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Erein Vor'Tic

its raining, its pouring

Computer begin log, 1st lt. James Black


Well, we are finally getting into range of Quest Duncan and Moose. We are less than an hour away, uphill. We have them taking defensive action to prevent us from capturing them in the remaining 48 hours. They are taking shelter in a cave at the top of a mountain. But as one of my instructors once told me, “ Any defense has a hole that can be used by the offence.” The computers used in the year 2000 show this. To get in, you need a password, but if you know the password, you can get into any of the files. All of the ways you try to prevent this, just opens up another way in. Like this, they will probably have one sniper in the treetops, doing a circle around the camp. At night, wait until he leaves for his scan on the other side, then, strike. And with only one opening, but multiple access ways, we can ether, overload, or sneak. But, they do have the advanced technology, and on a mountain, with dirt, ANY water is bad. ::Begins to fell hard rain:: And now, it is bad.


“Lt Garnoopy, what happing. It was sunny, now a storm”


"The tricorders are showing an energy source ahead. I can't be sure, but it appears as though they have some sort of weather device set up."


As the rain continues, the ground underneath us begins to loose it integrity. As the rain falls, I see Lt. Garnoopy fall, and drop the tricorder. As I see this, I drop the power cell, and then I dive for the tricorder, in attempt to prevent it from falling down the hill. After landing face first in mud I fell the tricorder run across my fingertips but then I watch as it slides down the mud-covered hill. After missing the tricorder, I do a roll, and and did my heals into the ground. I still slide down the hill. As I go down the hill about 30 feet, I remember what my gr. 6 teacher told me. “Trees give the ground and dirt integrity. They will prevent the dirt from falling.” After falling about another 10 feet, I notice that the area to the left has a bunch of trees. Using the knowledge of this, I grab onto a tree, to stop sliding, then roll over to the other side. Well, it is still muddy, and I can slip on the mud, but there is no mud slid. I get up and start to walk up the hill while I hold onto the trees for support.


“Well, I lost the power cell, and the tricorder, what else can go wrong.”

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