarisa: @ ::Beginning tetryon scans.::
Jylliene: ::eyes glued to the display, unsure what to think of what they've been seeing::
Fletcher Jackson: @ Holding steady, sir. Gravitational pull is increasing, but not beyond what the ship can handle.
Gila Orrak: @ :: Eating by herself, reading a letter she got from someone on the station ::
Dacia Sandero: @ ::having a cup of tea and some biscuits::
Tarisa: Miana> Hiya! ::Pounces.::
Annisha: Now the gang is all here.
Alexis McFarland: ::huggles Miana:: Yay?
Fletcher Jackson: @ We're not bouncing around like we were, but we're still a little rough.
Lawliet: @ At it's current rate of expansion, how long before we'll have to move out of orbit?
Tarisa: Miana> ::Purrs::
Scott Coleridge: ((Are you in the mess, Dacia?))
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Is on the lift to CnC with a box ::
Dacia Sandero: (Yeah, sure why not)
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::looks to Tarisa:: Not sure what the current rate of expansion is, sir.
Dacia Sandero: @::starts on eating her breakfast::
Annisha: :: Scratches under Miana's chin ::
Scott Coleridge: @::enters the mess to grab his own meal::
Fletcher Jackson: @ But helm isn't complaining and hasn't been for a while.
Lawliet: @ ::looks over at Tarisa:: Commander, what's the current expansion of the anomaly?
Gila Orrak: @ :: Notices two people here. Some medical person and someone in command, or looked like they should be in command ::
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::Keeping an eye on his readings, just in case:::
Jylliene: ::sips coffee and watches the little Aegean-blip circling the threatening unstable planet-blip::
Tarisa: @ I am getting neutrinos, ionized hydrogen, and the typical theta-band radiation... ::Looks up as she is called.:: Checking. ::Scans.::
Scott Coleridge: @::Dacia:: Good morning, Dr. Sandero. May I join you?
Dacia Sandero: @Yes, of course Captain. How are things doing?
Gila Orrak: @ :: reading her PADD ::
Alexis McFarland: So what's the plan?
Tarisa: Miana> ::Tail lashes back and forth happily.::
Annisha: Terrorize the station, have security chase us around and we flee to one of our many hiding places...
Dacia Sandero: @ Good morning to you too.
Alexis McFarland: In other words, nothing new?
Tarisa: @ It appears 10 millimeters a seconds.
Gila Orrak: @ :: Notice the letter was not signed, so she has no idea who wrote it ::
Tarisa: Miana> Sounds like fun.
Jylliene: ::notes the expected arrival of the ship her parents are on later this day::
Dacia Sandero: @::Glances over at Gila, not recognizing her::
Scott Coleridge: @::sits next to Dacia and digs into his breakfast:: We keep finding more questions.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ Tarisa, do you have any idea what it might be? Does it resemble any other anomaly on record?
Scott Coleridge: @ Tarisa and Lawliet are forming a plan to analyze some of the samples we've retrieved from the surface
Dacia Sandero: @ ::takes a bite of her breakfast:: Oh, I see. It did get quite a bit bumpy there for awhile.
Tarisa: @ It has much of the same properties as a wormhole, but the behavior is not consistent.
Jylliene: ::wonders what they'll think of Annisha now, given how much she's grown since last they saw her::
Chirakis: ::at her console, catching up on reports, doing what Commander Coleridge would normally do when he is here:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Exits the lift and enters CnC, looks for Jylliene ::
Lawliet: @ ::looking between Jackson and Tarisa:: Than can both you give me an estimate on when we'll need to move Aegean to counter the gravitational stress and when the stress will have significant repercussions to the planet?
Dacia Sandero: @Interesting. I hope they'll be able to find something useful.
Jylliene: ::another sip of coffee::
Scott Coleridge: @ I was wondering if you wanted to get involved in the analysis. This phenomenon might have biological side-effects. And sickbay isn't exactly busy right now.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Commander Kital...
Jylliene: ::hears the lift, glances over and smiles at Nijil::
Chirakis: ::looks up, then returns to business::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Gets on his knee next to Jylliene :: Will au...
Fletcher Jackson: @ Rough estimate, Commander, would be several days.
Dacia Sandero: @ ::nods:: That's true. We helped an ensign with a headache and another new ensign with arch supports for her feet. Yes, I'd be happy to provide any assistance I can give.
Jylliene: ::is somewhat puzzled::
Tarisa: @ ::Nods in agreement with Fletcher.::
Nijil tr'Korjata: Have a pastry with me?
Jylliene: Gladly. ::chuckles::
mimipavilion: ::sighs over the paperwork that she has to deal with::
Lawliet: @ ::nods:: Very good. Just want to make sure we're not around when this thing decides to go off.
Nijil tr'Korjata: These are fresh from the new place called Bread, Carafe and Bon Bons.
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::looks up:: Decides to go off, sir?
Alexis McFarland: ::looks through her closet for something to wear. Settles on a pink and purple dress with matching sandals:: Are we gonna get breakfast first? Can't terrorize the station on an empty tummy.
Annisha: Dress again?
Lawliet: @ ::walks over to Tarisa:: What's the status on those samples we brought in last night for testing?
Scott Coleridge: @::finishes up his breakfast:: Great. Report to the bridge when we're done here and confer with the scientists.
Jylliene: Oo. I heard they had opened. Were they busy? ::glances to the display, then back to Nijil::
Alexis McFarland: Yes, it's cute. I bought it with Dacia the day before she left for her mission.
Annisha: How about some energy lemon bars.. I heard there is a new place with smelly breads...
Lawliet: @ ::looks back at Jackson:: Poor choice of words.
Tarisa: Miana> What is wrong with a dress? ::Tugs at her own white dress.::
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::sigh of relief:: Thank you, Commander.
Gila Orrak: @ :: Looks at Coleridge ::
Alexis McFarland: And my sandals are new too.
Tarisa: @ They are still in the lab. I have a geological team looking into them.
Dacia Sandero: @ Very well. I will do.
Annisha: What was wrong with your old clothes?
Alexis McFarland: They were getting a bit snug on me. Dacia said it's a growth spurt.
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> Outer layers of the anomaly begin the interact with the planet's magnetic field, arching their effects along the field lines out and towards the planet's surface
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ :: sighs at the readings, Ulysses would be an easier read ::
Lawliet: @ Excellent. I'll need a progress report prior to 0900 hours.
Gila Orrak: @ :: Shuffles over to Dacia ::
Scott Coleridge: @::totally oblivious to the Cardassian ensign looking at him, and in fact, doesn't even seem to think twice about a Cardassian in a Starfleet uniform being in his mess hall, nor does it occur to him to introduce himself::
Jylliene: What kind of pastry?
Jylliene: ::peers in the box::
Nijil tr'Korjata: Nervous my e'lev?
Scott Coleridge: @::disposes of his plate in the replicator and then leaves::
Jylliene: My parents are arriving later today.
Nijil tr'Korjata: I mean for the bonding, not what's in the box... I got the sampler...
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: turns a bit white :: Oh
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::checks the console, feeling a difference in helm's responses:::
Jylliene: Have a pastry, it'll make it better.
Tarisa: @ ::Nods, continuing her tetryon scans of the anomaly.::
Jylliene: ::takes one::
Gila Orrak: @ :: The cardassian woman introduces herself :: Hi, I am Gila... new here....Dacia.. right?
mimipavilion: ::switches from medical reports to children home reports:: Oh boy
Jylliene: Do you think we can impress upon Annisha the need to be on somewhat more restrained behavior for a bit?
Chirakis: (Good luck with that, Commander)
Jylliene: ((Heh, IKR?))
Nijil tr'Korjata: Asking Annisha not to be Annisha... do the Borg doth assimilate.. to the Federation not bring new civilizations into its bosom?
Scott Coleridge: @::enters the bridge::
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::minor adjustments seem to make a difference, but time will tell:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: clears throat :: I've been reading to many old Earth texts
Dacia Sandero: @ ::continues on with her breakfast:: Yes, I am. Ahh you're Gila. My niece Alexis told me about you. Impressive , dealing with that boy who bullied her friend Annisha awhile back.
Annisha: I hear some transports are coming in.
Jylliene: I can hear them now. "Jyl, we let you run around at her age, and you ended up refusing your bonding and running off to join Starfleet..."
Alexis McFarland: A lot of transports come in. ::changes into her dress and slips on her sandals::
Lawliet: @ ::turns around:: Captain on deck.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Nods.::
Dacia Sandero: @ I'm Dr. Dacia Sandero - nice to meet you.
Gila Orrak: @ Thanks.. I was told not to pursue justice in quite that manner...
Gila Orrak: @ If I may ask, who was that Commander?
Jylliene: Which had little to do with any of that. Or perhaps everything to do with it. Who knows?
Jylliene: ::nomnomnom pastry::
Scott Coleridge: @ As you were. ::Lawliet:: Status report.
Dacia Sandero: @ Hm yes. Ah that... he's Commander Coleridge, the CO for this mission.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Did Annisha express an interest in Starfleet, or would she rather just start running it now?
Jylliene: ::stifles a chuckle::
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::makes another adjustment, wondering what is going on:::
Jylliene: She seems the pull-the-strings-behind-the-scenes type. Maybe.
Gila Orrak: @ Ah, I am trying to get to know others.. first time really off world and working with others.
Jylliene: Running it directly would mean being tied to responsibility and such.
Kallah Ramson: (maybe Jorahl could use an apprentice)
Nijil tr'Korjata: Her hair is different....likely looking more defiant.
Lawliet: @ ::address Coleridge:: All systems operational. We are currently in polar orbit and according to our scans, the anomaly is increasing in size 10 millimeters per second.
Dacia Sandero: @ I see. I remember mine... you
Jylliene: She'd be more like Jorahl. The wall of monitors.
Dacia Sandero: 'll get used to it.
Tarisa: @ ::Finishes with the tetryon scan for now and switches to gravitic scans.::
Chirakis: ::and now she realizes why she did not like being executive officer:::
Jylliene: ::nomnomnom pastry::
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::frowns, makes another adjustment:::
Annisha: Let's go girls, chop chop
Alexis McFarland: What are we chopping? Dacia says that too sometimes.
Jylliene: ::Glance back at the display::
Tarisa: @ ::Looks up a moment to stretch, when she notices Fletcher's expression.:: Is there something wrong, Mr. Jackson?
Nijil tr'Korjata: They actually have to set limits on how many of this one can buy.
Jylliene: Possible.
Fletcher Jackson: @ Not sure, ma'am. Something is messing with the attitude.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ :: perks up ::
Lawliet: @ ::looks over at Tarisa and Jackson::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Shrugs.:: What a strange expression.
Fletcher Jackson: @ I can keep adjusting. It's minor. But it's not making sense.
Gila Orrak: @ You are... I am not sure what species... human?
Dacia Sandero: @ Me? I'm Betazed.
Dacia Sandero: Or betazoid
Jylliene: ::watching the feed:: That anomaly is still growing. Slowly, but growing.
Jylliene: ::frowns::
Lawliet: @ ::looks back at Tarisa:: Commander. Scan the anomaly again.
Tarisa: @ ::Scans the area around the ship.::
Gila Orrak: @ Oh... OH.. those that can read thoughts, or is it just emotions?
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> Potential energy along the anomaly outer edge increase as its leading edge arches closer to the planet's surface.
Kallah Ramson: ::Jyl:: Aegean keeping a safe distance?
Dacia Sandero: @ ::sips:: We can do both, but not all the time. And not right now, if that's what you're wondering,
mimipavilion: ::shakes her head::
Jylliene: Yes, they seem to be at a good orbital distance.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ Is there an interaction with the planet and the anomaly?
Tarisa: @ The terminus of the anomaly is expanding in on the planet.
Jylliene: ::indicating the blips on the live feed on the Big Screen::
Nijil tr'Korjata: The ship okay Commander Kital? :: looking at the main viewer ::
Dacia Sandero: @ ::walks to the replicator and dumps her plate and cup after she finishes her breakfast::
Kallah Ramson: ::nods::
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::continues to make adjustments:::
Jylliene: Yes.
Scott Coleridge: @ Any indications as to the cause?
Lawliet: @ Mr. Jackson, give us a planetary overlay on the viewscreen.
Jylliene: Or as of about twenty minutes ago, anyhow.
Gila Orrak: @ :: Nods and gets ready to leave as well :: It was a pleasure meeting you doctor..
Fletcher Jackson: @ Planetary overlay coming up.  ::press:::
Gila Orrak: @ If you need, er, securing, give me a call.
Lawliet: @ ::looks up at the bizarre readings::
Dacia Sandero: @ You too. I hope we'll have a chance to meet up again. And likewise, let me know if you need anything else medical related.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Looks at the latest readings :: I'd not want to take the Nei'rrh around that.
Tarisa: @ I have ran tetryon and gravitic scans, no results as of yet, with the exception of a partial composition.
Dacia Sandero: @ ::follows Gila out to the TL::
Gila Orrak: @ I'll do my best to not end up there. May we not have the need to see each other. :: smiles ::
Dacia Sandero: @ ::smiles:: Indeed so.
Alexis McFarland: ::stands next to Annisha and Miana::
Chirakis: ::finalizing reports and sending them off:::
Gila Orrak: @ :: Goes to do her check of the brig security systems ::
Scott Coleridge: @ Have we started experiments on the planetary samples?
Dacia Sandero: @ ::heads up to the bridge via TL::
Jylliene: I'd not want to take anything too close to that.
Jylliene: Not without proper shielding.
Tarisa: @ A team is on it now.
Jylliene: And even with it.
Annisha: :: Waves them on :: Let's go to the lobby, let's all go to the lobby... Bah
Dacia Sandero: (I pity the foo!)
KelsaViegnor: (heh)
Annisha: Those Earth programs.. Let's get something to eat
Tarisa: Miana> Yay!
Alexis McFarland: Yay.
Lawliet: @ ::walks over to Jackson:: How often are you needing to make adjustments?
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::fingers laced, he cracks his knuckles, then shakes them out and goes back to the console:::
KelsaViegnor: ::has things boxed up in preparation for gifts for an upcoming celebration, to be picked up in the evening::
Fletcher Jackson: @ At least twice a minute, Commander.
Dacia Sandero: @ ::Enters the bridge, hopes she could be of help::
Fletcher Jackson: @ So.. .every 30 seconds. Sometimes more often. Sometimes it's really random.
Nijil tr'Korjata: If au are able, relay those readings to the flight bay so we can make preparations.
Annisha: :: Starts to walk to the eating level ::
Lawliet: @ ::stands up straight and turns around:: Captain. I suggest we break orbit for the time being.
Chirakis: ::message from Cog's parents indicates that he will "tend to business" at home for a while if they release him from custody:::
Alexis McFarland: ::follows::
Annisha: Er, yah...
Chirakis: ::ponders:::
Jylliene: ::::glances at Nijil:: Preparations?
Dacia Sandero: @ ::walks up to Lawliet, Tarisa and Coleridge:: Reporting for duty here.
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> Tendrils of energy similar to the anomaly picked up on the planet's surface, reaching towards the outer anomaly layers moving towards the surface. 300 kilometers apart...and closing.
Alexis McFarland: Yeah?
Chirakis: ::considering the Ferengi as a species:::
Annisha: Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to food we go... :: totally botches the whistling ::
Lawliet: @ ::nods at Sandero's arrival::
Scott Coleridge: @ That seems prudent
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ Um.. helm? Are you catching this?
Fletcher Jackson: @ Aye, Commander Cayne.
mimipavilion: ::finishes with the reports, exits her office, leaving medical with an assistant doctor, enters the tl ordering it to the CnC::
Gila Orrak: @ :: Enters the brig room ::
Lawliet: @ ::looks back at the viewscreen:: What's happening now?
Fletcher Jackson: @ Holding steady. Break orbit, Commander Lawliet?
Scott Coleridge: @::Jackson:: Take us to the planetoid's L2 point.
Tarisa: @ ::Tilts her head, curiously at the monitor.::
Fletcher Jackson: @ Yes, Captain. Breaking orbit and moving to the L2 point.
Lawliet: @ Brake orbit Mr. Jackson. Nice and steady.
mimipavilion: ::exits the tl onto the CnC::
Dacia Sandero: @ ::observes the monitor as well::
Chirakis: ::sends a long list of restrictions added to the discharge papers and releases Cog:::
Chirakis: ::to his parents' custody:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: So ships like the Nei'rrh can be prepared to go after the Aegean if need be.
Fletcher Jackson: @ Out of planetary orbit and coming to point L2.... now.
Annisha: :: The Band of Sisters arrive at the eating level ::
Scott Coleridge: @ We should start studying those samples now
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::tap... tap tap:: Holding position.
Scott Coleridge: @ Clearly the planet is interacting with the anomaly somehow beyond what we did to it
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::would agree with that one:::
Chirakis: 10:45 PM
mimipavilion: ::stands off to the side staying out of the way::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ Did it come from the planet, or did it move to where the planet is from somewhere else?
Chirakis: ::looks up to Mimi:: Good morning, Doctor.
Nijil tr'Korjata: How is your family Jylliene?
Lawliet: @ ::takes a moment and considers something:: Can't be.
Jylliene: Nervous, I'm sure.
mimipavilion: ::nods:: Good morning
Nijil tr'Korjata: Nervous?
Dacia Sandero: @ ::ponders:: Hm.
Jylliene: Hopefully having a good flight in.
Tarisa: @ Doctor, if you could, please take the auxiliary science console. I suspect I may need your help.
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> There is a sudden shift in the anomaly as it touches the surface, light a lighting bolt the pass of it's energy surges into the planet's crust. A Burst of energy as.... a massive warp field surrounds the entire planet.
Alexis McFarland: ::looks at the various food stalls::
Fletcher Jackson: @ Oh... crap.
Dacia Sandero: Yes of course. ::logs into an auxiliary science console::
Dacia Sandero: @
Kallah Ramson: (LIKE a light bolt the MASS of its energy....)
Lawliet: @ ::steps back::
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::just looked up at the screen and he probably should not have:::
Tarisa: @ ::Her board lights up.:: That is a warp field...
Dacia Sandero: @ ::helps monitor energy readings from the bolt::: Hmm.
Scott Coleridge: @ Yellow alert.
Jylliene: ::seeing the interplay with the magnetic field (from about 20 minutes ago:: Looks like something going on out there.
Gila Orrak: @ :: Looks up ::
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> The planet begins to move..... towards Aegean.
Lawliet: @ Computer, yellow alert.
Jylliene: Aegean still holding a safe distance.
Fletcher Jackson: @ Uh oh...
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ The planet? :: looks at his readings ::
Tarisa: @ It is approaching us...
Dacia Sandero: @That's no moon.. err, planet?
Fletcher Jackson: @ Permission to retreat, Captain?
Lawliet: @ ::looks at the viewscreen and back at Tarisa:: Commander! Is this a planet?
Annisha: :: Goes to the new pastry place and sees a line :: Aww
Tarisa: @ I am beginning to think it is not.
Alexis McFarland: It's very popular. But I hear it's really good!
Chirakis: ::Jylliene:: Commander Kital, how long has it been since our last report from Aegean?
Dacia Sandero: @I've a feeling it's not as well.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Turns to Chirakis ::
Jylliene: Constant feed with the 20 minute delay.
Lawliet: @ Jackson, full about. Full impulse.
Jylliene: Last official report was at change of duty.
Fletcher Jackson: @ Full about, full impulse.
Gila Orrak: @ :: secures the brig ::
Chirakis: 10:50 PM
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::pulling them away from the planet and anomaly, hopefully:::
Lawliet: @ ::turns to Tarisa:: What's it's current velocity?
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> The planet increases speed, only slightly faster than Aegean.
Chirakis: And the last one was... nearly an hour ago.
Scott Coleridge: @::Cayne:: Send out standard hails.
Tarisa: @ Faster than us.
Jylliene: That's correct. They aren't due for any specific intervals other than change of duty, though.
Lawliet: @ ::turns to Coleridge:: Captain. Suggest we increase to warp speed.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ Aye, standard hail
Chirakis: Contact Task Force Missouri. Ask for their status.
Jylliene: Yes ma'am.
Dacia Sandero: @ ::looks at results regarding this planet ship based on their scans::
Jylliene: ::sends out the request to Missouri::
Chirakis: ::then realizes she has overstepped her bounds:: Apologies, Captain. Something is not right.
Gila Orrak: @ :: Wishes she knew what was going on ::
Jylliene: Magnetic flux along the planetary field lines.
Jylliene: Aegean seems to be holding distance.
Kallah Ramson: ::nods to Chirakis:: Proceed.
Fletcher Jackson: @ It's closing on us, Captain. Very slowly, but still closing.
Chirakis: Aye, Captain. ::nods to Jylliene:::
Jylliene: ::watches for response from Missouri::
Annisha: We should head somewhere else, what do you think?
Alexis McFarland: Maybe we can try after breakfast and before lunch when it's not so busy?
Jylliene: Missouri reports occupied. They're unable to move to assist.
Scott Coleridge: @ Very well. Take us to Warp 1.
Fletcher Jackson: @ Ahead warp 1.
Nijil tr'Korjata: I will get back to my work Commander Kital...
Chirakis: ::she gets that usual piercing look in her eye that says she is not pleased but can't do anything about it:::
Jylliene: ::watches the blips, as well as the info streaming in about the magnetic field and the energy surging along the field::
Jylliene: ::nods to Nijil::
Jylliene: Thank you for the pastry.
Lawliet: @ ::turns to Tarisa:: Commander. I need that progress report NOW.
Jylliene: ::smiles slightly, then turns back to the display, worried look::
Chirakis: 10:58 PM
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> As the planet reaches the spot Aegean entered warp it slips into their wake....also jumping to warp.
Dacia Sandero: @ ::wondering what this planet.. is up to::
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::beginning to think that this is no planet:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ We are being pursued!
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> its entry into warp causes a subspace ripple, rocking Aegean.
Jylliene: ::really not liking the feed coming in::
Fletcher Jackson: @ Hang on! Strap in if you can.
Dacia Sandero: @ ::holds onto her console::
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::puts Aegean in automatic because he can't keep up with the adjustments:::
mimipavilion: ::watches what is going on::
Chirakis: (Ramson, PM)
Scott Coleridge: @ Increase to Warp 3.
Fletcher Jackson: @ Warp 3, aye.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ Switching to a split view Captain.
Lawliet: @ ::sits in his chair, holding on::
Jylliene: ::watches as the energy starts to enwrap the planet:: What the...
Chirakis: ::whispers:: No...
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ Is it trying to overtake us?
Gila Orrak: @ :: Shaking ::
Kallah Ramson: ACTION> The planets warp field increases, causing an instability in Aegean and the planets shared warp corridor.....increasing the speed of both....off the charts, as the warp fields convert into a wormhole (cue star Trek the Movie special effect)
Chirakis: ::face pales as she shouts::: Kahless, NO!
Annisha: :: sits ::
mimipavilion: ::eyes get large::
Jylliene: ::jumps, glances at Chirakis::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: @ A vortex is forming ahead of us.
Fletcher Jackson: @ ::his eyes widen wondering what's happening:::
Jylliene: The field is enwrapping the planet. Aegean is breaking orbit.
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 8/4/17
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Well, then..
Chirakis: Very interesting, and very well played.
Chirakis: We have a cliffhanger, appropriate for this is the last sim for Season 22.
Next week is the 22nd anniversary for this sim, which means that we begin Season 23.
Chirakis: Captain Ramson, TBS?
Kallah Ramson: Let's go with 20 minutes for Aegis.... because of wibbly wobbly time stuff Aegean little time has passed.
Scott Coleridge: Because of course Scott gets sucked into a wormhole. His worst nightmare.
Chirakis: Ah. Of course.
Kallah Ramson: Scott is Captain Hook, wormholes are the croc.
Chirakis: Any words for the crew Captain Ramson?
Kallah Ramson: None.
Chirakis: Comments or questions from the crew?
Chirakis: Seeing none,
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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