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Soooooo….when we last left off......

We had left Security Team 3 and Nickles to guard the 'hostages/prisoners', had sent Jas back to the ship with the dead body of Larkin to look more into his death, and Sec Team 4 had went out into the storm to see if there was any truth to what we had been told of 'dead mutant bodies' tossed out into the snow off the cliff

Meanwhile....we had started to investigate the rest of the hijacker's base and Heather had just uncovered a fairly large stash of stolen goods, art and latinum.



The team moves to discover if there are any clues left in the base as to where the criminals had gotten off to, and see if any of the items here could incriminate them in the horrific crimes that had been inflicted on so many that ended up being transformed. Any questions?






Christina_Nickles -> :: with Sec #3 watching over the prisoners::

STSF_BluRox -> Nickles....keep an eye on that lot. Once we get one of the other teams back in here, we'll get them transported up to the ship for Will and you to process...

Rue Wydown -> Giles> ::calmly sitting in a chair, waiting and watching for the bozos he's been working with to trip themselves up::

Christina_Nickles -> Aye sir

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Looks all the purdy art and latinum:: Hmm, there's almost enough here to buy a 2 bedroom apartment on the Upper East Side.

STSF_BluRox -> Heather.....show us what you've found in your scans....

Heather Jamieson -> :: Searching in the nooks and crannies ::

STSF_BluRox -> scans


Heather Jamieson -> The network of tunnels and rooms here is impressive. We should consider using it.

STSF_BluRox -> We'll take this all back to the ship to category and log in, but look through it while we're here. See if you find anything that may identify it being from any of the worlds or Federation Bases we had investigated. If these are the animals that had attacked, defiled and killed all those colonists and officers, I want definitive proof so that we can put them away for good

Christina_Nickles -> :: watching the prisoners ::

Heather Jamieson -> The core was sealed off from access, but we may be able to get in since they left in haste.

Bernie> :: leans over to Giles:: How can you be so calm?

Rue Wydown -> Giles> Better question...how can you not be calm? ::smoothly::

Heather Jamieson -> I think our best information lies in the computer. They had to keep track of what they took and routes to take.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::moving ahead with the others:: Admiral, they didn’t leave this base with just one guard with a butter knife.

August Jax Robinson -> then a fork too?

STSF_BluRox -> There are still a lot of empty pallets here.....towards the front...., and fresh footprints in the dust. I'd lay odds they grabbed what they could, and had to leave behind the rest.

Christina_Nickles -> :: sees the 2 talking:: quiet you to ::moves towards them. Unless there’s something you want to tell me??

STSF_BluRox -> Good idea Heather.....why don't you go take a look at it and see if you can find anything

Ayumu Kasuga -> I'll give you a hand with that, Heather.

Heather Jamieson -> Most of my tricorder scans revealed items they could later sell on the black market and to passing Ferengi..

Heather Jamieson -> :: Nods at Kasuga :: I found a terminal over here. :: Points :L:

Ayumu Kasuga -> All right. ::sits down at the terminal::

STSF_BluRox -> O'Malley> ::looks over at Nickles:: Geez, first we're captured and pressed into repairing their ships, then you come and we are relieved to be rescued, and how you're treating us like prisoners!

August Jax Robinson -> maybe we can slap the prisoners around and get info from them

Rue Wydown -> Giles>They're just doing their job, O'Malley.

STSF_BluRox -> ::turns to Will:: Have you found any evidence so far of weapons stores?

Christina_Nickles -> Right now we are not sure Who to trust. Why don’t you give me a reason not to treat you like a prisoner?

O'Mally> I know, I know.....but hey...I'm sitting here aren't i? I didn't go running off with the rest of those killers and their treasure

LtCmdrRobinson -> No, but they'd keep them in the interior of the base to avoid having them hit by outside weapons fire. We'll have to get deeper into the base to find it.

Ayumu Kasuga -> Standard encryption program.. ::uses a pattern of commonly used passwords and keystrokes to try to gain access into the computer's mainframe::

STSF_BluRox -> Lead the way Will..... August....with us please, we may need your engineering to open a door, so that will doesn't use grenades.....just in case there are more grenades on the other side...

Christina_Nickles -> Tell us where they go to? Tell us that

LtCmdrRobinson -> If we don’t find anything, then maybe you can slap some folks around, August. No promises, though

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::starts moving again::

Rue Wydown -> Giles>::just shrugs::

Bernie> How do we know!? They left us here didn’t' they.....we're just lucky we didn't get shot. It's bad enough they left that nut job Larkin here to watch us...

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::beep:: Ahh. OK we're in. Let's see if we can't access the tunnel schematics.

Christina_Nickles -> Did you here any of their plans?


ACTION: Shortly down the bored out rock tunnel, they come to a large metal door


Christina_Nickles -> Whos Larkin?

Heather Jamieson -> :: To Kasuga :: They likely have several systems networked together.

O'Malley> I was in the crapper when they blasted out of here...like I said...I have no idea

STSF_BluRox -> (wb)

Heather Jamieson -> :: Looks at the display :: Most of the power is off around this base.

Bernie> That's the dead guy, that tripped and fell on the cake knife

Ayumu Kasuga -> Wouldn't surprise me.

Bernie> Your captain sent him back to your ship with the doctor

Ayumu Kasuga -> Yeah, a bit overkill there...

Christina_Nickles -> :: nods::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Armory, or they keep all the ice cream down here. Either way it’s a win for us.

STSF_BluRox -> (wb Rue)

Rue Wydown -> ((Sorry, computer issue))

Rue Wydown -> Giles>::just shrugged::

STSF_BluRox -> (np, Heather just broke the wrong encryption I think)

Christina_Nickles -> The more information we can get the easier it will be on the bunch of you. You said you worked on their ships. What type of ships were they?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::scans the door:: No traps at least.

Heather Jamieson -> :: to Kasuga :: A lot of defense systems thankfully disabled.

Ayumu Kasuga -> Yes, very handy.

Ayumu Kasuga -> Here's the tunnel network layout, points of entry and exit in and out of the complex.


O'Malley> Well, they had a few small Teslarkan Fighters, but most of them had not come back, and I heard Malcom cursing about a Federation ship blasting the last of them. The other two were other ships, both Frantellan cruisers. Very fast, lots of cargo space.

Heather Jamieson -> We need logs..

Heather Jamieson -> Wait, repair logs for their ships.. we may be able to gather engine specifications for easier tracking...

O'Malley> They were smugglers and killers. These were not Federation or normal folks....they did what they wanted, and if they said fix it, we fixed it......

Ayumu Kasuga -> Can you access them?

STSF_BluRox -> They didn't track that

Christina_Nickles -> :: nods listening to the details::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Ah

August Jax Robinson -> ::walks over to Ayumu:: how is everything going?

Heather Jamieson -> I have something... some repair tracking...

Christina_Nickles -> I see. How long have you been here?

Rue Wydown -> Giles>::watching O'Malley closely::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Good.. we found the tunnel schematics, but not any of the logs yet

Ayumu Kasuga -> Awesome

August Jax Robinson -> and info on the prisoners?

Ayumu Kasuga -> Still acessing the databanks

August Jax Robinson -> Although do bad guys have personnel records?

Christina_Nickles -> If you are not part of them where did all of you come from and how did you get here?

O'Malley> :: pulls out a half smoked cigar from his coverall pocket and a lighter, flicking the control, lighting the cigar and taking a deep drag on it

Heather Jamieson -> My, their ships were as cobbled together as this base.

Ayumu Kasuga -> If I was a bad guy I wouldn't. Unless I'm unorganized.

Christina_Nickles -> OHHH No you don’t Put that down NOW!

Christina_Nickles -> :: points her phaser towards him:: I don’t like explosions

STSF_BluRox -> Will....August....check it out....

O'Malley> Ain't against no laws, and it calms my nerves......

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::yells down the corridor at August:: Jax, get this door open! ::tries to sound like an impatient toddler::

Christina_Nickles -> I said put it out!


Ayumu Kasuga -> Wouldn't surprise me.. I don't imagine parts are easy to come by down here.

Rue Wydown -> Giles> ::shifts ever so slightly away from O'Malley, sensing that the Fed officer has an intchy trigger finger::

Christina_Nickles -> :: steps towards him::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Takes O'Malley's lighter:: Sparky ::Yells back to Will:: Coming

Heather Jamieson -> Ah yes.. ships, repairs, engines...

O'Malley> There's no need to yell......:: takes a keep drag, and snuffs it out on the table tops::

Rue Wydown -> ((An impatient toddler...love that image))

O'Malley> :: blows the smoke out slowly into Nickle's face:: What's a matter honey....never seen a man smoke before?

Ayumu Kasuga -> Any crew logs or records of that sort of nature?

Christina_Nickles -> That’s better.

August Jax Robinson -> ::walks down the hall, lighting the lighter:: which door?

Christina_Nickles -> :: ignores the smoke and back away::

Christina_Nickles -> That’s not the issue.

Christina_Nickles -> I’ve seen cigars used as weapons... I dont take chances. ::glaring at O'Mally:

August Jax Robinson -> Yells:: WILL!

Heather Jamieson -> I'm not in that file-- :: hears something ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> What was that?

LtCmdrRobinson -> This big metal door in front of me! ::waves arms around::

O'Malley> Let me guess...no man in the house eh? :: looks at the floor:: Must be the masculine shoes. Once we're cleared here, if you like, I'll take you out to dinner. How’s that sweetie?

LtCmdrRobinson -> There is stuff behind this door and I wanna see what it is!

LtCmdrRobinson -> Why do you smell like smoke? Were you SMOKING?!

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::compiling a comprehensive map of the tunnel network throughout the facility::

Heather Jamieson -> Sounded like someone yelling.

STSF_BluRox -> ::walks over the door and turns the handle:: Door opens....

Ayumu Kasuga -> Ah, I thought Jax's voice sounded familiar

STSF_BluRox -> Why don't we go take a look..?

STSF_BluRox -> ::sniffs at Jax:: Ewww, what exhaust port did you stand under?

August Jax Robinson -> I was..

Christina_Nickles -> You can stop calling me sweety. I’m not interested in your friendship.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Pulls open the panel next to the door::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::looks at the Admiral:: Wait, it was unlocked? You just turned the handle? ::hates everyone now::


Ayumu Kasuga -> (I'm not your friend, guy!)

Heather Jamieson -> (Okay buddy)

Christina_Nickles -> I’m not talking about myself. I want information on you or the others you helped escape.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Pinches Will::

Rue Wydown -> Giles> ::really inching away from O'Malley, is certain the guy is going to die now::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::heads in:: Blah.

Christina_Nickles -> You ::to Giles

Christina_Nickles -> You get back over there.

Christina_Nickles -> ::not going to allow one to get behind her::

STSF_BluRox -> :: grins at Will::

STSF_BluRox -> :: opens door and steps into the room::

Christina_Nickles -> :: takes a few steps back so shes can keep a good watch on both of them::

Bernie> Didn’t' we just go through this whole bit with the giant catwoman and the guy threatening to stuff grenades down our throats if we weren't quiet?

Rue Wydown -> Giles> Pretty much.

Heather Jamieson -> :: To Kasuga :: I think something is going on back there, but we should keep digging.

STSF_BluRox -> (which two are you watching Nickles?)

Ayumu Kasuga -> I'm sure they have it under control. I haven't heard anything go boom yet

Christina_Nickles -> ((Giles and O'Malley since they are moving away from each other))

Bernie> :: cuts himself a slice of the cake, picks up a fork and takes a bite::

Ayumu Kasuga -> I'm almost done compiling a map of the tunnels here.

Rue Wydown -> ((Giles is inching away from O'Malley to make sure he doesn't get shot when you shoot him. He's not being threatening in anyway))

STSF_BluRox -> (and is in a chair)


Heather Jamieson -> And I have gathered a good amount of engine information.

Christina_Nickles -> Fine You can talk to the one who threatened to put grenades down your shorts... ::turns seeing Bernie:: You get back over to your friends. No one gave you permission to get anything to eat

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::heads in the room with Blu and Jax to see what glittering prizes await them::

Christina_Nickles -> :: backs up to keep them all in sight::

STSF_BluRox -> :: whistles:: Will...I'm seeing a lot of empty racks and weapons cases, but there are still quite a lot of weapons here. Care to give me an update on what you see? And where would one get this type of weaponry?

August Jax Robinson -> From under my bed?

Heather Jamieson -> :: Checking to see her tricorder is 'cordering the data ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::looks around:: Most of it is somewhat outdated. I'd say weapons dealers, selling old surplus.

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Accessing as much as she can::

STSF_BluRox -> :: picks up one of the weapons:: Old surplus, but still deadly.... definitely not a phaser

LtCmdrRobinson -> These disruptors here had an overheating problem with the battery pack, tended to explode if you shot them too many times in a row.

Rue Wydown -> Giles>::wishing he had a PADD to read about now::


O'Malley> How come get gets to eat and I can't have a simple smoke?

STSF_BluRox -> Alright Will....Have your people crate all of this up...I want this stuff back to the ship asap. I don't want to waste time logging it all here, get it in the cargo hold and we can take care of it there. I don't want them getting too much of a head start on us

LtCmdrRobinson -> Those rilfes in the corner there, prototype Starfleet from 20+ years ago. Never made production.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Glances at Will:: We you a tester?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::nods:: We'll get it all boxed up. Explosives will have to be destroyed in orbit, Id rather not move them on the ship without knowing the quality and stability of them. We'll keep the rest on the ship.

STSF_BluRox -> But not this...:: picks up a pristine Star Fleet Phaser Rifle and tosses it over to Will:: That there, just may be some of the proof we need to link them to the raided Federation Listening post. We can run the records to see where its serial number was assigned

STSF_BluRox -> Agree... Take care of it please... August.....please have Heather and Will help coordinate shipping up everyting in the corridors they have identified.

Heather Jamieson -> (and Will...nice )


ACTION: Sec Team 4 returns, and confirms that there are dead mutant ape bodies out frozen at the bottom of the cliff.






LtCmdrRobinson -> ::paused::

STSF_BluRox -> Nice job everyone!

OMalley> ::grumbles::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Paused::

Rue Wydown -> Hehehe

Ayumu Kasuga -> :D

Heather Jamieson -> And our new spin off series: The Walking Dead Mutant Apes..

STSF_BluRox -> Bernie> :: finishing his cake, but wishing he had a glass of milk::

STSF_BluRox -> LOL Heather.

Rue Wydown -> Hey guys. I need to head out for the night. :)

Rue Wydown -> Gnight all

STSF_BluRox -> Ok....so next week, we'll have boxed everyting up, and head back to the ship...and because I know you're all itching about it...30 minutes between sims...we can all relocate back up

Ayumu Kasuga -> Goodnight!

STSF_BluRox -> and with that.....Crew Dismissed

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