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It has been decided to test the Talon and take her to a nearby supply system and depot, to see if any of the enemy are still working behind the lines, if they've slashed and burned on the way out, or have just left.....

With both Talon and Stinger, we can approach from 2 vectors and flank anyone trying to flee.

(you all are on Talon except NDak, who most likely will be on Stinger, though we are keeping quarters befitting his rank on our vessel, as Stinger is...face it....tiny)






NDak: (( That's good because I need a pretty big closet for the all capes. ))

STSF Seiben: ::piloting the Talon to the Supply Depot:: (I think it's full from all his cloaks))

KhreRiovtRex: ROFL

Lerak trPexil: :: Down in main engineering, working on getting systems aligned for a stable flight ::

KhreRiovtRex: (This place could also be where he orders all the capes from, thus the urgency to go check it out first)

NDak: @::Rhae the Oira of the Stinger, standing just beside his chair. His command-cape was draped over io shoulder and festooned to his tunic with a freshly polished t'Liss. Though the Stinger oira was much smaller and more utilitarian than the io aboard the Talon, it was *his* oira.::


Webmaster: (( I found these all laying around in the back room... wondered where they came from. ))

Laehval tTemarr: ::Laehval enlarged the map on t'Rexan's viewscreen, tilting her head as she panned in the direction that the Othans were fleeing.:: We should be getting long range emergency messages from the colonies in deep space. That will also give us some idea of where the Othans have been.

KhreRiovtRex: (wait...there is a command cape!?)

KhreRiovtRex: ROFL!!

STSF Seiben: (lol)

tAehjae: :: in Main Dheno double checking the files of the new crew members as asked to do. Going over with a fine tooth comb::

NDak: (( Ie! Only for flag officers! It even has au house colors on the lining! ))

KhreRiovtRex: (you just an Enarrain my boy)

NDak: (( So yours gets a special trimming around it :P ))

Lerak trPexil: :: Watching Talon travel ::


KhreRiovtRex: :: turns to study the map more intensely:: This is well done. Gives us a good idea of where they might flee, and potentially set some precautions in their way....

Lerak trPexil: (Someone in Ravenclaw?)

KhreRiovtRex: Have au sent a copy of this over to Stinger as well?

STSF Seiben: (looks like Slytherin to me)

Lerak trPexil: :: Messages t'Temarr the current ship status, green across the board ::

Laehval tTemarr: Na yet, but I will, as soon as I return to the Oira.

Laehval tTemarr: ::Checks her ISD as it buzzes in her hand.:: Engineering reports all systems functioning normally.

tAehjae: :: closing io file opening another::

KhreRiovtRex: (No capes darlin'..... besides…It would hide my figure!)

NDak: @ ::He glanced to his tactical officer:: Status

STSF Seiben: ::checks power readings and other such things::


KhreRiovtRex: Menkha Laehval, au have done an excellent job getting the ship back in shape for battle so quickly.

Lerak trPexil: :: Looking at the overview, zooming in and out for details ::

NDak: @Fhanel> Situation normal, rehkkai. All stations are ready for battle, should the Othan still be in the area when we arrive. Engineering has reported some minor fluctuations, rhae secondary systems but assure me there is na thing to be concerned with --

NDak: @ Which systems?

Laehval tTemarr: I only crack the whip. Engineering does the real work. ::She tipped her head toward the bridge.:: We should be arriving soon. Are you joining me on the Oira?

KhreRiovtRex: We should be arriving at the Buqret system shortly....... Was there anything else?

KhreRiovtRex: And Ie....I will join au in just a few siuren. I need to send a quick action report back to the home world

NDak: @Fhanel> ::He frowned not having expected N'Dak to be so interested:: Nothing critical, mostly redundancies in certain sensor networks and the food dispensers.

NDak: @ ::Nods, taking his seat:: Hann'yyo.

Laehval tTemarr: Ie, Rekkhai. ::She exited her chambers and strode onto the bridge, heading for her chair.:: S'Bien, what is our status?

Lerak trPexil: :: Lerak looks at his hand he hurt getting a panel off. He sprayed it with a dermal regen, but it still stung::

STSF Seiben: All systems green. We're making good headway to the supply depot. Nothing major to report.

NDak: @Fhanel> ::Exhaling he went back to monitoring the tactical display. He had na met his new commanding officer until just before they left for their mission. He had heard that he was somewhat stern, dour and brooding. Fhanel's brother had been at the Retor with him, which must have been why he'd chosen Fhanel.::

KhreRiovtRex: :: watched the woman go, and sighed a bit in disappointment:, hoping that perhaps she might have said something to her, about the distance between them. To be honest, since they had arrived back on Talon, it had been like walking on eggshells with everyone. She had na io to confide in here anymore.......with perhaps......as strange as it was.....NDak

Laehval tTemarr: Menkha. Open a channel to the Stinger. ::She sent Lerak a message requesting new readings on the power strain caused by the cloak.::


STSF Seiben: ::presses buttons:: Channel open...

Laehval tTemarr: +Stinger+ t'Temarr to N'Dak.

NDak: @ +Talon+ N'Dak here.

tAehjae: :: Finishes the last file:: +tVatrix+ tAehae to tVatrix.

KhreRiovtRex: :: quickly sent her message back to Galae about her plan to follow along the path Leah had presented

Laehval tTemarr: S'Bien, transfer the files I send au to the Stinger. ::She shot them to his station with the flick of her finger against her ISD.:: +N'Dak+ S'Bien is sending files to au now. It shows an updated map of the nearest systems and the course we believe the Othan will be taking.


STSF Seiben: ::nods:: Ie, sending now.... ::does so, sending over the information to the Stinger::

Lerak trPexil: :: Nodding to some engineers and waving others over ::

Laehval tTemarr: +N'Dak+ The outlying colonies will likely be sending out emergency beacons of Othan invasion and attack.

NDak: +Talon+ Hann'yyo, t'Temarr. That will be most useful. We are altering our course, as planned, to approach on vector 40.25. We should arrive, rhae the Burqet system just before au do.

KhreRiovtRex: Has decided, in accordance to the oath she had made to Var'lon when this whole thing began, she felt that she had to personally see to some of the ground incursion on this mission as well....

NDak: +Talon+ Ie. Veruuls.

NDak: @Fhanel> ::Motions to N'Dak that the file had been received.::

KhreRiovtRex: :: checked to see she had all in order, and pulled and sheated her kaleh to make sure it was not stuck by old blood upon it::


tAehjae: +tVatrix+ tAehJae to tVatrix

KhreRiovtRex: :: walks to the door and onto the oira::

KhreRiovtRex: :: hears the t'Liss, but waits until she crossed the oira and takes her seat::

KhreRiovtRex: :: reaches up and taps the t'Liss::  + t'Aejhae+ What news of do au have?

tAehjae: +tVatrix+ Rekkhai I have gone through all of the files as au requested. I have na found anything out of the ordinary. I will continue looking if au wish.


Laehval tTemarr: +N'Dak+ Ie, au have the speed. If au pick up any additional beacons, have your operations update the map and return to us.

NDak: +Talon+ Ie, will do.

Lerak trPexil: :: Lerak sighed as he took it in that he was in command here once more. It had felt so long since last he was here ::

NDak: @ k'Hakee, see to it that if we detect any beacons, rhae the outlying systems or the Othan those maps are updated and linked into the Talon.

NDak: @k'Hakee> ::Nods obediently::


Lerak trPexil: :: He flipped the display over to the sector view, the Talon a simple dot in the middle of the screen ::

KhreRiovtRex: +t'Aehjae+ Hann'yyo for looking. Check with tTemarr to see if she has any special assignment for our ground landing

Laehval tTemarr: S'Bien, close the communication. ::She glanced down to her ISD and back to her reports.::

STSF Seiben: ::Closes channel:: Channel closed.

tAehjae: +tVatrix+ Ie rekkhai

NDak: @ H'nah, we wait.

tAehjae: +tTemarr+ tAehjae to tTemarr

Lerak trPexil: :: He overlaid the various spacial hazards on their route ::

KhreRiovtRex: t'Temarr, have au picked targets on the ground we will start our investigations?

NDak: @ ::Taking out an ISD he began typing out a brief mission update.::

Laehval tTemarr: Na as of yet, Rekkhai. Our records of this colony are outdated. We could make estimates, but will need to review the planet once we arrived. +t'Aehjae+ Ie? Go ahead.


tAehjae: +tTemarr+ Rekkhai do au have any special assignment for the ground landing

KhreRiovtRex: ::reaches over and pressed com button +Stinger+ Enarrain NDak, do au plan to remain aboard Stinger, or join us on planet to sweep and investigate some of the more critical areas?

NDak: @::Looks up from the ISD and presses the communications buttons on his chair:: +Talon+ I had hoped to join au, rhae the planet with a small team from the Stinger, ie.

NDak: @Fhanel> ::Lifts a brow, he would quietly remind N'Dak of regulations regarding away teams later.::

Laehval tTemarr: +t'Aehjae+ Ie. As I was just telling the Khre'Riov that we will need updated scans of the colony. I wish for au to review the existing files that we have on this place and inform us of the best possible sites for investigation. These will be updated when we arrive, of course, but it will give us a starting off point.


NDak: @ +Talon+ Unless au would prefer I remained aboard the Stinger, of course.

KhreRiovtRex: :: grins:: +Stinger+ N'Dak.....bring a sharp Kalah, ......I’m looking forward.....to some exercise

NDak: @ ::Smiles:: +Talon+ Hann'yyo, I will be sure my kalah is sharp.

KhreRiovtRex: (insert spoon comment here....you all know it)

KhreRiovtRex: :: turns to Laehval:: I am actually hoping we find some of those sons of thrai......... I intend to ... make an example out of them


tAehjae: +tTemarr+ Ie rekkai I will begin now.

KhreRiovtRex: Koga.....put us into an orbital approach. However, be prepared to reset the vector if we spot anyone hightailing it out of here

Lerak trPexil: :: Sees a change in flight ::

STSF Seiben: Orbital approach. aye. Understood. ::nods and initiates the orbital approach::

Laehval tTemarr: +t'Aehjae+ Menkha. t'Temarr out.

KhreRiovtRex: Laehval, if au and the others that are going down, will accompany them down to the hteij room.... it’s time to see this done

tAehjae: :: begins pulling the files on the Colony and starts going through them::






STSF Seiben: ::Paused::

KhreRiovtRex: Ok..... sadly, we didn't' shoot anyone tonight...or even stabbed...so hopefully next week we will...

KhreRiovtRex: Anybody have anything they want to add?

KhreRiovtRex: or plan, or want to work on a log, let me know

KhreRiovtRex: Ok, guess not..so...Crew Dismissed

KhreRiovtRex: We'll see you next week..

Lerak trPexil: Laehval and I should get to work on ours... 

KhreRiovtRex: we need to send the 2 of you off on a wild romantic weekend

Lerak trPexil: Oh my.. .:)

Laehval tTemarr: Night, everyone.

KhreRiovtRex: night all

STSF Seiben: Goodnight

tAehjae: night all

Lerak trPexil: Night all

KhreRiovtRex: Night guys...bring sharp things next week



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