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Better Every Day

Starfleet Medical is not only the greatest healing resource in the Federation, it is a place of supreme calm and balance. This is by design, as part of healing the body and mind is being able to soothe the soul. There are over two hundred gardens representing more than 120 different societies throughout the Federation. These are meticulously maintained and preserved to afford the patients the freedom to heal from the inside out once their physical wounds have been dealt with.

Atragon-9 arrived at the facility with most of his physical wounds cured (the cardiac port will likely be a permanent addition to his physical presence.) He was provided with a cabin in the Titanian garden, the entirety of which is within a construct to allow for the 0.3G environment of that moon. Following a brief introduction to the amenities and resources available to him, he was left alone to become acclimated to his recovery area. He gave up his exo-skeletal support suit within the first day, as he didn't need it for mobility. He was amazed to find so many native trees, flowers and fauna existing in such harmony and all of it was real, not part of a holo-projection. He was able to sleep in his cabin with the windows wide open, to enjoy the sounds of the flyers and the scent of flowers from home. It was so peaceful, so soothing, so... forced.

Everything around him was constructed to be "perfect," and it showed. Nothing was ever this right and complete on Titan - there were always issues, imperfections, troubles with the atmo controls, the soil, the building materials, and on and on. SF Medical went too far in their complete healing concept to the point that it was a constant distraction for him. He did enjoy the local sounds and sights, he did partake in the delicacies from home and truly enjoyed so much time in 0.3G once again. At the same time, he continued to be jumpy and nervous, "waiting for the other mag boot to drop," looking over his shoulder, waiting for the fantasy to come crashing down around him. He also never lost sight of being in a hospital bed, no matter how comfy it was.

After the first day or two, he started to have visitors. Doctors and analysts, splitting their time between digging in his mind to heal and probing his memories for more details and clues about Thasus and his grand plan. Through it all, he knew they were also observing him to see if he could ever be trusted with Command again. He knew that his time was short. He had to show them a resilience and a desire to return to his place and he had to start showing this soon. He knew he couldn't fake it and, even deeper, he had to ask himself if this was really what he wanted.

First step - get rid of the fear, the jumpiness, the panic. It took more than a week, but he convinced his handlers to let him have access to some Special Ops gear. He remembers training with this this stuff and it really worked - after a time. This system was tuned to heighten awareness, so that fear can be minimized, shriveled up, locked away in a box. In a box, that's where he was with Thasus - now it's time to put crazy Charlie in that box and blow it the frak up! He didn't have time for the regular pace of this course, so he doubled up the cycles, gave up what little sleep this system allows and dove in with gusto. Frak, if that doesn't show them a desire to return, nothing will. And if they denied him his Command, he would be ready to Take It. Yeah, he was getting better all the time! What was that old song...?


Me used to be angry young man,

Me hiding me head in the sand..

You gave me the word, I finally heard,

I'm doing the best that I can.

I've got to admit, it's getting better

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