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Crash Calestorm

Medical Orders

To: Dr. TAral, Lieutenant Commander

From: Ashton Calestorm, Captain

Re: Medical Orders

Doctor TAral,

As of Stardate 2261.224, you have two energetic miscreants in your services for medical treatment; these persons in question are obviously Mister Wesley and Mister Byblos.

My orders pertaining to this situation are as follows:

1.) I ask that you keep them under observation for an additional 48 hours beyond their projected recovery time.

2.) Their beds are to side by side, though privacy separations are permitted.

3.) A rotating shift of two (2) Marine guards and two (2) Security guards will be posted outside the Medical Bay at all times for the duration of treatment, recovery and observation.

4.) They are not to leave Medical before the duration of their stay is over. If you - or your staff - are given any trouble, contact myself directly regardless of the shift time.

5.) Contingent on your medical expertise, I am to be contacted directly by either yourself or the medical officer on staff when your patients are officially released.

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