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Sky Harbor Aegis | 7 April 2017

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 4/7/17 - 24 March 2388 =/\=


TBS is 30 minutes. The time is 0900 hours (9:00 am) Aegis local.

The Droid Core delegates have proposed joining forces to defeat the Alien Alliance. At sim begin, the senior staff will discuss the Droids' proposals. The station remains at yellow alert.


=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=


Tarisa: ::In the CnC at the SCI console.::

mimipavilion: ::with the other senior staff::

Kallah Ramson: ::in the side chamber adjacent to the main meeting room::

Chirakis: ::in senior staff meeting::

Chirakis: (Anyone who would like to participate in the meeting is welcome to come)

Dacia Sandero: ::in the meeting as well::

Scott Coleridge: ::in the meeting room, sipping coffee and eating a bacon butty because it's only 0900 and it's too early to be dealing with this stuff::

Fletcher Jackson: ::OPS:::

Lawliet: ::standing next to mimi::

Alexis McFarland: ::at school with Annisha, and maybe Miana if she was allowed out::

Fletcher Jackson: ::checking out the cat at the science console:::

Tarisa: Miana> ::Runs into the classroom, all happy.:: They let me out. ::Hugs Alexis and Annisha:: Dacia Sandero: ::sipping some tea::

Alexis McFarland: ::hugs Miana:: Yay. Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila> :: at the shop ::

Tarisa: ::Has that feeling that eyes are upon her. Ear go back.::

Kallah Ramson: Well. ::looks around:: Opinions?

Annisha: Are au one if those huggers too?

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: inmate ensuring

Fletcher Jackson: ::tends to business::

Tarisa: Miana> ::Grins as her fluffy white tail swishes.::

Lawliet: I don't agree.

Alexis McFarland: ::giggles::

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: in main engineering watching the computers ::

Dacia Sandero: ::rubs her chin in thought::

Chirakis: ::mulling things over, she listens for a while:::

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: he wasn't sure if he wanted all noise or total silence ::

Scott Coleridge: This is a bad idea.

Chirakis: ::Ramson:: Agreed.

Lawliet: Our last encounter with the droids did not fare well. Just because we have a common problem doesn't justify joining forces.

Scott Coleridge: I'm all for finding new allies, but they are essentially proposing we start a war.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila> :: watching patrons Walk On By the shop ::

Alexis McFarland: ::Writing down the teacher's note on her PADD::

Kallah Ramson: ::listening::

Scott Coleridge: And like it or not, the Alliance powers arguably have just as much claim to this region of space as any claim the Federation might make. We've a tenuous foothold here at best.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: meanwhile Cayne is watching tactical at the CNC ::

Tarisa: ::Tapping at her console, checking probe data from the local sun.::

Lawliet: In any case, I don't believe we have the right to get involved without notifying Starfleet Command or the Federation Council.

Dacia Sandero: ::nods::

mimipavilion: Agreed

Chirakis: Captain, if I may?

Kallah Ramson: ::nods to Chirakis::

Chirakis: ::slight forward lean, resting her arms on the table:: The Droids are more calculators than they are humanoids. Though they take the form of humanoids, all they have proposed is calculated. If they find their calculations incorrect, they could change them without notice and reverse their train of thought... if they have one. And, as Commander Coleridge points out, ::nods in his direction:: there is much to be considered here. Is it my instinct to believe that they are not to be trusted, for various reasons, only one of which is that they cannot be trusted to follow through with what they propose.

Chirakis: ::stops, allowing them all to consider the options:::

Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Nijil wondered if the replicator was slipping him decaf coffee. He was a bit tired ::

Jylliene: ::ponders that::

Lawliet: ::nods at Chirakis' remarks::

Annisha: So :: to her friends :: what are they teaching us today?

Tarisa: Minana> ::Shrugs.:: I do not know.

Kallah Ramson: ::Scott:: The Droids have not reacted well in the past when they don't get the answer they want. They tend to keep moving in whatever direction they had already planned.

Alexis McFarland: Uhh, I think history and math and then gym ::looks at her class schedule:: Scott Coleridge: Yes, that was going to be my next question.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Gila> :: helping customers:: Kelsa?

Scott Coleridge: If we tell them "no", how do we deal with their reaction?

Kallah Ramson: ::looks around:: In rejecting their proposal we should prepare for them to take whatever assets they're interested in.

Chirakis: ::Ramson:: Explain, Captain?

Alexis McFarland: Teacher> ::Snoopy style trumpet sound:: Alexis> ::Raises her hand:: 83!

Jylliene: ::recalls when they didn't get the answer they hoped for as they impersonated Ramson::

Tarisa: ::Looks around at the relative calm the CnC is currently experiencing.::

Kallah Ramson: I suggest we present a counter proposal. Diplomacy should still be tried here. Starting smaller than what they have in mind will be best.

Chirakis: ::nod:: Agreed.

Dacia Sandero: ::Nods:: Yes

Kallah Ramson: We will have to see how binary their thinking is.

Scott Coleridge: We could offer to share some tactical data with them, say our scans of the Alliance's subspace capabilities.

Kallah Ramson: ::nods::

Lawliet: But there's a problem in that, I think.

Chirakis: ::looks to Lawliet:::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: looking at tactical Now on his display ::

Lawliet: The sharing of information would be immediate. They could process the data in seconds while it would take us days or weeks. Perhaps we should strive for something that would take both sides time.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: glances at Tarisa ::

Chirakis: Is that possible?

Kallah Ramson: I do not think that will be a problem.

Lawliet: Why is that sir?

Fletcher Jackson: ::notes Cayne watching the cat:::

Kallah Ramson: I believe our most vital intel we can gain from them is what they find interesting from us. What do they know and what do they not.

Fletcher Jackson: ::tends to business::

Tarisa: ::Gets that feeling again. She finally looks over.::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Quiet..disturbing and welcome.

Kallah Ramson: They're issues with us prove they don't fully understand biological creatures like us.

Chirakis: And I would argue that we do not fully understand their nature, Captain.

Tarisa: ::Tilts her head curiously.:: Disturbing and welcome?

Kallah Ramson: ::nods::

Chirakis: However, you have indicated that. ::has overstepped her bounds:: How do you propose we proceed, Captain? ::her mind goes back to Coleridge's idea, wondering how that would work:::

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: When I was placed in various intelligence gathering location a silence always had two sides. Better than a disruptor to your head….

Kallah Ramson: ::smile:: We offer their selection of one category of intel. Tactica, technical, social, or political. We offer that as a first step and see what happens.

Tarisa: ::Nods.:: Yes I see.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Silence is always on the verge of being broken.

Chirakis: ::watches Scott's reaction to that:::

Dacia Sandero: ::eats a piece of pineapple from the fruit tray::

mimipavilion: ::knows her department won't be able to help much, if at that; but she could be wrong::

Scott Coleridge: Do the droid cores understand things like "socializing"?

Chirakis: ::looks to Mimi:::

Kallah Ramson: I don't know. But I want to.

mimipavilion: It's possible, but I'm not sure.

Kallah Ramson: We may have to teach it to them, if they give us the chance.

Scott Coleridge: If this initial foray succeeds, we should consider a more stable long-term method of sharing information with them. It's too much of a security risk to allow them access to the station's systems. Perhaps some kind of neutral meeting outpost on an asteroid somewhere in the system.

mimipavilion: ::nods to Scott:: I agree.

Kallah Ramson: That sounds like a good idea.

Chirakis: ::Scott:: How would the information be carried?

Annisha: :: reading :: ah, Rihan history...

Scott Coleridge: Optronic media or whatever format is easiest for them to process. The outpost itself wouldn't be networked to Aegis, so they couldn't use it as an attack vector.

Alexis McFarland: ::reads:: Hm, interesting.

Chirakis: ::nods understanding, though she is not familiar with the terms, which is one reason why she is not an engineer::

Tarisa: Miana> ::Looks up from her book to Annisha.:: You are related to Vulcans?

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Ever consider Starfleet intelligence?

Kallah Ramson: So now just to talk them into this.

Tarisa: ::Shakes her head.:: Not really.

Fletcher Jackson: ::double-take at the question:::

Lawliet: ::sits back and listens to everything::

Scott Coleridge: It would give Jorahl a new pet construction project too. ::smiles::

Annisha: :: to Moana :: Ie...a long time ago. They grew emotionless...we did not.mimipavilion: ::also listens::

Chirakis: ::suppresses her smile, but with difficulty:::

mimipavilion: ::smirks:

Kallah Ramson: Actually, I think that would make him unhappy since any listening devices installed would present network links that could be compromised. But I'm sure he could come up with something.

Jylliene: ::is quite sure he'd figure something out::

Chirakis: Captain.... ::waits for her attention::

Kallah Ramson: ::looks to Chirakis::

Tarisa: I am a member of the Duelle tribe. Sciences are in our family's heritage.Chirakis: Have we any idea how the Droid Cores change their forms, especially to mirror a humanoid? I find that quite disconcerting.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: And sciences only...

Fletcher Jackson: ::listening to the conversation, curious:::

Annisha: I mean I have nothing against Vulcans, but there is a history.

Kallah Ramson: Only theories how they do it.

Tarisa: Medical would be considered a part of the Duelle tribe as well. Science has a broad spectrum.

Tarisa: Miana> Oooooh...

Dacia Sandero: ::impressed/intrigued 'hmm'::

Chirakis: ::nod::

Alexis McFarland: Ah yes, that's right. Almost like cousins or something.

Tarisa: If I wanted to do anything with military ties, I would have either been born into or joined the Larc tribe.

Fletcher Jackson: ::he looks up from his console, now really curious:::

Kallah Ramson: I think the delegates though are a more physical copy. They mentioned something about humanoid form. In that I don't think these are any optical illusion ror holographic cover.

Fletcher Jackson: ::shifts, looking from Cayne to Tarisa:: Ma'am?

Tarisa: ::Ears perk up.:: Yes?

Fletcher Jackson: You're in Starfleet, so how does that work, if you're not military?

Chirakis: Is there a way we can find out? By scans, perhaps?

Annisha: I get why they repress themselves, but life is more than logic.

Scott Coleridge: Short of dissecting one to see how it functions? ::glances at Lawliet for his opinion::

Chirakis: I mention it because of security. If they are able to change form, they might be able to do so at a moment's notice.

Dacia Sandero: Vulcan's a nice planet though. I like Lake El'Nar.

Tarisa: ::Nods.:: The Mithraan tribes are what you would call a caste system. It has been in place long before the introduction of our society to the Federation and Starfleet.

Kallah Ramson: ::Scott:: Bringing up dissections tend to hamper diplomatic talks. I think they cover that in chapter 2 of the handbook

Fletcher Jackson: So... how did you get into Starfleet, Ma'am?

Lawliet: ::thinks::

Alexis McFarland: Lake El'Nar is nice on Vulcan.

Jylliene: ::chuckle inwardly at Ramson's comment::

Tarisa: I followed my idol. ::Smiles.:: There are still very few of us in Starfleet.

Lawliet: I doubt they would be willing to submit to an examination?

Fletcher Jackson: ::he looks satisfied:::

mimipavilion: ::looks at Lawliet:: That would be more engineering than medical

Tarisa: It was also a means for me to be able to explore outside our home system.

Lawliet: ::to mimi:: True, but seeing as they know more about us than we do them, perhaps it's something they'd be willing to give us.

Cdr Wyatt Cayne: We are in good scientific hands then...

Fletcher Jackson: ::he nods::

mimipavilion: ::nods::

Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis: 4/7/17

Chirakis: Thank you. All interesting.

Chirakis: Captain, TBS?

Kallah Ramson: Let's go with an hour for now. Might modify later.

Chirakis: One hour. Comments for the crew?

Kallah Ramson: None.

Chirakis: Comments or question from the crew?

Chirakis: I have one question.

Chirakis: Are there those who would rather not sim on Good Friday? If there are many, we may cancel. We'll see how many show. If fewer than 50% we will make it unofficial.

Chirakis: If nothing else, crew dismissed. Be well. Be safe. Don't forget your towel.

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