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"Long-time waited Log"

Starboi paced around his room, he had just gotten off duty and his mind had clicked. Not the normal click that forces one mind to think beyond belief, this click was one that distracted him from duty. It plagued at his mind and he was unsure he could contain it. Times were troubled on the Reaent what with Sivuk leaving and Travis' Promotion, indeed many things to consider. Starboi grunted as he sat in his chair and looked about, his room was standard issure and he had no extras added, he hated people who brought home to work. On hermek the fight was to have a place to sleep, and frankly he hated the fact that the Federation had nice quarters for all officers, and on Hermek mud houses were the best the people could afford. Of all the nerve that the Federation had this was one thing Starboi would never forget, yet it is because of Federation Captains that we was given the chance to join Starfleet. Hermek was allowed to enter the Federation and two Hermeks were given as an exchange program to Starfleet, Geo being one of them, yet why did he hate his job so. Indeed the Reaent crew were a family, and he admired all his fellow officers with every bit of envy that he could muster, and that which he didnt want to muster. His sympathy went to those that needed it, and anger to those that deserved it. Yet his anger was still directed at the Federation, as if there problems became a stronger problem on Hermek one that could not be stopped from outbreaking. Starboi sighed, the Reaent wasn't like the Federation, it was its own ship something not part of anything, yet moving through it. One of the things that Starboi still kept as a previous Engineer is his love for the Ship, a ship he piloted. Yet was it that easy to replace him? was he good enough to stay aboard the Reaent, or will Fred get rid of him? indeed Starboi had considered Sivuk leaving a sign that perhaps there was a breakdown on the Reaent, yet that couldn't be, it was impossible, and Starboi pushed those thoughts from his mind, why was it that he had so much problems with the Federation. "Im part of them and i love doing it, why is it i feel such anger it doesnt fit" Starboi muttered as he looked about his room again, this for Starboi was a mid-life crises.

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