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Cdr Rian Kwai


Some people see their lives pass before them when they are near death. Others see a bright light and a long tunnel. I’ve also heard that ethereal angels come to escort some beings to the hereafter.




I don’t see anything.


So what is that supposed to mean? Am I dying. Am I not? Is this limbo? I have no idea. I wish someone would tell me. I want to know what to expect because I can’t stand surprises anymore. I learned quickly that surprises usually lead to my life being in peril. So tell me what is going on? Why are my eyes open but I can’t see anything? Why have you blindfolded me? What happens now? What will happen to me? Where will I go? What will you do with me?


And why won’t anyone answer me when I say I can’t breath? I mean it…I. Can’t. Breathe. Quit jabbering, I can’t understand you. Speak in plain Trill, why can’t I breathe? I try to take the biggest breath I can, filling my lungs until I can’t hold anymore air. I know this should be enough, it always has been before. But now…why is it not!?! There is a leak somewhere and I can’t get enough in…I can’t get enough to make the pain go away. Fix it!


Or maybe it’s the thing on my chest. Get the weight off my chest and maybe I can breathe! Can’t you see it is crushing me? Okay, so maybe I can’t see it right now, but I know it is there. I can feel it! How could something causing so much pain be NOT easy to see. It’s huge, I know it is. If it stays there any longer, it will sink right through me to the floor. Don’t just watch it. Joined Gods, get it off me!


Lam’re*, why have you left me here, with these people?  They don’t listen to me. They don’t talk to me. They won’t speak up so I can hear them, and they won’t use words I can understand. They won’t let me see what is happening. And they won’t get this thing off my chest. Lam’re, don’t leave me here.  Lam’re, please, don’t leave me here…



*Lam’re = Trill for “mother”

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