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The trial had taken a recess to allow the defense team ample time to prepare to defend the client, and to be sure that Ms. Kasuga fully understood the implications if she decided to stand fast to her guilty plea. Blu had sent a copy of the report that Jax had prepared to the defense team, to help them prepare. Ayumu, was one of her crew, she had to make sure that she was at least properly defended.






Rue Wydown: Lt Medley>::wrapping up her notes with her client::


STSF_BluRox: :: Had left Admiral's office earlier and had spoken with Jax, but was still unhappy to be having to put her own crewman under such an ordeal::

STSF Seiben: ::thinking about what was said and all::

Rue Wydown: Lt Medley> Just one last question. If a plea bargain was offered. Would you take it? And what would you plea to?

STSF Seiben: Like a reduced sentence, or jail time commuted? I might plead to the latter.

Rue Wydown: Lt Medley> Not exactly. ::not sure if the woman really understands how a court martial works:: I've got a couple of officers to speak to, so I'm going to leave you to thing about what information you want to present at the inquiry and Ill be back shortly

STSF_BluRox: :: was hoping Jax would report back to her after her meeting, but figured she was upset. Decides to go catch up with Rue and see if she had any thoughts on it

STSF Seiben: ::never been in a court, so yes that’s correct:: Very well, thanks.

Rue Wydown: Lt Medley.>::nods and picks up her things and exits the conference room to make a few more inquiries for her client::

Heather Jamieson: :: Sitting where she has for the entire event ::

Heather Jamieson: (wait, something is messed up, let me reload)

STSF Seiben: ::going over her notes and such""


Heather Jamieson: :: Looks at Kasuga ::

Heather Jamieson: What's going on? Suppose you can't say.

Rue Wydown: ::finishing up a message to her husband while making notes on her PADD in a quiet corner, waiting for this circus to start again::

STSF Seiben: ::sighs:: Well, can't say much but at least I feel a little better about it.

Christina_Nickles: :: standing guard at the door Ayumu and Medley are, hoping for the best for Ayumu::

Heather Jamieson: Something was wrong with the system that was supposed to limit the warp factor in that region of space.

STSF Seiben: ::nods:: Yes, it seems the auto pilot did not kick in at warp 5 as it was supposed to.

Heather Jamieson: I'm still working on a solution to undo some level of the subspace damage.

STSF Seiben: That's good. Did you hear anything about the entity? I don't think it's too happy now.

Heather Jamieson: I looked at the propulsion log, it went right through warp 5 with no indication of a mechanism halting it there.

Heather Jamieson: I did not hear anything, but contact has to be fairly close.

STSF Seiben: But it was supposed to. I wonder why it didn't stop there

Heather Jamieson: I'm thinking either a flaw in the buoy system or something on the Republic.

STSF_BluRox: + Rue+ Are you available to talk?

STSF Seiben: Hmm. Did you or anyone speak with Jax about it?

STSF Seiben: anyome*

Heather Jamieson: I mean, I suppose you should not have entered that factor of eight into the helm.

Heather Jamieson: Not a lot no. :: laughs :: It's not like Jax an I are anything more than shipmates, and that's even stretching it.


Rue Wydown: +BluRox+ Sure, Admiral. I'm down the corridor from the hearing room. Third viewport from the left.

Heather Jamieson: I'

STSF Seiben: Yes, I was tired and on shift far too long.

Heather Jamieson: I'm sorry I did not notice it sooner, though Rue did not see it either. I only got lucky because I asked.

STSF Seiben: :nods:: Given what we went through during the rescue mission, I suppose that was the last thing on everyone's mind. I admit, I still had a lot of adrenaline in me after the mission.

Heather Jamieson: And the drop out of warp... entirely too sudden. I think we could have coasted out of the warp field rather than altering the field itself to slow down, but I'm a cartographer, not an engineer.

STSF Seiben: ::nods:: I agree.

Heather Jamieson: There are more questions than answers.

STSF Seiben: That's the problem. Will we ever know all the answers?

STSF_BluRox: (I see Heather is still trying to blame Rue?)

STSF_BluRox: :: heads down to meet with Rue::

STSF Seiben: (lol)


Heather Jamieson: :: Is visibly upset :: I suppose not.

STSF Seiben: It's lucky for you, it's only me on trial here.

Rue Wydown: ((Heather apparently likes being in the dog house.))

Heather Jamieson: I bet something will happen to me Kasuga.

Heather Jamieson: (Oh it's more nuanced than that)

STSF Seiben: Though nothing as severe.

STSF Seiben: Or so I hope.

STSF_BluRox: ::pokes head in:: Rue?

STSF_BluRox: (Christina, you can go in and talk with them, they are trying to talk Ayumu not to plead guilty)


Heather Jamieson: I think a holodeck recreation of events could help, a better timeline.

Rue Wydown: ::closing her PADD up:: Hi Admiral. ::doing her usual toothy grin::

STSF Seiben: It might I suppose, but would we have time to do that?

Christina_Nickles: ((that’s why Christina is staying out of it she doesn’t want ANY Part of the blame this time LOL))

STSF_BluRox: rofl!!

STSF Seiben: (lol, I can feel the love)

Heather Jamieson: I mean, if you entered in warp factor 8 it is one thing, but even if you did there were other factors that should have prevented the subspacial damage.

STSF_BluRox: Hi Rue. I hate having to deal with this

Heather Jamieson: Besides, if the subspace damage was really this serious we should have never gone to warp at all, even warp 1.

STSF Seiben: Especially given that the warp 5 limit was in place. The computers should have overridden my commands and limited the speed to warp 5, or rejected the warp 8 speed and not moved at all.


Rue Wydown: I can only imagine.

STSF_BluRox: She is one of my crew, but I also have to do my duty, the Admiral requested it.

STSF Seiben: ::nods:: Yes, should've gone out at impulse. But hindsight is 50/50.

Heather Jamieson: People worry about warp within a star system way to much frankly.

STSF Seiben: Yeah, used properly warp travel is super safe and efficient.

Christina_Nickles: :: decides to check on the two:: and turns, opening the door, stepping inside:: Ayumu I couldnt stand by any more. There is in no way that you should plead guilty.

Rue Wydown: Why didn't you take the role of defense counsel? ::raises a brow::

STSF_BluRox: I do wish you had taken the defender position. I'd have more faith in you knowing her, and her capabilities, than this young Lt. I can't believe that she let Kasuga plead guilty to all charges

STSF_BluRox: I was assigned. He had also requested you, but you gave good reason to decline. I've heard your name mentioned a few times as part of the defense. You may wish to speak with the Lt yourself

Christina_Nickles: ((test))

STSF_BluRox: You pass

Christina_Nickles: ((Thanks))


Heather Jamieson: I don't know anyway to get you out of this... :: looks at the floor ::

STSF Seiben: ::Looks over at Christina:: Yeah, I'm no longer considering pleading guilty. I think I was just really tired and let my emotions get the better of me.

Rue Wydown: You could have argued to be the defense. You'd have done a better job, I think, than prosecution. Not only do you know your crew member the best, by being a bit removed from the situation you could have been a bit more objectively. Taking over the prosecution puts you in a very difficult situation and the question of that conflict could be construed as leniency on your part. But then again, this is your case. What's done is done.

STSF Seiben: We were all pretty exhausted and worked much longer than we should've.

Christina_Nickles: Thank goodness, and I agree We are all tired. Now we need to find a way to get you off the hook.

STSF Seiben: Hopefully Jax's report will help... and that the judge is a lenient guy. But, I don't know anything about this guy.


Rue Wydown: In the meantime, i doubt I'd be the best person to call for the defense. Not only am I not appropriate to be her defense counsel, I'm not one to give mercy against what I see gross misconduct.

STSF_BluRox: Well, I'm serious about you also talking to the Jag officer.

Christina_Nickles: Nor do I I’m sorrry to say.

STSF_BluRox: Typically, in these types of trials, the first officer is the one to defend the crew. Main since you are in charge of crew conduct and discipline, but what is done is done.

STSF Seiben: Well, we'll give it our best and we'll see what happens. I'm ready to accept whatever they give me.

Rue Wydown: Hence why I brought the charges. Shouldn't you prep me or the other witnesses for our testimony?

Heather Jamieson: :: Sits with Kasuga ::


Christina_Nickles: How do you plan on clearing yourself?

STSF_BluRox: Yes, I had Jax prepare a full report. I'll see to it that you receive a copy of it as well.

STSF Seiben: By presenting the facts we mentioned, I'm no lawyer so I'm not sure how well it'll go though.

STSF_BluRox: What does not help is this is not the first time Ms Kasuga has had issue with speed. but we'll get to that.

Rue Wydown: It's not the first time this has happened?

STSF_BluRox: Well, first time I know of in space. The previous instance was planetside, where an incident took place, some sort of sacred avian species was killed.

STSF_BluRox: But, what I've heard mentioned, besides that the away team members reported back to the bridge, when they should have rested. I've heard it said that you had not noticed how fast she was going either, and that may be part of their defense.


Christina_Nickles: I just hope it works.

Rue Wydown: Tell me, would you have noticed how fast she was going? Or would you have trusted her to do her job?

STSF Seiben: You and me both.

Heather Jamieson: What will you do out of fleet, if it comes to that?

STSF_BluRox: I've not heard that Rue, just some rumors that were whispered that Jax picked up in her report.

STSF_BluRox: I have her looking into it.

Rue Wydown: But you didn't answer my question. ::tilts her head;: I'm curious. What would you have done?

STSF_BluRox: At some point, I would have asked for a status report, otherwise, they should be able to do their jobs.

STSF Seiben: Depends on the outcome. If I'm discharged and lose my helm certification, then maybe I'll just settle back home and relax. I'm hopeful I won't get too much jail time. If I'm lucky and somehow get to keep my helm license then maybe I'll transfer to a freighter crew or a less intense science vessel or something.






STSF Seiben: ::Paused::

STSF_BluRox: Ok, well I hope you got your stories straight, and next week the Judge will be here with us

STSF_BluRox: (technically has been on the phone while driving so sorta here...lol)


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