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John Randall

Flight To Earth





(Personal Log Stardate 11408.20)


After the reconfigurment of the probes had been accomplished, the Challenger had actually been contacted by the beings who had been monitoring the data from the probes. They were called the Bolians, and they had been waiting to see what the Federation ship would do about the civil war on the planet Bolarus. The Bolians expressed their gratitude to the Challenger for helping bring an end to the crisis without the Federation starship getting actively involved in the fighting. Captain Ja'Lale declared the mission over, and ordered the ship to set sail for the Sol solar system, known throughout the Federation as Sector 001.


John was still on duty in engineering, but it was mainly routine now as the ship was cruising through space en route to Earth. The assistant chief engineer was very glad Challenger had not been asked to take part in the fighting on the Bolian planet. He watched the crew for a little while, then decided things were running smoothly, and called out to his friend Lieutenant (j.g.) Jeff Michaels. Michaels came over, and John gave him the conn, saying he would be in his quarters if needed. Michaels nodded, and John left his station, heading for the engineering doors. They swished open as he approached, and he made his way down the corridor to the turbolift.


"Deck 3," he said as he entered, and the lift sped off. A few moments later, it deposited him at the deck, and he exited, going down the corridor toward the officers' mess. He strode in, and walked up to the ordering wall. He gave his order, and out popped a tray of food. He took the tray over to a nearby table, and sat down to eat. A group of officers came in, got their trays, then came over to him, asking if they could join him. He nodded, and they sat. He knew most of them, and small talk was exchanged as the group ate.


John finished eating, and bade farewell to the group. He deposited his tray and the remains of his meal in the recycler, and left the mess, heading for his cabin on down the corridor. He arrived, and strode through the door as it swished open. He stripped off his uniform, and made his way to the head. He activated the shower, and stepped in. About fifteen minutes later, he stepped out, and toweled off. He strode to the bedroom, and put on a fresh uniform. As he came back into the living area, his computer terminal beeped, signifying he had a message/e-mail. He walked over to the terminal and sat down.


He entered his codes, and was surprised at the e-mail that popped onto the screen. It was from Admiral Jason Baldwin of the Starfleet Intelligence Corps, whom John knew from two previous covert missions. The e-mail was brief and to the point. Baldwin wanted John to contact him as soon as the Challenger came into communication range of Earth. He sat back in his chair, and thought to himself, 'Oh boy, are we really going to do this again?'


He decided the captain should know about this from the start, and punched the comm button. "Randall to Ja'Lale, come in, please," he said, and almost immediately came the answer. "Yes, Lieutenant, go ahead," it said. "Captain, I have received an e-mail from Admiral Jason Baldwin," John said. "He's asking me to contact him as soon as we're in communication range of Earth. Would you like to speak to him first?" Ja'Lale said, "I hope he's not borrowing you again, Lieutenant." John heard the emphasis on the word 'borrowing', and gave a small laugh. "As usual, he didn't say, sir," he replied. "When I saw the e-mail, I thought to myself, you better tell the captain about this."

"Well, thank you for letting me know, Lieutenant," said the captain. "No, go ahead and speak with him, find out what he wants, and let me know. Plus, we're almost back to Earth, so you should be in comm range now." "Acknowledged, sir," said John. "I'll let you know what he has in mind. Randall out." He released the comm button, then gave orders to the ship's computer to set up a relay with the computer at SI headquarters in San Francisco. He waited a few minutes, then the computer announced, "Link established. Communication is possible."


A few moments later, the face of Admiral Jason Baldwin swam onto the screen, and John nodded to him. "Hello, Lieutenant, good to see you again," the admiral said. "Another successful mission, I hear." Randall smiled. "We're still in one piece anyway, sir," he said. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" Baldwin said, "If you are given any shore leave when you reach Earth, Mr. Randall, drop by my office. I have something I think you might be interested in." John nodded warily, his senses on full alert. "Subject to my captain's approval, of course." Baldwin smiled, nodding. "Of course, Lieutenant. I assume you informed him of my contacting you?"


"That I have, sir, as per his and my XO's orders," John replied. Baldwin smiled again. "If you have time, John, come see me," he said. "Baldwin out." The admiral's face disappeared from the screen, and John sat back in his chair. He ruminated on the conversation for a few moments, then contacted the bridge, and informed the captain of the conversation. Ja'lale thanked him, and John again sat back in his chair, thinking. He swiveled the chair, and stared out at the stars as they swam by, thinking hard. He was almost sure that Baldwin was going to try to recruit him for another covert operation, and wasn't sure how he felt about it. His father had been avenged with the help of SI, and now John wasn't quite sure where he fit in with Intelligence. He brooded about it until the announcement came that Challenger was initiating docking procedures, and knew it was time for him to return to duty.



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