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UNSS Bounty

Starfleet Historical Archive

United Nations Spaceship Bounty


Affiliation United Nations of Earth

Class Name Unknown

Type: Long Duration Exploration Testbed

Unit Run UNSS Bounty- Lost in Space

Unknown follow-on ships

Commissioned 2010

Prime Contractor Armstrong Lunar Base


Hull Length 92.075m

Wingspan 86.7m (unswept)

50.2m (Swept)

Decks 3

Mass 2500 Metric Tons


FTL: Alcubierre Drive (Experimental)


Hasslein Gravity Drive (Experimental)

Backup/RCS: Capisan/Westinghouse SJ-38

Crew 16

Armaments 3x 50mm Railgun

1x Missile Launcher

Defense Systems

Titanium alloy double hull, Ceramic/Ceramic/Carbon Fiber thermal blanket

Unknown Shields

Unknown Structural Integrity Field

Velocity (multiples of c):

Max. Cruise 8

Cruise 3.4

Emergency 9.3 for unknown duration


Max Speed Mach 5 (w/ 67.5 degree sweep)

Cruise 450 KIAS

Approach & Landing

0 KIAS (Hasslein Drive)

165 KIAS (Capisan)

Strength Indices:


Overall Strength


Diplomatic Capability


Expected Hull Life


Refit Cycle


Additional Craft

Unknown, presumed none

Notes: The Bounty was the United Nations attempt to build an FLT ship to follow on the successful DY series sleeper ships. An experimental Alcubierre and Hasslein drives provided superluminal and subluminal speeds, respectively. In the event of either drive failing, a conventional Capisan/Westinghouse SJ-38 provided subluminal and landing speeds.

The ship, commanded by COL C.O. Marx of the American Air Force, embarked with a multinational crew on what was to be a 10 year, 3 star system testbed exploration mission with surveys of Alpha Centauri, including Proxima Centauri, Groombridge 34, and Ross 248 in May, 2010CE. The ship was declared lost by mission controllers when signals from the ship's powerful AN/AE-32 transceiver array were no longer being received after the recorded timestamp of 20151031. The ship was declared “Missing, Presumed Destroyed” as of that date.


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