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I Feel Like A Third Nacelle

(This log contains the musings of Admiral Atragon-9 during the previous sim)

I'm back on the ship, this is wonderful! I can go back in my memory, all too easily, to the time I was a prisoner of Charlie Thasus. First I gave up hope of a quick rescue, then I gave up hope of finding a way out of my prison by myself, then I gave up hope of seeing my friends, finally I gave up home of ever getting out of his clutches alive. It was only at that point that I gave up all hope of returning to Manticore. It is such a deeply rooted part of my psyche, it never occurred to me that I wouldn't return here until I was facing my own death. I cannot put into words the happiness (and inevitability) of returning to this ship.

. . .

I am so pleased that I am back on the Bridge. The overhaul gave her a "fresh coat of paint," and it suits her well. The Science team had a big enough slice of the upper deck that I could be out of the way, but still in the thick of it all, by just taking one of their seats.

. . .

I had been MIA for months, the fleet had to move on, especially when I was rescued and taken straight to the psych ward of SF Medical. Sovak is an excellent CO and Matt McFly is a surprising and surprisingly good choice for XO. The crew is in fine hands, the ship is in fine hands. I couldn't ask for more.

. . .

Okay, that's not strictly true, If I was really able to ask, I would ask for my command back. I'm back, the ship is back, what were they thinking. What ARE they thinking. Sovak and Matt are amazing people and amazing members of my crew, but it's *MY CREW*

. . .

Protecting a convoy from raiders, really? What is this, our first mission with a bunch of green recruits, this is more than just bogus! It's beneath us... well, I suppose it is beneath Them. What am I doing here? they gave me a seat on the Bridge, back, out of the way. Is this like the historical accounts of Earth corporations who used to take their own command staff, their own executives and bring in new executives, while shuffling the old ones to seats on the Board of Directors? What is my role on this ship? Am I the cautionary tale told to hot, young rising officers to make sure they didn't reach too high or to warn them away from any long-term plans of being in charge?

. . .

I am extraneous, I am unnecessary, I am just sitting here, watching the ship pick off these little raiding craft like picking low-hanging fruit. Am I doomed to reliving my "glory days," telling ensigns about how the Manticore used to make a difference in the quadrant. Telling stories of how we used to be a real fighting ship, not one that babysits convoys to keep away mosquitoes. So, now we escort this convoy? How silly, could it be more boring... ::the main convoy ship fires a spread of photon torpedoes as soon as the Manticore shields are down:: Oh Frak!!

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Wait......someone screwed up and let him 'out' of the psych ward??!!

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You and me together, Blu - mixed nuts!

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