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Feel Better Soon -  Lt. Goad Personal Log

Feel Better Soon

Lt. Spencer Goad Personal Log - Stardate 50309.21


Spencer stood at the entrance to sickbay, looking back at Commander Farrington once more before leaving. He didn’t even want to imagine what the Romulans must have done to her on the warbird. Having not had much experience with Romulans over his life before Starfleet and the academy, Spencer was shocked that they would even think of treating someone in this manner. He now understood the anger many members of the federation have against the Romulans.


“Feel better soon Commander” Spencer said quietly as he stepped out of sickbay. He knew he had duties to perform, but he couldn’t help but think about how much the Romulans behavior reflected the behavior of his own people. The reason he had run from Ullian Prime had been the way the Ullians were treating each other as well as other humanoid creatures throughout the galaxy. Neither those Ullians nor the Romulans seemed to have any respect for anyone else, always thinking about themselves. Spencer sighed deeply as he stepped into a turbo lift. This was too similar to things of the past… he had to get his mind of it.


“Main science office” Spencer barked to the computer, surprising himself with the roughness of his voice. Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, he pulled out the padd that Dr. Farron had given him. Slowly he read off the injured science personnel, as well as those who had been released from Sickbay. Stepping off the turbo lift, he moved into the science office and checked the list against those who would be on duty. “Well, we are a little sparse but it will have to do.” He said to himself, while tapping his comm badge. Quickly he called several science crewmembers to meet him in Science lab 1… they needed to perform several science system diagnostics.  


Closing his communication channel, Spencer slowly stood and moved towards the door once again. Looking back this time he did not see Commander Farrington, but he did see her empty office just off the corridor. Spencer turned back around and walked out of the door whispering to himself…“I hope we all feel better soon”.

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