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Who's the Boss? Or: I WILL turn this ship around, Mister.

Lt. Commander Keb’s Log, Stardate 501507.20


Admiral Atragon-9 has left me in command of the bridge. At least, I’m pretty sure it was him this time; his doppleganger removed a very convincing disguise that included the admiral’s exosuit in front of me, and this A9...felt true. He is now leading a meeting with senior staff in Ten-Forward to explain everything. Benjamin Harris, the man who the men masquerading as A9 and Admiral Sovak answer to, is waiting on the observation deck, apparently unguarded. A9 is being curiously agreeable to his suggestions, given all that’s happened. I don’t understand why A9 trusts him, but for now I am going along with it because--well, because it is A9.


Erich’s mistrust makes sense; he saw through the false A9 before I did. Still, it hurt that Erich was unwilling to trust me; you’d think that knowing your girlfriend’s every thought and emotion would help--though when I’m feeling too much, I know it overwhelms him. I might start another mutiny if he gets charged for resisting the fake admirals. Erich was just trying to protect the ship. Crazy and frustrating as it’s been...it’s also kind of sexy.




The bridge may be nominally in my control--and thus A9’s, as it should be--but the admiral asked that Harris’s guards, the ones that his doppleganger ordered onto the bridge, remain, along with the men who were disguised as the admirals themselves. They are armed. If they weren’t, I think I’d kick the one who was parading himself around as A9. Jerk. Crystal has her eyes on them, but my stomach is still spinning.


I’ve taken the precaution of locking helm to my voice command. I told A9 we were staying put, and I don’t want the dopples or their men breaking my word. Only a few of us are here. If Harris’s men try to take control of the bridge, I’m not sure how the battle would turn out. My side’s still healing and I’m no Kansas with a phaser. For the first time ever, I wish she were here.


I just realized something important: Where is Admiral Sovak? The dopple who had replaced him removed his disguise, but Sovak did not come aboard with Harris and A9. Surely A9 knows what happened to him; otherwise, would he have been so calm?


Harris had better have a really good explanation for all this. Too many people have been hurt or killed. A9 said that he believes Harris’s cause is worthy, but I’m struggling to see how it could be worth what we’ve been through. For now, we will hold position until things are sorted out--to my satisfaction, because I’m driving this ship.


Computer, end log.

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