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The Khre'Riov We've Been Looking For

The Khre'Riov We've Been Looking For.....

A Joint log between Eviess t'Mahren and Daise Enarrain tr'Gralik (Khre'Riov t'Rexan) and Au'riel t'Temarr (Laehval t'Temarr)


The incursion had been a quick, controlled matter, much as he had planned once he had gotten word of a location where some traitors or Galae refuges may be found. First he had almost brushed off the t’Temarr woman, when she came complaining about alarms going off at io of her properties, swearing she knew it had to be traitorous scum or worse, her traitorous daughter from the Talon, or her crewmates must have been the ones to get by the security systems. However, moments later his son’s friend came to warn them that there had been some sort of ship found in the forest, and that his own son had not returned. He had sent his second, Major tr’Danov to investigate, who quickly replies that he had located tr’Gralik’s son unharmed, as well as the ground impressions of a small RAC nearby.


As the t’Temarr woman was still in the foyer, he had her brought along, partly to shut her up, but also to help identify any of those found there. Ordering tr’Danov to bring two additional ships with troops to capture the intruders and provide transport back to the government center that he had been stuck with in this district. It seems the t’Temarr woman’s husband had been io of the previous magistrates, but she had reported him as having conspired with their daughter, knowing her location and not reporting it later. He had been…. removed and detained, and now tr’Gralik was in charge. As irritating as she was, she had been useful to him, and had been a font of information regarding many of the families in the region. He would keep her nearby, as her name was known and would provide some sort of continuity for the locals.


He watched as the forces ahead of him had forcefully entered and spread out to clear the rooms of any threats, only to be met with a sharp tongue and wit of another Tal Shiar officer who was already on the premises, commenting about trying open the door before destroying it, much as the tTemarr woman was doing as well. He could well do without her shrieking before he had a few drinks in him.


Hearing more commotion downstairs, tr’Gralik motioned to tr’Danov to handle it, while he saw to these two, when the woman who had been his best informant shouldered her way in between the Tal Shiar officers, waving a hand to shoo them out of the way. “I told au they were here! I TOLD au they were the ios that set off the internal sensors! Where is she?” Turning her head she caught sight of t'Rexan -- t’Vatrix -- whatever her name was now, and her sucked in a gasp, “Her! The clone! Kill her!”


He took a step to the left to intercede. “I assure au,” he began, “there was plenty of testing done, I even reviewed the results. The woman is na clone; but she is a traitor, a member of Galae, and the bondmate of Daise’Khre’Riov tr’Vatrix. She will provide us with what we want to know, as well as serve as the bait we need to capture him.”


Behind him, the bound and barely conscious Khre’Riov tried to lift her head to no avail, but was able to cough out a rasping laugh, followed by barely louder than a whisper towards Au’rial: “Veruul. Au small, useless veruul.”


Au'rial t'Temarr was incensed. She wanted someone dead. More so, she wanted this…’this thing’…who had invaded her home, disrupted her family and had even coerced her own bondmate into renewing ties with that scourge of a daughter whom she had wished yy’a so many times over. She vehemently wanted them both yy’a. Coiling to lunge around the tall Tal Shiar head, she instead heard the commotion growing downstairs, turned and flew from the room screeching again.


tr’Gralik, turned his gaze once again back towards the woman holding an ie’yakk on the bound prisoner.


“Alright then, Eviess t’Mahren...” He paced around the bound woman and lifted her chin to get a better look at her, turning her head from side to side. “As I said, I am Daise Enarrain tr'Gralik. And I -- I have heard of au.” He released the woman’s head to drop back to the side, as he turned back towards t’Mahren.


“Now, au prisoner here. I presume” -- hearing more screeching and weapons fire from below, he paused briefly, turning toward the door -- “I presume this is indeed the Khre'Riov that we've all been looking for.”


Satisfied that her identity had been accepted, Evie powered down and holstered her weapon. She could not afford the chance they might question her motivation. “I thought she might lead us to her beloved.”


tr’Gralik took a step back, crossed his arms and stared at the bound woman, having noted the glassy look in her eye, her head lolling to one side. She was conscious but unable to offer any real resistance, even had she been untied. “Interesting. It has been noted how close and devoted he has been to her over the years. She should have been yy’a on several previous occasions, had he na found a way to save her. Perhaps au plan is io we should explore.


“What exactly have au done to her? Have au been able to obtain anything useful from her?”


“She was dosed with a sedative and something to loosen her tongue,” t’Mahren replied. She folded her arms across her chest, leaning back against the desk. “I had only just begun my interrogation when the screeching veruul arrived with her flock of monkeys.”


He looked questioningly at her, but the sound of boots on the stairs had drawn his attention back towards the door, as several other captives were lead out towards the transport ships. Several appeared to have been injured, but it was not clear if his own men had done it, or the woman sitting across the room.


“More of au handy work?” he asked, inclining his head towards the door.


She offered a smirk. “One does what one can.”


Major tr’Danov paused by the doorway and waited so as na to interrupt. “Rekkhai, we have taken five others into custody after a minor altercation. They appear to match the records of the command staff of the RES Talon. What are au orders, Rekkhai?”


“Load them into the RACs, and return them to our command base until I reach my superiors. We will need to see if they should be transported to their location. In the interim, we will try to obtain information. It will go well for us that we have captured these fugitives, but if we can ascertain the location of the Talon as well, there will be promotions for both of us, tr’Danov.”


Evie levelled a steely glare on tr’Gralik and tr’Danov. “Au are not the only ones responsible for this little… coup,” she said. “t’Vatrix is currently under my custody, and she will remain as such. You may, of course, have her once I have the needed information… but until then? Mine.” She punctuated the statement with a finely arched brow. “I’m certain your superiors -- and mine -- will appreciate the cooperation.”


tr’Danov started, “Who does she think--” but stopped at a motion from tr’Gralik.


tr’Gralik glared at the woman. He was na going to give up this prize that would assuredly reward him well, but unsure of who exactly ‘her’ superiors were, did na wish to cause himself future trouble.


“Once we’ve returned to the base and ensure that we have secured the remaining Talon crew, then we can determine who will take final custody of her. It would do neither of us well if we were to misplace any of them.”


tr’Gralik turned to tr’Danov. “Have au men secure the others. t’Mahren and the Khre’Riov will travel hrrau my ship. t’Mahren, I invite au to be a guest at my residence, so au may also keep an eye on the Khre’Riov. I will at least give her the respect of her rank, and house her in a more suitable location than a dank cell.” He motioned for his guards to enter and carry the drugged woman to his ship. “Now t’Mahren, shall we go and have the evening meal. Au can tell me just how au came to capture this lot all on au own?”

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