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Why Leave the Doctor in Charge?

It had been three days since the Missouri informed her of the 70 survivors of the ill-fated Vladivostok, 9 more which were deceased. All 70 of the survivors were in very poor condition, all were malnourished, had some kind of disease and had been exposed to frostbite. But above all she worried about their psychological well-being.


The nine dead were suppose to be transported off the station by the ship, Ships Mule, the day before to be delivered to a ship at Vulcan, but as normal, circumstances change. Their families were informed of what happened and were assured that everything was being done to find who did this.


It had been five days and there was still no report from Aegean or on the missing Vladivostok, even with the information that the Missouri could find. All she knew is that Aegean could’ve also been taken over by an unknown force.


To top that off, who was going to be in command when and if the away team returns? She still hadn’t heard anything from Starfleet Personnel about that whole situation. On the upside, Mimi did manage to get Brian’s paperwork through a lot quicker than it would normally take. Guess that’s a benefit of being Officer in Charge and Chief Medical Officer.


Mimi couldn’t help but to think of her husband and where he was at. All she could hope was that he was safe and would hopefully return to her.


She thought running sickbay and the Children’s Home was tough, who knew adding in command would take the cake?


So, why leave the doctor in charge?

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