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RES Talon Mission Briefing 051505.07 - Season 20

RES Talon Mission Briefing 051505.07 - Season 20


As capture was imminent, and the crew was not in a defensible enough location to outlast and fend off the incoming troops, t'Mahren had suggested that as the Tal Shiar still thought she was one of their agents, that we try to convince them that she had already captured us, had been in the process of interrogation, and that we were her prisoners. The troops arriving however were under the command of Daise Enarrain tr'Gralik, who was head of security for this entire region. After accepting t'Mahren's story, t'Temarr, tr'Pexil, t'Aehjae, t'Ksa and S'Bien were all taken from the cold room they had been "being held in' and marched out to the waiting RAC's. t'Mahren, the sedated t'Vatrix, tr'Gralik and the still furious Au'riel t'Temarr followed in the third RAC. The captives all to be taken to the main security complex in the town that the crew had earlier scouted and held for questioning. t'Vatrix however, was not sent with them, instead taken to be held at tr'Gralik's residence along with t'Mahren to watch over her 'prize'.



(No sim on 04/30)

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