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Never forget...

32 posts in this topic
He is asking $87 billion


I wonder what I would do with $87 billion.


Maybe buy everyone in STSF some STSF hats? Or maybe make some copies of A9's SFOL Fleet T-Shirt...do you still have that A9???

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Mabye buy everyone on the fourm stock so we can be greedy and rich!


Continuing on my last topic, all should realize that the longer we have this war, the more likely that a lot of countries will gang up on the US and even the UN will investigate the reasons on why we went to war in the first place. And for those people who remember President Bush Sr. regime, this is mostly the same thing that is happening right now. They both take us to war, and they both plunge the economy into recession.

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Various Thoughts and Rambles:


  • 9/11 was scarly ironic for becuase I was wearing my I Love NY t-shirt that i had gotten the summer before.
  • The Horror was very real for many in my community becuase we have a large population  of New Yorkers where i live who were very concerned about their loved ones
  • the day was very disorientating  becuase i was cut-off from news becuase my school hadn't got the cable lines installed yet so we were pretty much cut-off from the world
  • and in closing, the poem bellow is a cutting from a poem called 'Night' by Elie Wiesel, it is not a poem about 9/11 but instead the holocaust however i find it very appropriate
    Never shall I forget that smoke.
    Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky.
    Never shall I forget those flames which
    consumed my faith forever.
    Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence
    which deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live.
    Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust.

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Also remember a couple of things.  First, don't let the words and actions of a few fools taint your generalization of Humanity.  For every three fools who are callous about these tragic events of history, there are a thousand who are not.  Secondly, and in relation to that, remember that not everyone chooses to express their feelings.  I don't talk much about 9-11, mostly because I have no interest in vocalizing my feelings in social settings on any volatile topic.  I feel the way I feel and it doesn't interest me to argue with those who agree or disagree - they are as entitled to their opinions as I am to mine, and quite honestly I usually don't care what their opinions are, since they have no bearing on mine.  (And no, this does not mean I am either uncaring about their thoughts or not interested in being informed further - I just feel social debates are neither informative nor productive.  And I do understand that there *are* people who find talking with others helpful and productive, and I hope they continue talking).  But don't read into *my* silence that my feelings are weak or non existent.  I have not forgotten, I am not complacent.  


So please be careful about broad generalizations such as "Nobody cares, nobody remembers."  I have usually found this to be a naive form of arrogance.

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Also remember a couple of things.  First, don't let the words and actions of a few fools taint your generalization of Humanity.  For every three fools who are callous about these tragic events of history, there are a thousand who are not.  Secondly, and in relation to that, remember that not everyone chooses to express their feelings.  I don't talk much about 9-11, mostly because I have no interest in vocalizing my feelings in social settings on any volatile topic.  I feel the way I feel and it doesn't interest me to argue with those who agree or disagree - they are as entitled to their opinions as I am to mine, and quite honestly I usually don't care what their opinions are, since they have no bearing on mine.  (And no, this does not mean I am either uncaring about their thoughts or not interested in being informed further - I just feel social debates are neither informative nor productive.  And I do understand that there *are* people who find talking with others helpful and productive, and I hope they continue talking).  But don't read into *my* silence that my feelings are weak or non existent.  I have not forgotten, I am not complacent.  


So please be careful about broad generalizations such as "Nobody cares, nobody remembers."  I have usually found this to be a naive form of arrogance.

Very well put huff. That just because you don't scream it from the rooftops, it doesn't mean you don't care.

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People, remember the Industrial Age? All the people cared about evrything and remembered everything to the end of their days. But in the Computer Age, we care and remember about it for a few years then forget all about it. I'm not suggesting a cultural shift, I'm just asking people this: Where will you're position is when you're asked this on some test or children will ask about it? Just think about it. You don't have to do it now, but sooner or later it's going to happen.

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Spoiler (Highlight to Read):



I'd planned to run an errand downtown on 9/11/01.  Thank God I'd planned to go there in the late afternoon.  I don't have cable, so I watched people jumping, then the towers collapse on a snowy CBS.  There was no way off Manhattan Island, unless one swam.  For days acrid, metallic smoke filled our air.  The charred smoke of immolation on a funeral pyre.  Hospitals awaited wounded who never arrived.  Families awaited loved one who never got home.  And the Ground Zero site:  Upon seeing it, I could only think of photos of WWII.    :D  


I'm not ready to discuss 9/11's place in history.  NYC was attacked in 1993, again in 2001 along with D.C. and a plane that crashed in PA.  This is not historic, it's on-going.  It would be so easy for a dirty bomb to be smuggled in NY's harbor.  Or another city's.  As Americans, it is our birthright and duty to disagree and discuss.  I'd just like to point out, this is not history! It's not an event in WWII.  It's current events:  The terrorists waited from '93 to '01 to attack.  They will wait again, unless we absolutely detter them.  We need to understand how they think: they want us dead. Period. *** Someday this will be history.  Right now, it's a fact every New Yorker lives with.  I only hope the rest of our country doesn't forget, and keeps seeking the best action-solution.  And guys in Canada: no offense, but this is something only the immediate family can decide how to handle.  The death was in the American family.  We must decide.  (Fast fact: The last time the US soil was so attacked was in the War of 1812. The Brits burned the new White House.  We've come a long way!)

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