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Kansas Kenickie

Security Report

Kansas sat at her desk and poked her knife into the groove she had created there since becoming its owner. She was starting to hate being the owner of the desk and everything that came with it, it was easier when someone else had to listen when people talked and she could focus on shooting things only. She took a deep breath and pulled up the report she needed to file on the adjustments she had to make to help Keb and then Erich listen to reason.


Security incident report

Location: Cargo bay entrance and outer hall

The entity that is currently in our cargo bay communicated to the crew telepathically that it wanted to speak to the person who was in charge of the ship. I relayed this request to Admiral Sovak, since I was not sure if he had received the same message telepathically or if the message that was given had a limited reach and didn’t reach Admiral Sovak on the Bridge.

Once Admiral Sovak arrived at the Cargo Bay entrance I was informed that he was going in, I confirmed to him that I would remain at the entrance to secure the area and to provide back up if the person inside became violent or needed encouragement in settling down.

While maintaining visual on Admiral Sovak I noticed that Lieutenant Commander Keb was advancing towards the cargo bay entrance, focusing her attention on the occupants of the Cargo Bay and not responding to warnings for her to step back. There was a moment when she did hesitate but then continued to walk through the Cargo Bay doors. Since our “Guest” inside the Cargo Bay was already agitated and Admiral Sovak was starting the first steps of making first contact with him I used necessary force to pull Lieutenant Commander Keb out of the Cargo bay and against the wall in the corridor to help get my point across to her that I was not asking her to halt her advancement I was telling her to stop. After I helped her find the wall with sufficient force to convey my message to her, Lieutenant Erich pulled his phaser out and held it to my head. He expressed his disapproval of my uses of force on his mate and maybe other missive that I ignored. With emotional distress clouding his judgement it was easy to disarm him and render him idle until Admiral Sovak was finished with his business inside the Cargo bay. Unfortunately the sound of the commotion in the outer hall was not as silent as it should have been, and I was instructed rightly so to get the area squared away. To secure the area I ordered Lieutenant Commander Keb to return to the Bridge since her presents wasn’t needed in the area and that she was the cause of the distraction. Upon her departure I was able to secure the area and focus on the events within the Cargo bay. Lieutenant Erich was still propped up against the wall and came to himself before Admiral Sovak exited the Cargo bay. Currently I have the Cargo bay manned until it is no longer needed.

I accept the consequences for my error of letting insecurity by other individuals jeopardise not only Admiral Sovak’s safety but the safety of every person on the Manticore.


Kansas frowned, unhappy with the events that had taken place earlier. The use of force on your own crew members is never fun but sometimes needed. Every kid knows the rules even before they started primary school: “Security cannot be taught by rule of thumb. It is a frame of mind attainable through self-discipline and self-training that will make the taking of precautions a “Habit” this will in turn make every action committed to become automatic.” She couldn’t understand how Keb could ignore the basic standards that every parent expected from any pre-K child! Kansas grabbed her knife and threw it into the wall across from her, “damn it” she stood up as she submitted her report. Then exited her office to walk it off.

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