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RES Talon Mission Briefing 51604.21- Season 21

RES Talon Mission Briefing 51604.21- Season 21


t'Vatrix and her detail have made it down to the lower level of the building, and have just

dispatched two Othan officers that they encounter a few doors down from the secret access way to

Galae Headquarters. The plan is to wait a few siuren to see if the others are able to reach our

position before opening the hidden passageway.


Leah and Pexil had held off security measures just long enough for the advance team to make it to

thier location without giving themselves up on sensors. However, Othan teams are starting to regain

some control and are advancing on the engineer's position and they will need to move fast.


t'Ksa has 2 full detachments of troops guarding and reinforcing the medical triage area she's set up,

while t'Mahren has been sabotaging the computer server, trying to slow our enemy down, and to decoy them

away from our position. Depending on how the Othan troops advance on her position, she will have to decide

to reinforce either t'Ksa or our position.

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