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Wes Roberts



A Wes Roberts Production™


Rosyth Space Station

In geostationary orbit over Caledonia

1800 hours local, 0700 hours Aegis


In a briefing room aboard the primary command and control and repair station of the Caledonian Defense Force, nine captains, executive officers and Commander, Aerospace Groups entered. Broadcloth, gold lace and epaulets, and cocked hats were the required uniform for those in attendance; even for the CAGs, who grumbled about not being in their more comfortable flightsuits. A flag lieutenant entered. “Ladies and gentlemen, the Commander in Chief,” he called. The assembled officers stood as Admiral of the Fleet James Dent walked in.


“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. There has been a situation at Sky Harbor Aegis, wherein communication with the station was lost for 48 hours. By not sending their own task force in to contact the station, it seems Starfleet has abrogated its position as defender of the station. Task Group 1.1, while on a long range deployment exercise, rendezvoused with the station, made contact with Chancellor Roberts, and is now on shoreleave at the station while providing additional forces on scene.


“Your mission is bolster the task force currently at Aegis. Admiral Nynaeve will be your overall commander, and she will be taking her orders from Captain Chirakis, the station commander...”


“Excuse me, Admiral,” Captain Kasse, of the Ark Royal, spoke up. “Sir, this is all well and good, but how are we supposed supply fuel, replicator media, and other consumables? We're only supposed to be a small sector defense fleet, not a major portion of the Starfleet. Even if Starfleet has abrogated their responsibilities to the station, we're 6 to 8 weeks away from our supply and maintenance point.”


“A valid concern, Captain Kasse. We're budgeting in support requirements into this battlegroup's mission budget. You'll be able to draw on Aegis for supplies and repairs. Any expenses incurred will be billed to Starfleet Headquarters. Admiral Nynaeve will be apprised of the budgetary situation as well. In fact, our first bill to Starfleet will be going out two days after you depart, to offset our providing full fuel and supplies. We can justify Task Group 1.1's expense as it was a training exercise. Now that this is a full on support mission, Captain, Starfleet will need to get its financial house in order for us.


“Your order packets will already be aboard your vessels. Once you've finished fueling and taking on supplies, the battlegroup will depart. Ladies and gentlemen, I wish you good luck in this endeavour, and good hunting.” Dent turned on his heel, and walked out of the briefing room, signaling the end of the brief.

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